New Member
gotcha, sorry i thought was something clever not the usual answers on here. cheers.
gotcha, sorry i thought was something clever not the usual answers on here. cheers.
i'll take the 5th on that one ( only joking ).what ! You expected something clever from torchy, never going to happen.
gotcha, sorry i thought was something clever not the usual answers on here. cheers.
Coming from me it's not going to be clever, is it? Just responding (though admittedly not very nicely) to the usual by-the-numbers abuse that is reguarly thrown around by those with apparently better morals and more self-respect than us Sixfield Scum.
At least he didn't say he wanted me to have a car crash, so it wasn't all bad news.
So by attending you genuinely feel that you are helping the situation.
Also it's not about gaining respect it's about self respect, you and the other Nodding donkeys lost theirs when they stepped inside Sixfields IMHO
Coming from me it's not going to be clever, is it? Just responding (though admittedly not very nicely) to the usual by-the-numbers abuse that is reguarly thrown around by those with apparently better morals and more self-respect than us Sixfield Scum.
At least he didn't say he wanted me to have a car crash, so it wasn't all bad news.
Coming from me it's not going to be clever, is it? Just responding (though admittedly not very nicely) to the usual by-the-numbers abuse that is reguarly thrown around by those with apparently better morals and more self-respect than us Sixfield Scum.
At least he didn't say he wanted me to have a car crash, so it wasn't all bad news.
you've got to say thats a top reposte, over to you wea.Stupid faux hard man name, stupid posts. When did I ever say i was helping the situation .Dont be a buffoon, read the post, dont just rely on your cockeyed predjudices.
Stupid faux hard man name, stupid posts. When did I ever say i was helping the situation .Dont be a buffoon, read the post, dont just rely on your cockeyed predjudices.
Again I seem to have hit a Nerve, a little to close to the truth for your liking ?
Again I seem to have hit a Nerve, a little to close to the truth for your liking ?
Try rearranging the letters to form a clever description of Torchy
... They are customers of the club and as such are being treated terribly (as are the non attendees at Sixfields)
All the people who hold the power to influence this situation are expecting customers to bend, waver and be flexible to their petty dispute....
No, let me repeat more slowly for you. It is not down to the people who go to Sixfields to decide the fate of this club. It is out of their hands. Their guilt or otherwise is a moot point. They are customers of the club and as such are being treated terribly (as are the non attendees at Sixfields)
All the people who hold the power to influence this situation are expecting customers to bend, waver and be flexible to their petty dispute. When will these people demonstrate guilt, flexibility and leadership?
Shame the Boys don't feel the same way of they go at the earliest opportunity.
No just probably bored and frustrated by your infantile approach to the debate.
How is abusing people on here any different to the abuse you claim to suffer as a Sixfielder?
I think the mature answer to that is "They started it".
Funnily enough the vast majority of abuse in this or any thread is from Grendel and the Sixfielders....Possibly because it's the only abuse that survives moderation(j/k)
More drivel from "yours truly" :wave:
Samo....I refer you to my post #123 above. Of course it would effect their business but is not the same at all as telling them which decisions they should make, surely you can see that? I would also point out that football is not SISU's only business.....................................................I refer you to my post #124 "Isn' t FOOTBALL, SISU's business in this case?"[/QUOTE]
Let me illustrate the point with a couple of scenarios:
1. You are a plumber and belong to the guild of plumbers (or whatever the fook its called) You get a letter from them telling you they are booting you out because you are a shit plumber and don't have the proper tools. You might be annoyed but they have a point and hey, it's their guild so they can do what they like.
2. You are a plumber and belong to the guild of plumbers. You get a letter from them instructing you to sell your golf clubs to the bloke 2 doors up and buy some proper tools. Now what is your reaction? I'm sure you'd be telling them to mind their own fucking business?
Can you see the difference? The first is reasonable the second is not and has crossed a line.
Samo....I refer you to my post #123 above. Of course it would effect their business but is not the same at all as telling them which decisions they should make, surely you can see that? I would also point out that football is not SISU's only business.....................................................I refer you to my post #124 "Isn' t FOOTBALL, SISU's business in this case?"[/QUOTE]
Let me illustrate the point with a couple of scenarios:
1. You are a plumber and belong to the guild of plumbers (or whatever the fook its called) You get a letter from them telling you they are booting you out because you are a shit plumber and don't have the proper tools. You might be annoyed but they have a point and hey, it's their guild so they can do what they like.
2. You are a plumber and belong to the guild of plumbers. You get a letter from them instructing you to sell your golf clubs to the bloke 2 doors up and buy some proper tools. Now what is your reaction? I'm sure you'd be telling them to mind their own fucking business?
Can you see the difference? The first is reasonable the second is not and has crossed a line.
So if the plumber never paid his rent for 18 months and the landlord asked him for the rent it would be the landlords fault if he found new premises to work from?
Samo....I refer you to my post #123 above. Of course it would effect their business but is not the same at all as telling them which decisions they should make, surely you can see that? I would also point out that football is not SISU's only business.....................................................I refer you to my post #124 "Isn' t FOOTBALL, SISU's business in this case?"[/QUOTE]
Let me illustrate the point with a couple of scenarios:
1. You are a plumber and belong to the guild of plumbers (or whatever the fook its called) You get a letter from them telling you they are booting you out because you are a shit plumber and don't have the proper tools. You might be annoyed but they have a point and hey, it's their guild so they can do what they like.
2. You are a plumber and belong to the guild of plumbers. You get a letter from them instructing you to sell your golf clubs to the bloke 2 doors up and buy some proper tools. Now what is your reaction? I'm sure you'd be telling them to mind their own fucking business?
Can you see the difference? The first is reasonable the second is not and has crossed a line.
Sisu have been flushing cash down the toilet! Is that why they need someone with the proper tools?
Seems that they only have improper plumbing equiptment at Sixfields.
I bet it is it that shitty stick that the fans are being poked with.
So if the plumber never paid his rent for 18 months and the landlord asked him for the rent it would be the landlords fault if he found new premises to work from?
Of course not. I was making a point about the extent to which the FL can/will get involved, not the row between ACL and SISU
My delete button has been working overdrive with all of the ACL lovers.![]()
Funny you've left mine alone![]()
@ Samo....Under FA/FL rules Coventry City FC. have to play within the conurbation of the City of Coventry, NOT 1 inch outside, but INSIDE the boundaries of the City under who's name they play. As such the FA/FL CAN tell The owners where to play their football, or risk losing the "Golden Share" F**k all to do with Plumbers or golf clubs. As a poster has already said, there was NO REASON whatsoever to move CCFC out of Coventry.
Of course not. I was making a point about the extent to which the FL can/will get involved, not the row between ACL and SISU
If they had the balls they could have done something. SISUE said to them that they were taking our club to Northampton as ACL/CCC wouldn't talk to them. ACL/CCC made a rent free offer for this season and 100k for the next two. So the main reason that SISUE gave didn't exist anymore if it did ever exist. They could have at least order a meeting with both sides and try to sort all this crap out. But they took the easy way out.
If they had the balls they could have done something. SISUE said to them that they were taking our club to Northampton as ACL/CCC wouldn't talk to them. ACL/CCC made a rent free offer for this season and 100k for the next two. So the main reason that SISUE gave didn't exist anymore if it did ever exist. They could have at least order a meeting with both sides and try to sort all this crap out. But they took the easy way out.
So tell me... Why haven't they?
So tell me... Why haven't they?
As I said 'if they had the balls'
Maybe they are scared of being tangled up in litigation like anyone else that gets involved with SISUE.
As I said 'if they had the balls'
Maybe they are scared of being tangled up in litigation like anyone else that gets involved with SISUE.
Exactly right... rendering them and their laws as impotent as say... a fit and proper owners test?
@ Samo....So FA/FL laws have no clout eh! how much of that s**t you're spouting will you actually swallow if they take away the "Golden Share" F**king numpty!!! CCFC would be "Dead and buried"....Hail Coventry City AFC. albeit starting in the twelfth tier.