Well-Known Member
Should they be banned for standing? I mean let’s be honest however educated and young you are you must be as thick as Pig shit to vote for them if it’s not because you believe in them?
Not entirely sure what your point is on being banned from standing.
People vote for all sorts of reasons. A lot of people will vote either Con or Lab because they see it as a two party system and if they don't vote for the one of those they're most closely aligned to them you're going to end up with the other much less palatable option. Not that you believe in them, just they're slightly more preferable to the alternative. If you pay attention most often what you'll hear for the voting is 'I can't/won't vote for the other party'. It's not an endorsement or belief in who they're voting for, it's a rejection of the alternative.
As has been pointed out there a lots of people who seem to state what they want and that they're voting Con despite their policy being totally at odds with that. That's down to more effective campaigning/'marketing' and having a lot of MSM, esp print media behind you pushing your narrative or spinning it in your favour.
Take my auntie. Over the years she's been classic leftie - supported/organised strike action, been to demo's and protests on stuff from vivisection to CND and still does occassionally despite now being a pensioner. Yet she reads the Daily Mail because her dad did and its shows. He views on stuff like immigration and economics, which she's not clued up about at all, are pretty much taken verbatim from the Mail.