Sorry to hear how you feel. I know we don't normally agree on a lot, but everyone should be free to do what they want and how they feel. All it takes is a few idiots to make trouble. In all my years of following our club it has only happened twice to me with our own fans. And both were thoroughly deserved. I just hope this doesn't cause a bigger rift with our fans. It is all so wrong. And the worse of it is that there is no end in sight.
How about away games? I love them. If you fancy a good rant we could try and do a SBT day out....not the trust though

If I am not working I would be there. I travel to Coventry and then to where we are playing most of the time, even if I drive past where we are playing on the way. We should be able to fill our own coach easily. Would be nice to put faces to names. We would certainly have enough to talk about all day.
And for those that have met me in the past, don't be shocked when you see me next time. Have lost a couple of stone through it being so hot at work this summer. Down to about 15st now which is about right for my height. This meant I couldn't be one of them fat b@stards on the hill
So how does everyone feel about getting together for a game?