Sorry but Corbyn is in that group. He’s mates with all of that lot. His wife was writing about how Starmer had to go if he lost. Since he got kicked out the PLP for racism he’s shown his colours quite frankly.
You know I voted for him and backed him for most of his time as leader, but since then the guy has shown he’s not a Labour supporter just like Williamson, just like Jones. And if they aren’t with us they’re against us and IMO just useful idiots for the Tories.
But feel free to point out where Corbyn has disowned Galloway and supported Labour during this by election.
I’ll help you out, here’s his Twitter feed:
Where he manages to post about every cause on Earth but can’t bring himself to comment on the racism, misogyny and homophobia being perpetrated by Galloway. Because he wanted him to win to prove a point. That’s the great morals of the guy.