Does anyone hold a grudge with people who go Sixfields (2 Viewers)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
fernandopartridge....Spot on. The cost of losing 3-4k fans through the gates at Sixfields is nowhere near the cost of paying millions more for the Ricoh....................................................................................................Or paying a minimum £25m for Legoland?

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
That's exactly what they would be doing isnt it?
They would be forcing a club into a change of position. They will never do it!

It will never happen because of the selfish 1500.
But if pushed im sure the league could change some parts of the deal with Sisu. Like squeeze the time frames for starters.


Well-Known Member
Who says anything about forcing and anyway the football league can change their rules as they see fit just like they did in the summer !!!!

Its nothing to do with their rules.

Lets say the rent deal on offer was £10 million a year - would the league intervene then? No so they can't at all as to do so is to force one company to accept terms offered by another. This they cannot should not and will not do.


Well-Known Member
Its nothing to do with their rules.

Lets say the rent deal on offer was £10 million a year - would the league intervene then? No so they can't at all as to do so is to force one company to accept terms offered by another. This they cannot should not and will not do.

They could, and many would argue should, have not authorised the ground share. What do you think would have happened if they had told SISU they had to play within the city after which the club takes it's name? Most likley outcome would be similar to the academy, SISU would be forced to return to the Ricoh.

Besides which the rental offer isn't £10m. There's nothing to stop the FL saying they don't feel there is any valid reason for CCFC to not be at the Ricoh and put it to SISU that they have to justify why they can't play there.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Its nothing to do with their rules.

Lets say the rent deal on offer was £10 million a year - would the league intervene then? No so they can't at all as to do so is to force one company to accept terms offered by another. This they cannot should not and will not do.

Laughable how many clubs pay 10million a year ?????????????
You always make up figures to suit your argument.....

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Samo........They will do just that... ignore it. Haven't they stated several times that thier job is to fulfill fixtures and they cannot get involved with the running of a business?..............................................................................Samo, The clock is ticking mate, 3 years + 2x 1year(5 years total) to get a Stadium built and operational in the conurbation of Coventry or have the Golden Share taken off them??? That, to me says they are getting involved in the running of a business, wouldn't you agree?


Well-Known Member
Laughable how many clubs pay 10million a year ?????????????
You always make up figures to suit your argument.....

Oh as usual the point is over your head. The point is the league will be determining what constitutes a fair price for the rent from a third party that is a precedent they cannot and will not ever do.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
They could, and many would argue should, have not authorised the ground share. What do you think would have happened if they had told SISU they had to play within the city after which the club takes it's name? Most likley outcome would be similar to the academy, SISU would be forced to return to the Ricoh.

Besides which the rental offer isn't £10m. There's nothing to stop the FL saying they don't feel there is any valid reason for CCFC to not be at the Ricoh and put it to SISU that they have to justify why they can't play there.


sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Oh as usual the point is over your head. The point is the league will be determining what
constitutes a fair price for the rent from a third party that is a precedent they cannot and will not ever do.

It didn't go over my head i was just taking the piss out of unrellevent figures you pull out of the air !!!


Well-Known Member
It didn't go over my head i was just taking the piss out of unrellevent figures you pull out of the air !!!

Using a wild made up figure to make a point is a perfectly cromulent way of doing things.
Especially if the point isn't linked to any figures. More linked to what they can or can't do. He could have said 50p, £300 trillion or exactly what the rent offered was.
It makes no difference.

Anyway. The league can and have set certain guidelines so they are involved to an extent.


Well-Known Member
Samo........They will do just that... ignore it. Haven't they stated several times that thier job is to fulfill fixtures and they cannot get involved with the running of a business?..............................................................................Samo, The clock is ticking mate, 3 years + 2x 1year(5 years total) to get a Stadium built and operational in the conurbation of Coventry or have the Golden Share taken off them??? That, to me says they are getting involved in the running of a business, wouldn't you agree?[/QUOTE]

I'm sure the FL hope and believe it will never come to that. And no I wouldn't say so. They would merely be saying 'you can no longer belong to our organisation'

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
What's to stop the league putting pressure on Sisu and reducing some of the timescales set and taking a more proactive role.
For example offering mediation.


Well-Known Member
What's to stop the league putting pressure on Sisu and reducing some of the timescales set and taking a more proactive role.
For example offering mediation.

nothing at all. the FL could say they don't feel enough progress is being made on the stadium and tell SISU to either move back to the Ricoh or agree to binding arbitration (which would also need to be agreed to by ACL but as they've offered rent free / £100K I can't imagine anyone independent saying it should be lower than that).


Well-Known Member
No grounds for litigation--Football League rules state that a club must play in it's home City.This came about
after the Wimbledon fiasco.
Had the league grown a pair last summer we would still be at the Ricoh.

Oh do they? That's good. So the new stadium will be within the city then will it? FL 'rules' don't mean squat, as we've all found out.


Well-Known Member
nothing at all. the FL could say they don't feel enough progress is being made on the stadium and tell SISU to either move back to the Ricoh or agree to binding arbitration (which would also need to be agreed to by ACL but as they've offered rent free / £100K I can't imagine anyone independent saying it should be lower than that).

It's one thing to withdraw membership of the league, which I'm sure is perfectly within their rights, It's another to force a business to enter into an unwelcome transaction with another business. One is within it's remit and is the one big stick it weilds, the other is not and I'm sure would leave them in a precarious legal position.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Samo...I'm sure the FL hope and believe it will never come to that. And no I wouldn't say so. They would merely be saying 'you can no longer belong to our organisation'.....................................................................................................................................Isn't FOOTBALL, SISU's business in this case?...If taking away the rights to play FOOTBALL, isn't being involved in "The Business" Then I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Samo...I'm sure the FL hope and believe it will never come to that. And no I wouldn't say so. They would merely be saying 'you can no longer belong to our organisation'.....................................................................................................................................Isn't FOOTBALL, SISU's business in this case?...If taking away the rights to play FOOTBALL, isn't being involved in "The Business" Then I don't know what is.

I refer you to my post #123 above.
Of course it would effect their business but is not the same at all as telling them which decisions they should make, surely you can see that? I would also point out that football is not SISU's only business.
I don't hold a grudge against those that go. I don't understand why they want to, but that's their business.

I am however a little disappointed in the Sixfields attendees though for not protesting. They should be going ape shit every single game.

Where's the anger as to what has been done to your club?

It is claimed that they are supporting the team, not the regime. So why not show the owners what you think?

Because they sadly do not think


Well-Known Member
Oh as usual the point is over your head. The point is the league will be determining what constitutes a fair price for the rent from a third party that is a precedent they cannot and will not ever do.
IF my memory serves me well Grendal ,its called "argumentum ad absurdum". taking an argument to absurd figures to prove a point . Trouble is with your 10million rent ,sisu left on 1 million, with lower figures banded about since . The football league cannot be seen kicking a body thats brought 40 million into the game . They are not considering whats just, right and proper for ccfc . They are solely looking after themselves and future cash investors . Just my opinion of course!


Well-Known Member
Just remind me why the FL said it was okay to go to Sixfield?
Was it because the 2 parties cannot agree a deal?
Then surely the FL would be suspicious of Sisu if they were offered free rental of the stadium plus on day charges for putting on the match.

Yet they choose to turn a blind eye.

We have not got any chance of getting out of this. Sisu can do what they want.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Yep that last post is bang on. The fl by allowing the move are completely beholden to sisu as owners. Don't get me wrong the alternative was no CCfc but the longer this goes on that may prove to have been the most preferable option


Well-Known Member
Samo...I'm sure the FL hope and believe it will never come to that. And no I wouldn't say so. They would merely be saying 'you can no longer belong to our organisation'.....................................................................................................................................Isn't FOOTBALL, SISU's business in this case?...If taking away the rights to play FOOTBALL, isn't being involved in "The Business" Then I don't know what is.

Football is their business but to be part of the FL you agree to abide by their rules. So the FL can take action which may effect that business when rules are breached. But that is different to interference on the day to day running of that business.


Well-Known Member
I definately will hold a grudge against the people I know attending Sxfields, they are responsible for prolonging this mess, they all have their own reasons for going (however they try to justify it ).
I will never view them in the same light again.
Narrow minded maybe , but not misguided , flip me over you wont find find a yellow belly.


Well-Known Member
I definately will hold a grudge against the people I know attending Sxfields, they are responsible for prolonging this mess, they all have their own reasons for going (however they try to justify it ).
I will never view them in the same light again.
Narrow minded maybe , but not misguided , flip me over you wont find find a yellow belly.

Hey, stop blaming the fans for this mess,its not in our gift to sort it out and trying to shift that blame onto Coventry fans is wrong. - its not our fault and SISU/ACL/COUNCIL are all quite happy whilst we fight amongst ourselves.

Not ONE of them has come out and really made any strenous effort to think of us as customers and patrons of the club and treat us with any respect. They should all be grovelling to us and falling over each other to apologise...instead just posturing or silence. None of them understand customer service.

Ironically, the only person to have shown some respect is Sandra Garlick...but thats relatively easy to do if everything is purely hypethetical.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do. No apologies for it either. They are playing a part in the downfall of our club.
No 'home' fans at Sixfields this farce would be over pretty quick.
yep sure would! they would liquidate immediatly


Well-Known Member
Hey, stop blaming the fans for this mess,its not in our gift to sort it out and trying to shift that blame onto Coventry fans is wrong. - its not our fault and SISU/ACL/COUNCIL are all quite happy whilst we fight amongst ourselves.

Not ONE of them has come out and really made any strenous effort to think of us as customers and patrons of the club and treat us with any respect. They should all be grovelling to us and falling over each other to apologise...instead just posturing or silence. None of them understand customer service.

Ironically, the only person to have shown some respect is Sandra Garlick...but thats relatively easy to do if everything is purely hypethetical.

So by attending you genuinely feel that you are helping the situation.
Also it's not about gaining respect it's about self respect, you and the other Nodding donkeys lost theirs when they stepped inside Sixfields IMHO


Well-Known Member

so by attending you genuinely feel that you are helping the situation.
Also it's not about gaining respect it's about self respect, you and the other nodding donkeys lost theirs when they stepped inside sixfields imho

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