He’s right though. Coming out with stuff about the Roman Empire & Greta Thurnberg in relation to this, weird- same with whoever it was that said it’s a lifestyle choice for people not progressing in their lives as they should. It’s all around you, everywhere, every day- if discussion on a football forum is needed to learn that then... wow.
Wasn't it a discussion about slavery? What about Lewis Hamilton, the one who drives for Mercedes and gets millions from them a year. He says statues of people who make money from slavery should be torn down. Yet he has no issue working for a company who used plenty of slaves? What use of slaves is OK and what isn't? What can be discussed now and what can't? Is Nike benefiting from cheap suppliers using Slave Labour OK? What about Apple?
It's all well and good saying "it's everywhere", where? It needs to be pinpointed before it can be discussed.
Gimps like you 2 going on about Gammon every 5 minutes when somebody is discussing things just ruin any discussion. Maybe it means you don't have to go into detail and can throw stuff around like "naive" and "white privilege" aimlessly?
I don't doubt there is racism, as I have said it's everywhere in plain view with the ignorant cunts like Coventrian and the comments Hill has posted he has received. That's the obvious stuff we all know happens (sadly) and condemn.
The discussion needs to be the "it's all around you", where is it? This is what people with "white privilege" need to be made aware of and understand? It's all well and good kneeling before a football match but it doesn't explain it. It's about education.
It needs to fuck the "bandwagon" off and get down to the facts and educate people about where it's going on that we don't see as obvious so it can be fixed. It needs to fuck the "celebs" and "influencers" off and let people who see things everyday that others don't talk about them.