General Election 2019 thread (12 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
And I went to eye A&E earlier in the year with a partially detached retina. I was told it was an emergency . By the time I was finally treated by a doctor it had become totally detached.

Damn those leftie comrades

Hope your mother and yourself are doing well.


Well-Known Member
Volvo was actually a perfect compromise for the accountants car! More luxury etc for the price but a solid, dependable name. It's been a while since I was in the industry but as I say it was about getting the compromise between the expectations of the big and small clients. As a rule it was partners - Jags, Mercs, BMW 5-7 series, Lexus etc. Managers - high spec Volvo's/Saabs etc or lower spec/slightly older 3-series/C-class Merc, Juniors etc as long as the car was clean, tidy and running smoothly it was fine.

With the pensions I agree, and most of the instances I quote were before the changes when annuities were required. However even since the changes I've had problems with a final salary pension for someone. Transfer value offered I worked out they'd have to live to the age of 82 to get the same value as the annuities + tax-free 25% (not taking into account potential increases from re-investment over time). Person was a heavy smoker and liked a drink so I asked for the transfer value. I wasn't allowed because said person wasn't deemed to have enough income/wealth from other sources. They died suddenly 3 months after retiring and the estate was given 4yr 9months worth of annuities (less taking into account inflation) due to the rules of the plan after over 40 years of paying in. Family ended up losing a hefty six figure sum that just disappeared back into the coffers of the pension plan. Had that person been incredibly wealthy they'd have transferred the whole value without a problem. It is situations like that you look and think they'd have been better of taking the money at the time and enjoying themselves - they spent a lifetime saving for a future they never had.
Our scheme got closed at the end of last year. Had been reduced years ago from what it was. But because of all the previous changes my company were having to put in about 60% of our salaries each year. They are now offering 25 x pension up to 55 and then x 30. I'm leaving mine in until 55 then retiring. But some see a big number and take it out losing all the benefits with it. I have tried explaining to some but not all want to listen.

My Volvo is a good motorway car. It also can carry a lot of stuff. I live jist over 400 miles from Dover and she does it on half a tank of fuel. No complaints at all. And she is sky blue :smuggrin:

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Had a Labour canvasser at the door tonight. Couldn't address concerns on the education policy and couldn't say much about the candidate other than show the Tories would win otherwise.

Man this election's shit


Well-Known Member
This is what you get when you albolish your 'broad church' party politics hand pick a load of "yes candidates

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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Friday off work,So an all nighter for me.
Whatever the result I do enjoy watching an mp squirm and realise they are off the gravy boat whatever party they represent.

Would you say that Dennis Skinner has been on the gravy boat or has been shat on because of Brexit in spite of his service?


Well-Known Member
Thinking that a child with pneumonia is a ‘left-wing meltdown’ show you up for a pretty insipid individual.

Can't help thinking something else (no idea what) was instrumental in this case tbh. Children in my experience get fast-tracked for assessment. Yes in minor cases it can then take hours to be treated.

And you would find it hard to convince me that blaming Bojo directly or indeed the Tory government for this is probably unfair...unless you are suggesting this kinda thing could, would or has only happened under a Tory government which probably would show you up as a pretty insipid individual too tbh.

They have, do & will all continue to squander millions on NHS restructuring & reorganising with little overall benefit simply because they usually replace one set of people's ego-trips with another's imo.

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Well-Known Member
This is what Johnson really thinks about inequality

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His true colours on a mask right there. Certainly explains his continuation of austerity manifesto. Still, as long as he keeps repeating get brexit done the plebs will lap it up and happily be Turkeys voting for Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Can't help thinking something else (no idea what) was instrumental in this case tbh. Children in my experience get fast-tracked for assessment. Yes in minor cases it can then take hours to be treated.

And you would find it hard to convince me that blaming Bojo directly or indeed the Tory government for this is probably unfair...unless you are suggesting this kinda thing could, would or has only happened under a Tory government which probably would show you up as a pretty insipid individual too tbh.

They have, do & will all continue to squander millions on NHS restructuring & reorganising with little overall benefit simply because they usually replace one set of people's ego-trips with another's imo.

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It did happen under the current tory government though. No bullshit whataboutery. It happened and that's not ok.


Well-Known Member
It did happen under the current tory government though. No bullshit whataboutery. It happened and that's not ok.
Absolutely. It shouldn't happen full-stop.

Just this perceived political gain from using such sad circumstances is disingenuous. Again - they all do it. We all know the response they give, the pretty clear message that..."We intend to(/have) invest(ed)/are(/will) train X number of Nurses &/or Doctors/etc but another similar case will be likely highlighted within 2yrs whoever is in power.

Not because they don't care, just that they don't understand. It is all just numbers on spreadsheet to politicians & civil servants & NHS managers

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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Absolutely. It shouldn't happen full-stop.

Just this perceived political gain from using such sad circumstances is disingenuous. Again - they all do it. We all know the response they give, the pretty clear message that..."We intend to(/have) invest(ed)/are(/will) train X number of Nurses &/or Doctors/etc but another similar case will be likely highlighted within 2yrs whoever is in power.

Not because they don't care, just that they don't understand. It is all just numbers on spreadsheet to politicians & civil servants & NHS managers

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Anything for a bit of deflection.


Well-Known Member
Been seeing some of the reaction to Gary Neville's comments about racism over the weekend. Whether or not you agree with what he said (and I personally think he was a little to quick to jump from Johnson's pledges on controlling immigration to racism - though he could have made the link clearer by mentioning how Brexit legitimates the thoughts of closet racists), its funny how some people compartmentalise different areas of their brain so easily. Seeing things like 'football and politics should never be bunched together' makes me laugh!


Well-Known Member
Tories fucking love to trivialise poverty
Not exactly trivialize.

Most of them haven't got a clue what poverty is. They think it is something that happens in Africa. Poverty in the UK is having a child turned down for a place in Oxbridge.


Well-Known Member
Most of them haven't got a clue what poverty is. They think it is something that happens in Africa. Poverty in the UK is having a child turned down for a place in Oxbridge.
I was talking to someone this morning and said how some of the photos you see from our hospitals at the moment, and its not just that one kid - social media is full of medical professionals sharing similar stories, are the kind of thing you'd expect to see on a fund-raising appeal for a third world country. We're the 6th richest country in the world, how does anyone excuse this or find it acceptable?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Not exactly trivialize.

Most of them haven't got a clue what poverty is. They think it is something that happens in Africa. Poverty in the UK is having a child turned down for a place in Oxbridge.

It’s the other side of the “I deserve all my money” coin. If the rich are rich because they are special, the poor must be poor because they are deficient.

Right wingers cannot attempt to alleviate poverty because doing so would be admitting the market has failed “worthy” people and open up the idea that not all those it hasn’t failed are worthy either.

Once you view absolutely everything the right does through the lens of keeping super wealthy people am super wealthy and not feeling bad for it everything makes a lot of sense. That’s why anyone voting Tory who isn’t in the millionaire class is just a useful idiot I’m afraid. The Lib Dem’s exist if you want a right wing economic policy that doesn’t exist solely for people far richer than you.

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