Captain Dart
Well-Known Member
In Hungary they are giving tax breaks to mothers with children to combat population decline without resorting to immigration. There are other measures as mentioned in the article below.The old Labourites were saying that in the era of jobs for life, strong union membership to protect pay and conditions, more secure employment and housing far closer to wages in cost than today.
Work does not pay if your employment is insecure, wages not keeping up with living costs and pension schemes a shadow of their former selves. I cannot speak much for Gen Z, but among my millennial friends now all in our 30s, 3 of us have/are having children, the rest aren't and it's for economic reasons. The consequences of this declining birth rate we are already seeing and it will either be that you need to be rich to have children or get the state to drastically increase the level of financial support for new parents.
People need to look beyond the up front cost of anything as a reason not to do it. 14 years of the Tories underfunding most things in the name of saving money has ultimately left us with a system in very bad shape needing even more money to fix it than if we'd made the commitments in the first place.

Hungary announces historic tax cut for mothers
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has introduced what he calls the “largest tax cut in Europe and the entire Western world”.