Coventry Evening Telegraph. (14 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
What bullshit are you trying to pull to try and catch me out now? Given up on the Sixfields tickets now you hit a dead end?

It's a pretty straight question Nick. Don't go getting all paranoid on me, well at least not anymore paranoid ;)

You are asking why the CT are not asking certain questions yet the Observer aren't either. So my straight question is are they in it upto their necks with Wasps and the CCC as well or is there just no story? They're not reporting anything that the CT aren't from what I've seen on the points you've raised.


CCFC Finance Director
Seriously what did you all think would happen, it was only a matter of time. Interesting to see how so many are so insecure about CCFC and its place in Coventry community. Says a lot about where our club has been led to. Sorry if some don't like what is said in this post - got to start dealing with the current realities not raking the coals of past mis management and using that as excuse for piss poor performance

It might be viewed as the "dirty dollar" by some but do you expect the CT to turn down income especially when newspaper finances are dire. The timing has more to do with promoting their club from a position of strength than anything else - that is good marketing. But bear in mind it isnt really the ticket sales that Wasps rely on so even if crowd forecasts for Sale were low it isn't going to break anything. Average income at Wasps matches from tickets circa £240k average at CCFC matches circa £100k - that's what both clubs should be building and using PR for

They don't need to do it out of spite, I doubt they particularly see CCFC as a rival and why would they try to sour a potential for a long term agreement at the Ricoh? On far too many occasions in the last 10 years it has come down to personality based arguments and that just masks what is really going on. Wasps are not looking to crush CCFC they are taking good care of their own business, it is up to CCFC to look after their own business. They still have empty seats, they have potential income to obtain and they are going after it

I get and understand that many out of principle dislike Wasps being here, I never wanted them here, but they are here and doing a good job of building a home for themselves in the greater Coventry populace. To the extent that their own supporters match those of CCFC in only 18 months. It might leave a bitter taste but the media are buying in to Wasps being a Coventry team. Like it or not its happening and not sure CCFC fans can change that. People like success and are fickle if it is not given to them

No I don't like the fact that CCFC is marginalised on what used to be CCFC territory in the CT but I think we are going to have to get used to it. There are changes going on that will have long term effects on CCFC and to date CCFC seem from the outside to be doing little to counter it. Wasps are strengthening their base in the City and the CT have to report what they are doing because whilst we might never like it others are interested and want to know

Sporting success breeds interest and that leads to income. Sadly over the years CCFC have failed to grasp that and even this season with the best chance we have had in years we seem unsure of seeing it out. Like it or not there is growing interest in Wasps because of the success on the pitch. The media have already taken to calling them the team from Coventry. But it is also more subtle than that because the more events, concerts etc that they put on the more Wasps are seen in a positive light, the more that is reflected on the City. Contrast that with what has been reflected on the City in recent years from the club and those involved in our saga from both sides, rancour, failure, distrust, double dealing. Which is more attractive?

As I said on another thread I am concerned where this will all leave CCFC. We seem unable or unwilling to match the PR machine at Wasps and we need to step that up if for no other reason that such PR is aimed at increasing income which is vital for team building.

It is no good wringing hands and saying this shouldn't be happening, woe is me its unfair - what is going to be done to fight back, whats the plan, where is our future heading?. It is no good saying we have been here 130 years and carry the name, we shouldn't need to, that's just a lame excuse - if you do not feed the brand, advertise the brand, promote the brand it stagnates and dies.

Uncomfortable reading well here is some more
- biggest turnover Wasps
- biggest payroll Wasps
- biggest average crowd Wasps
- most employees Wasps
- biggest debt CCFC
- highest relative league & position Wasps
- Greatest ability to spend Wasps
- willingness to spend Wasps
- a clear plan Wasps

Get used to it because that is not going to change anytime soon even if CCFC got promoted this season. Not a dig at SISU - but what is our club doing to counteract that PR, that growing perception. Be proactive be reactive but do something

We have a problem because we do not have money and what money we do have we do not seem to be able to use to budget within. How the owner/club can say we the budget is 14k knowing the best we got to is 12.5k and basically say it was other peoples fault is beyond me. They check the budget week by week don't they?

Some see the fact that the "finances are under control " as a clear change in tack by the owners. Well (a) we are operating outside of budget eg against Fleetwood we were 4000 people short or put another way around £35k short, that is not under control (b) what the owner has said is no more funding so the club has to live within means the alternative is to go bust (c) ah but there is the rolling finance facility - wonder what repaid that?

This PR is unwelcome as a CCFC fan, but some of the conspiracy theories are amusing. Funny how history gets twisted in the ravages of time. When in heavens name are we and the club going to stop expecting things as ours simply because we attach CCFC to it. The reality is life aint like tha

Just needed to get that off my chest :D

ps I am not sorry for saying the above either - people need to wake up and start dealing with the present and future if they want a positive thriving club
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Well-Known Member
You sound disappointed.

To be honest with Wasps gradually taking over the world. Stealing our fans to the extent that in 15 years we will be non existent. Getting into our schools and controlling the minds of our children. They have sewn up our local news paper and Council.
I am just waiting for them to knock the door and tell me they now own my house as part of their empire building.
It's just a matter of time really.
By the time that time capsule they planted is open in 50 years time. I will be telling my grandchildren that before the city was painted black and yellow we used to have green grass, grey buildings and colourful flowers.
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It's a pretty straight question Nick. Don't go getting all paranoid on me, well at least not anymore paranoid ;)

You are asking why the CT are not asking certain questions yet the Observer aren't either. So my straight question is are they in it upto their necks with Wasps and the CCC as well or is there just no story? They're not reporting anything that the CT aren't from what I've seen on the points you've raised.

Were they also throwing FOI's about about the club?


Well-Known Member
The club are not doing much. But what can they do? As you say like it or not Wasps are here to stay. Well I say like it or not the CET is marginalising CCFC and CRFC. Why? IMO because there in the councils pocket. The council need Wasps to work to prove they were right. Wasps being here is wrong, irrelevant of how well there doing or not. How everyone can be outraged at Northampton but shrug their shoulders at Wasps because there just doing a good job, making the most of it, is beyond me. SISU might as well pull the plug. It's pretty much what the apathetic lot on here deserve. If the CET had scrutinised this from the start. Maybe CCFC fans and Wasps fans could have attempted to prevent it. Wasps and the council knew there would be opposition. Hence the deal with the CET. The whole thing stinks! Irrelevant of them attending schools. The world is short on morals. You come on here and see why. History, tradition and heritage is all forgotten about because they market well and have good PR. They give out free flags and wigs means stamping all over history is fine. It's a joke!

Fuck Wasps! Fuck the CET! And Fuck the Council!
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Seriously what did you all think would happen, it was only a matter of time. Interesting to see how so many are so insecure about CCFC and its place in Coventry community. Says a lot about where our club has been led to. Sorry if some don't like what is said in this post - got to start dealing with the current realities not raking the coals of past mis management and using that as excuse for piss poor performance

It might be viewed as the "dirty dollar" by some but do you expect the CT to turn down income especially when newspaper finances are dire. The timing has more to do with promoting their club from a position of strength than anything else - that is good marketing. But bear in mind it isnt really the ticket sales that Wasps rely on so even if crowd forecasts for Sale were low it isn't going to break anything. Average income at Wasps matches from tickets circa £240k average at CCFC matches circa £100k - that's what both clubs should be building and using PR for

They don't need to do it out of spite, I doubt they particularly see CCFC as a rival and why would they try to sour a potential for a long term agreement at the Ricoh? On far too many occasions in the last 10 years it has come down to personality based arguments and that just masks what is really going on. Wasps are not looking to crush CCFC they are taking good care of their own business, it is up to CCFC to look after their own business. They still have empty seats, they have potential income to obtain and they are going after it

I get and understand that many out of principle dislike Wasps being here, I never wanted them here, but they are here and doing a good job of building a home for themselves in the greater Coventry populace. To the extent that their own supporters match those of CCFC in only 18 months. It might leave a bitter taste but the media are buying in to Wasps being a Coventry team. Like it or not its happening and not sure CCFC fans can change that. People like success and are fickle if it is not given to them

No I don't like the fact that CCFC is marginalised on what used to be CCFC territory in the CT but I think we are going to have to get used to it. There are changes going on that will have long term effects on CCFC and to date CCFC seem from the outside to be doing little to counter it. Wasps are strengthening their base in the City and the CT have to report what they are doing because whilst we might never like it others are interested and want to know

Sporting success breeds interest and that leads to income. Sadly over the years CCFC have failed to grasp that and even this season with the best chance we have had in years we seem unsure of seeing it out. Like it or not there is growing interest in Wasps because of the success on the pitch. The media have already taken to calling them the team from Coventry. But it is also more subtle than that because the more events, concerts etc that they put on the more Wasps are seen in a positive light, the more that is reflected on the City. Contrast that with what has been reflected on the City in recent years from the club and those involved in our saga from both sides, rancour, failure, distrust, double dealing. Which is more attractive?

As I said on another thread I am concerned where this will all leave CCFC. We seem unable or unwilling to match the PR machine at Wasps and we need to step that up if for no other reason that such PR is aimed at increasing income which is vital for team building.

It is no good wringing hands and saying this shouldn't be happening, woe is me its unfair - what is going to be done to fight back, whats the plan, where is our future heading?. It is no good saying we have been here 130 years and carry the name, we shouldn't need to, that's just a lame excuse - if you do not feed the brand, advertise the brand, promote the brand it stagnates and dies.

Uncomfortable reading well here is some more
- biggest turnover Wasps
- biggest payroll Wasps
- biggest average crowd Wasps
- most employees Wasps
- biggest debt CCFC
- highest relative league & position Wasps
- Greatest ability to spend Wasps
- willingness to spend Wasps
- a clear plan Wasps

Get used to it because that is not going to change anytime soon even if CCFC got promoted this season. Not a dig at SISU - but what is our club doing to counteract that PR, that growing perception. Be proactive be reactive but do something

We have a problem because we do not have money and what money we do have we do not seem to be able to use to budget within. How the owner/club can say we the budget is 14k knowing the best we got to is 12.5k and basically say it was other peoples fault is beyond me. They check the budget week by week don't they?

Some see the fact that the "finances are under control " as a clear change in tack by the owners. Well (a) we are operating outside of budget eg against Fleetwood we were 4000 people short or put another way around £35k short, that is not under control (b) what the owner has said is no more funding so the club has to live within means the alternative is to go bust (c) ah but there is the rolling finance facility - wonder what repaid that?

This PR is unwelcome as a CCFC fan, but some of the conspiracy theories are amusing. Funny how history gets twisted in the ravages of time. When in heavens name are we and the club going to stop expecting things as ours simply because we attach CCFC to it. The reality is life aint like tha

Just needed to get that off my chest :D

ps I am not sorry for saying the above either - people need to wake up and start dealing with the present and future if they want a positive thriving club

The thing is though, whether they are doing well or not doesn't make a difference to the moral side of it? It doesn't change how people have sudden;y changed their viewpoint on moving teams etc?

Would it have been ok if SISU had done amazing PR / Marketing at Sixfields? (I know, it was pitiful)

I think people might have been expecting things as CCFC's or even CRFCs because of the preaching from the Telegraph and Council about club's playing at their "home" and in their city.

An interesting stat would be, how many Wasps fans from the Coventry Area went to an away game like Sale Sharks for example. That would give an indication on the support for the team, rather than the beer or the Ricoh :)

If CCFC got new owners who were fantastic at PR and Marketing but moved us 80 miles because Wigan had gone bust, would that be ok?


Well-Known Member
Were they also throwing FOI's about about the club?

You say that like it was wrong for the CT to call TF's bluff.

So what are you saying? The Observer only employs lazy journalist who can't be bothered to do something as simple as put an FOI in for a story?

What's stopping them putting in FOI's now? I can't believe it's not because they don't know about them. Again. I know it doesn't fit in with your conspiracy theory but maybe just maybe there is no story where you clearly want to promote a story. Try contacting LR or SG on twitter and ask them directly if there's a story. You never know they might not be aware that anonymous ST employees have been claiming on football forums that Wasps are buying the Whitley site.


You say that like it was wrong for the CT to call TF's bluff.

So what are you saying? The Observer only employs lazy journalist who can't be bothered to do something as simple as put an FOI in for a story?

What's stopping them putting in FOI's now? I can't believe it's not because they don't know about them. Again. I know it doesn't fit in with your conspiracy theory but maybe just maybe there is no story where you clearly want to promote a story. Try contacting LR or SG on twitter and ask them directly if there's a story. You never know they might not be aware that anonymous ST employees have been claiming on football forums that Wasps are buying the Whitley site.

I am talking about things being equal, of course they should be digging and finding out the truths. They should be doing that about everything though, not just 1 party and not another because they make deals to stay quiet.

What conspiracy theory are you talking about?


CCFC Finance Director
The thing is though, whether they are doing well or not doesn't make a difference to the moral side of it? It doesn't change how people have sudden;y changed their viewpoint on moving teams etc?

Would it have been ok if SISU had done amazing PR / Marketing at Sixfields? (I know, it was pitiful)

I think people might have been expecting things as CCFC's or even CRFCs because of the preaching from the Telegraph and Council about club's playing at their "home" and in their city.

An interesting stat would be, how many Wasps fans from the Coventry Area went to an away game like Sale Sharks for example. That would give an indication on the support for the team, rather than the beer or the Ricoh :)

If CCFC got new owners who were fantastic at PR and Marketing but moved us 80 miles because Wigan had gone bust, would that be ok?

Thing is Nick whilst morals are admirable and desired they are not going to make CCFC's position better. Morally no one would have Wasps here but they are and every day become deeper embedded in Coventry. Deal with the realities, CCFC grasp the nettle of the challenge it creates or CCFC drops further. What went on at Sixfields is over done and history it wont change why keep dragging the now back in to that, it solves what exactly? Why keep coming up with what ifs, what would have, hypothetical situations in the past it solves our problems now exactly how?

other stuff
These conspiracy theories. Lets be clear the only thing that the directors at Wasps are looking after, dealing with and protecting are Wasps Holdings Limited. They have what they want and other than a rates charge and planning CCC have what influence on Wasps? As one of the larger employers in the area wouldn't the influence be the other way round. The Board at Wasps are focussed on one thing the greatest prosperity of their trading group. The job they are doing is making them news worthy both locally and nationally. But hey lets go blame CCFC misfortunes on them and everyone else. Do Wasps need to be in bed with CT or do they simply have to be a good source of news and income?

Deal with what is damn well going on people - there are no events in the past you can influence or change
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Thing is Nick whilst morals are admirable and desired they are not going to make CCFC's position better. Morally no one would have Wasps here but they are and every day become deeper embedded in Coventry. Deal with the realities, CCFC grasp the nettle of the challenge it creates or CCFC drops further. What went on at Sixfields is over done and history it wont change why keep dragging the now back in to that it solves what exactly? Why keep coming up with what ifs, what would have, hypothetical situations in the past it solves our problems now exactly how?

other stuff
These conspiracy theories. Lets be clear the only thing that the directors at Wasps are looking after, dealing with and protecting are Wasps Holdings Limited. They have what they want and other than a rates charge and planning CCC have what influence on Wasps? The Board at Wasps are focussed on one thing the greatest prosperity of their trading group. The job they are doing is making them news worthy both locally and nationally. But hey lets go blame CCFC misfortunes on them and everyone else

I refer to Sixfields because it was when I first saw CCFC fan morals, I was reminded every matchday about people's morals and the strengths of their spines. I was reminded by the Telegraph how it was wrong for clubs to move, told by the council how clubs belond on their city etc etc. What sudden;ly changed?

I don't argue that Wasps are doing a great marketing and PR job, the same with their branding on adverts etc it is very strong. My annoyance is the reaction to it from these people with the morals and the strong spines. If Rugby Dave from the local Rugger club loves Wasps then fair play to him, he wasn't trying to get himself in the paper every week saying moving clubs is wrong.

Of course Wasps will want exposure, that article where somebody from the telegraph went to the Ricoh to find out how a staff member deals with one of the biggest events in Ricoh history was an absolute joke. That is one example.

I am pretty sure I can't influence what is going on now, but if we should all forget about the past then surely everybody who gave up because of Sixfields, everybody with a gripe of SISU's past should get over it?

Which conspiracy theories are you referring to?

My annoyance isn't really at Wasps, of course it is wrong to move the team and of course they will do what they can to make as much money as possible. It is more at how people suddenly lost their strong spines because they got a free flag.


CCFC Finance Director
not you on the conspiracy stuff Nick - sorry I did try to separate the reply

But the concentration on the morals though admirable solves our reality how other than pointing fingers? - hasn't there been enough of that?

And I am not saying we should forget but this board (bored) spends hours rehashing the same history and generally never dealing with now & how to progress
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not you on the conspiracy stuff Nick - sorry I did try to separate the reply

But the concentration on the morals though admirable solves our reality how other than pointing fingers? - hasn't there been enough of that?

Would Wasps have been as popular if our local media / council / fans groups had the same views towards them as they did towards CCFC moving? What about if the Telegraph had done a "Go back to London" campaign?

I am not saying stand outside the ground shouting abuse at people going in, but with trust board members for example encouraging people not to go to Sixfields but giving statements on how great their Wasps experience was the people with influence seemed to roll over and have their bellies tickled. That is the sort of stuff that annoys me.


Well-Known Member
WASPS moved to Cov, as part of a survival strategy for their club, SISU moved us to Northampton to try to distress ACL & CCC, it was for personal/ spiteful reasons and SISU business interests not for the long-term strategic benefit of CCFC. The majority of the WASPS fans supported the move, the majority of Cov fans opposed the move.

Most of the general public will believe that WASPS have the moral high ground.


Well-Known Member
About the conspiracy stuff. How about the one one where SISU got us deliberately relegated? Or where they are deliberately not getting promoted?


Well-Known Member
WASPS moved to Cov, as part of a survival strategy for their club, SISU moved us to Northampton to try to distress ACL & CCC, it was for personal/ spiteful reasons and SISU business interests not for the long-term strategic benefit of CCFC. The majority of the WASPS fans supported the move, the majority of Cov fans opposed the move.

Most of the general public will believe that WASPS have the moral high ground.


Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
The club are not doing much. But what can they do? As you say like it or not Wasps are here to stay. Well I say like it or not the CET is marginalising CCFC and CRFC. Why? IMO because there in the councils pocket. The council need Wasps to work to prove they were right. Wasps being here is wrong, irrelevant of how well there doing or not. How everyone can be outraged at Northampton but shrug their shoulders at Wasps because there just doing a good job, making the most of it, is beyond me. SISU might as well pull the plug. It's pretty much what the apathetic lot on here deserve. If the CET had scrutinised this from the start. Maybe CCFC fans and Wasps fans could have attempted to prevent it. Wasps and the council knew there would be opposition. Hence the deal with the CET. The whole thing stinks! Irrelevant of them attending schools. The world is short on morals. You come on here and see why. History, tradition and heritage is all forgotten about because they market well and have good PR. They give out free flags and wigs means stamping all over history is fine. It's a joke!

Fuck Wasps! Fuck the CET! And Fuck the Council!

There you go, blaming anyone else for the problems created by SISU's mismanagement, implying that they are helpless to do anything. It won't do any good & it is rather pathetic.

I refer to Sixfields because it was when I first saw CCFC fan morals, I was reminded every matchday about people's morals and the strengths of their spines. I was reminded by the Telegraph how it was wrong for clubs to move, told by the council how clubs belond on their city etc etc. What sudden;ly changed?

I've always been of the view that Rugby is different to Football when you consider 'franchises'. There are clear rules to prevent geographical moves in Football brought in after MK screwed the real Wimbledon FC, there are no such restrictions in Rugby, the professional stage is much newer and far less geographically crowded.

Didn't Sale, Newcastle, Glasgow & London Irish all move since the relatively recent advent of the professional Rugby game? Cardiff was only formed in 2003 when Welsh Rugby was radically reorganised.

Again you are comparing Apples with Pears and screaming its unfair or morally bankrupt, you are entitled to your viewpoint but it won't change the reality. One day you will have to accept that.
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WASPS moved to Cov, as part of a survival strategy for their club, SISU moved us to Northampton to try to distress ACL & CCC, it was for personal/ spiteful reasons and SISU business interests not for the long-term strategic benefit of CCFC. The majority of the WASPS fans supported the move, the majority of Cov fans opposed the move.

Most of the general public will believe that WASPS have the moral high ground.
yes because they have pr that want people to think that! My point about everything going unchallenged.


Well-Known Member

Not sure what's so ridulous in any of that, are there WASPS at ~WASPS away games holding up bammers asking the club to return or marches in High Wycombe to the council offices demanding the club to return.

Did only a minority of fans go to Sixfields

Was Sixfields a move that was aimed at the long term benefit of CCFC

The General Public are not all Cov fans with an in depth knowledge of CCFC/Ricoh/ SISU/ACL - but most will IMO have seen through the SISU bluff and its consequences for the club.


Well-Known Member
There you go, blaming anyone else for the problems created by SISU's mismanagement, implying that they are helpless to do anything. It won't do any good & it is rather pathetic.

There you go. Always turning a blind eye to the councils role in this - always restricting your posts to defend their and wasps position.

That's really pathetic isn't it?


Well-Known Member
WASPS moved to Cov, as part of a survival strategy for their club, SISU moved us to Northampton to try to distress ACL & CCC, it was for personal/ spiteful reasons and SISU business interests not for the long-term strategic benefit of CCFC. The majority of the WASPS fans supported the move, the majority of Cov fans opposed the move.

Most of the general public will believe that WASPS have the moral high ground.

Of course Wasps could have survived had they stayed at Adams Park or moved to London as well let's not forget so not really a survival strategy to move to the Ricoh, it would just have meant they would have had to cut there budget accordingly to live within their means like all other clubs do.

The whole, Wasps would have died had they not came to the Ricoh is a lie and manipulation fed to people to make people more supportive of the move and to make it more acceptable.
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Well-Known Member
yes because they have pr that want people to think that! My point about everything going unchallenged.

But PR can only do so much, if we had Max Clifford Saatchi & Saatchi all pitching in, CET on board with CCC, it would still be our performances on the pitch that will lead to bigger crowds. The real off field activities that count is what the fans perceive the club to be doing and without taking this thread off-track - the sale of James Maddison at the end of the transfer window with no permanent replacements (ie involving a transfer fee) was very poorly received by a lot of fans.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what's so ridulous in any of that, are there WASPS at ~WASPS away games holding up bammers asking the club to return or marches in High Wycombe to the council offices demanding the club to return.

Did only a minority of fans go to Sixfields

Was Sixfields a move that was aimed at the long term benefit of CCFC

The General Public are not all Cov fans with an in depth knowledge of CCFC/Ricoh/ SISU/ACL - but most will IMO have seen through the SISU bluff and its consequences for the club.

Wasps needed to move to survive was ridiculous. I didn't read the rest.


Well-Known Member
The maddison sale? Most clubs sell players. Is it sisus fault this happens? The end of the window is a tactic used by bigger clubs to apply pressure. Happens at other clubs too. Blind to everything some on here.


Well-Known Member
The thing is though, whether they are doing well or not doesn't make a difference to the moral side of it? It doesn't change how people have sudden;y changed their viewpoint on moving teams etc?

Would it have been ok if SISU had done amazing PR / Marketing at Sixfields? (I know, it was pitiful)

I think people might have been expecting things as CCFC's or even CRFCs because of the preaching from the Telegraph and Council about club's playing at their "home" and in their city.

An interesting stat would be, how many Wasps fans from the Coventry Area went to an away game like Sale Sharks for example. That would give an indication on the support for the team, rather than the beer or the Ricoh :)

If CCFC got new owners who were fantastic at PR and Marketing but moved us 80 miles because Wigan had gone bust, would that be ok?

From one respect I agree regarding the moral issue of moving clubs, but coming at it from a different point of view the two situations were completely different:

Wasps made it clear a long time before the Ricoh move was made public that they were looking to leave Wycombe, and wanted somewhere they could call a permanent "home". Also, relocating in rugby isn't unusual in recent history, although admittedly distance wise this is the biggest. The way they went about the process was pretty transparent.

Then you look at CCFC, I remember that Friday afternoon when people were taking pictures of removal van's loading up at the Ricoh and emptying the offices, no one had a clue what was going on. Even in the weeks following that it was clear that the club had shipped out without having anywhere to go, for a while all the talk was that we were going to Walsall. Then (since we've been talking of PR) came the complete catastrophe of those forums with Fisher and the accountant Brookfield (?), which only made things 10 times worse. Fisher's arrogance at the situation just riled everyone up even more. They couldn't even answer basic questions about the accounts without being made to sound like complete idiots.

Maybe how the respective moves were handled are a significant factor as to why some people have treated them so differently.


Well-Known Member
Of course Wasps could have survived had they stayed at Adams Park or moved to London as well let's not forget so not really a survival strategy to move to the Ricoh, it would just have meant they would have had to cut there budget accordingly to live within their means like all other clubs do.

The whole, Wasps would have died had they not came to the Ricoh is a lie and manipulation fed to people to make people more supportive of the move and to make it more acceptable.

I don't think WASPS could have continued to compete as a top premiership club had they stayed at Adams Park yes they would have survived as a club, but they couldn't afford a move to London or get as good a deal as at the Ricoh so maybe that's more spin but their fans have bought it.


Well-Known Member
Wasps needed to move to survive was ridiculous. I didn't read the rest.

Sorry I forgot you were one of the small minority that went to Sixfields supporting the SISU bluff and look where we are now with those naughty rugger buggers and the filthy council conspiring against us, we should have some more court cases to promote the club, if we can't do it through positve on or off the field developments.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
WASPS moved to Cov, as part of a survival strategy for their club, SISU moved us to Northampton to try to distress ACL & CCC, it was for personal/ spiteful reasons and SISU business interests not for the long-term strategic benefit of CCFC. The majority of the WASPS fans supported the move, the majority of Cov fans opposed the move.

Most of the general public will believe that WASPS have the moral high ground.

I don't see it that way, it was an either an ambitious expansion or stagnation.

Successful businesses tend to choose the former, some crash & burn by overreaching themselves.

What path did SISU take?


Well-Known Member
I don't think WASPS could have continued to compete as a top premiership club had they stayed at Adams Park yes they would have survived as a club, but they couldn't afford a move to London or get as good a deal as at the Ricoh so maybe that's more spin but their fans have bought it.
Exactly they could have survived, I just see it mentioned a lot that they moved here to survive or they would have died which isn't true. It was lie to justify the move.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it that way, it was an either an ambitious expansion or stagnation.

Successful businesses tend to choose the former, some crash & burn by overreaching themselves.

What path did SISU take?

We can either stagnate at the Ricoh or move the club to China? Now that's ambitious expansion....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)
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I don't see it that way, it was an either an ambitious expansion or stagnation.

Successful businesses tend to choose the former, some crash & burn by overreaching themselves.

What path did SISU take?
So if they did expand and buy us a stadium miles away it would be backed?

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