This is part of why I'd love someone manifesto to include setting up looking into more holistic stats than just the usual economic growth. Why not look to include %age changes in other factors. Stuff like healthcare outcomes. Percentage change in waiting times. You can even include mental health with things like prescriptions for anti-depressants/suicides etc.Genuine question. Is there a single metric of success that has gone up under the Tories? Just one?
Edit: unemployment I guess? Though they did take over just after a global recession.
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I thought they'd already abandoned that!its seems to mean finishing the bit connected to London and then abandoning the rest of the project.
They're not even pretending anymore are they? Just awful, awful cunts.
Wake up to a fire bomb? You lucky lucky bastards, I dream of waking up to a fire bomb.If only we could all wake up to a fire bomb
They're not even pretending anymore are they? Just awful, awful cunts.
They're not even pretending anymore are they? Just awful, awful cunts.
Don’t they understand. How can they be illegal immigrants if their cases haven’t been heard
However, others don't mind putting their pledges on the side of a mug.
I guess it scored well in the focus groups.
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How many people do you think support uncontrolled immigration?
If even now you’re claiming Labour are the same as the Tories on immigration frankly there’s no helping you (but we knew that already).
Go cry at some polling.
Yep, setting up a straw man argument is as far as the conversation gets with you.
How about the new slogan for Labour mugs being;
I used to have principles, but I would sell my own Grandmother to get into power.
I'm voting Labour.
Do you support open borders?
Seems like a classical liberal position to me, rather than a socialist one…
They don't want to understand. It's about keeping them foreigners out innit? This is such an extreme Tory party, the equivalent of the National Front in the 80s.Don’t they understand. How can they be illegal immigrants if their cases haven’t been heard
They don't want to understand. It's about keeping them foreigners out innit? This is such an extreme Tory party, the equivalent of the National Front in the 80s.
But Starmer ....
And this is the exact issue of keeping on moving to the right in the supposed quest of taking up the middle ground. The Tories will just go further right.
The battle is lost even before it has begun.
The Tories will keep moving to the right if they keep winning. Labour won't win by just appealing to the left. You have to get into power first and then start to influence the political landscape. Now I hate how Labour panders to the racist/xenophobic discourse over immigration that we have had ever since the Brexit debate started, and I hope they stop it soon, but the last thing we need is to let the Tories win again.And this is the exact issue of keeping on moving to the right in the supposed quest of taking up the middle ground. The Tories will just go further right.
The battle is lost even before it has begun.
The Tories will keep moving to the right if they keep winning. Labour won't win by just appealing to the left. You have to get into power first and then start to influence the political landscape. Now I hate how Labour panders to the racist/xenophobic discourse over immigration that we have had ever since the Brexit debate started, and I hope they stop it soon, but the last thing we need is to let the Tories win again.
I agree with you about the mug picture. I actually think this nonsense will lose popular appeal soon. Voters will be more concerned about their bills than foreigners. Of course they should be even more concerned about climate change, but that will come soon...
Or you just take up the middle ground and let the other side capitulate to the mentals in the Party. You know like the last election. How did the hatstand do then?
Apparently won Coventry North East.
Edit- cheap, I know.
How did the Corbynite candidate in Cov get on? Seem to remember her turning it from a safe seat into one of the most marginal in the country.
How did the Corbynite candidate in Cov get on? Seem to remember her turning it from a safe seat into one of the most marginal in the country.
Know anything about this Schmmeee?
Coventry MPs may face votes to remain Labour candidates
The two MPs are at risk of facing ballots that could see them deselected, the BBC
Why did these two get an article and the hat stand didn't?
Because she’s stepping down and therefore can’t be up for deselection Filosoraptor