Don't let simple logic get in the way of you and your mates having a toddler tantrum. Why would they fixate on a set of customers that have been paying a third of what the club think their product is worth?
Not like they've plucked the pricing out of the air - normal for this level - and the boxes were never meant for mates buying together. I'd say the strategy is problematic for you. Probably good for the club.
How is it simple logic? Their product quite obviously isn't worth what they're charging otherwise more than a handful of box holders would've renewed.
The logic you and DK are postering, that the club will be able to find a flurry of new corporates/large SME's that will be willing to align themselves with the club when previously they've had zero intention to, is frankly idiotic. Nurturing those kind of relationships with new partners is, for the most part, likely to take a reasonable amount of time anyway.
Furthermore, there has to be the clientele to be willing to commit themselves financially to the club and as I've repeated a number of times - from gaining an understanding of the local business landscape through my own organisation, I personally think they'll struggle. The Coventry City of Culture mess is perhaps one rough indicator of this as they also had the mistaken belief initially that corporates and SMEs within the region would be lining up to sponsor and they were gravely mistaken.
If I'm wrong hats off to the club, but it's a complete fallacy that I take pleasure out of the them struggling to sell their boxes. I just want them for once to see reason and use common sense. Not be dictated to by a complete stranger with a grossly inflated ego.