Final Tickets Thread. Yessss (11 Viewers)


If you get the below message, you can still get in to buy the tickets without having to queue again.


just click 'Single Tickets' at the top and then 'all Matches' - should then take you to the below..

Good luck all, got to wait for General Sale myself, hopefully that helps others!


Well-Known Member
Weird, it says they will be posted on the email confirmation, but the website said they'll be print at home?
"Ticketmaster will be distributing ALL Coventry City FC tickets direct, including those bought in person - all supporters will receive print at home tickets, sent via email."


Well-Known Member
Got there in the end. Just got two random Cat 3 tickets in 137.


Well-Known Member
Fucking hell, got four tickets for other SBTers in my basket and got kicked out, back of the queue now.


Super Moderator
I'll be in the 100+ points category. How much of a bun fight do you reckon this will be? Trying to decide whether to ask someone to get me some or just wait until it's my turn.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody who's got their tickets received an email with the .pdf yet?

I can't see why the PDFs can't be on our eticketing account. Every other organisation seems to manage it that way. Not sure why Ticketmaster has to be contrary.


Well-Known Member
I'll be in the 100+ points category. How much of a bun fight do you reckon this will be? Trying to decide whether to ask someone to get me some or just wait until it's my turn.

Id assume most people who have points are also season ticket holders I think it’s ok - problem is idiots keep logging in the queue who can’t buy
Entered payment details for tickets in block 130 and the site timed out when pressing confirm. Had to now move across several blocks annoyingly


Well-Known Member
Been on the website since 9.45am and was number 8708 in the queue. When I was going to be "Next" it just came up as an error and logged me out. Help?


Well-Known Member
Any chance someone could screen shot a dot plan once they're in, just to see how they're being allocated?


Well-Known Member
Not sure I like the sound of "nearer the time"



Well-Known Member
the stumbles we had were getting the pointer to click on the dots we wanted. Frustrating!!!! Then it took us a few seconds to realise that you need to assign the second ticket to the season ticket holding owner. They can‘t stay unassigned. Probably obvious and we should have thought of it but it threw us for a few seconds getting an error message and it’s stressful enough already

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It took too long trying to click individual seats so just accepted 4 together which looked roughly where I wanted them. The payment confirmation took nearly the whole 2 minutes so nearly got timed out as well.


Well-Known Member
Fucking hell back to the front of the queue and I get this (reload does nothing):



Well-Known Member
just got my tickets, assigned my brother's season ticket number and got four together
worked like a dream PUSB


Well-Known Member
Reserved six tickets in the family area but wouldn’t let me complete the purchase (presumably because no kids tickets were in the order?)

Now getting the Unable to Load Seat Map error message. Very enjoyable.

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