Israel - Palestinian Conflict (8 Viewers)


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The Egypt side is pretty much all desert although it does supply a small amount of electricity Israel is the main electricity and water supplier into Gaza.
All of it is pretty much desert, I think most of the water comes from a aquifer, but with the sheer population numbers that is getting depleted, inundated with salt water and polluted.

I would imagine water wars will be the big thing in the Middle East generally, to some extent they already are.


Well-Known Member
All of it is pretty much desert, I think most of the water comes from a aquifer, but with the sheer population numbers that is getting depleted, inundated with salt water and polluted.

I would imagine water wars will be the big thing in the Middle East generally, to some extent they already are.
Just been announced that Israel has cut of the water supply to Gaza.


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Did he mention there were more Jews forced out from Arab countries than vice versa?


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The first thing the UK did in WW1 and WW2 to Germany was impose a blockade. Why would you supply your enemy?


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Dare we mention that one of Hamas’ main backers is Russia? There’s the obvious benefit to Russia that this helps draw the Wests eye away from Ukraine. Russia has reportedly refused to condemn the attacks by Hamas on Israel.


Well-Known Member
As the OP seems somewhat surprised his response does not appear neutral lets have a look

"I know Hamas have been the aggressors on this occasion, but how can you be deemed a terrorist organisation when you kill hundreds of innocent people on one side, but just "the government" on the other side? I appreciate the irony with U.S. and British governments history on foreign soil."

I am not sure why a democratically elected institution is labelled in inverted commas - also the strange reference to the US and UK on foreign soil. Not sure what that refers to either. Hamas area terror organisation as they blow people up and are sponsored by rogue Middle East states. Still I guess you will be telling me next the IRA were not terrorists and the UK "government" of whatever persuasion were as bad.

"Why are multiple government, and public, buildings being illuminated with the flags and colours of Israel? Hundreds of innocent lives were lost in both Israel and Gaza, so why are the lives of a certain group of people being prioritised as, what appears to be, more of a tragedy?"

Well I guess as a terrorist organisation crossed a border illegally and started raping murdering and taking people hostage - an action which was I guess to use a controversial word provocative. What did they think would happen. They'd be offered a cup of tea and a chat?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
The first thing the UK did in WW1 and WW2 to Germany was impose a blockade. Why would you supply your enemy?

Because Israel isa nation state and should be beholden to international law.
Even in the face of Hamas's terror attacks yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Dare we mention that one of Hamas’ main backers is Russia? There’s the obvious benefit to Russia that this helps draw the Wests eye away from Ukraine. Russia has reportedly refused to condemn the attacks by Hamas on Israel.

So you are saying Putin started this as a deflection. That is interesting Tony do you have any evidence


Well-Known Member
Everybody involved should hang there heads in shame from the formation of Israel to the current situation. I can accept Israel was settled for the right reasons but the hinterland of Canada or Russia should have been populated with the refugees after the war, to put the “fox in the chicken coop” was always going to lead to continuous uprisings and wars.
America has given unconditional support which is a major deterrent but as the region is now surpassing the wealth of the USA the Islamic states no longer fear the hand of the USA to the same extent.
What is happening is inevitable but it is wrong and Israel will use a sledge hammer to crack a nut.
shame on Hammas, shame on Israel. Those poor people on both sides of this pathetic episode.


Well-Known Member
Just been announced that Israel has cut of the water supply to Gaza.

"I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly."

Israeli war Minister Yoav Gallant


What Hamas did was despicable but there are innocent women and children that he is labelling as 'human animals'.

Whatever happens from all this, both parties should be subject to the ICC.


Well-Known Member
Because Israel isa nation state and should be beholden to international law.
Even in the face of Hamas's terror attacks yesterday.

UK is a nation state then and now and there is no International Law that requires you to supply your enemy.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying Putin started this as a deflection. That is interesting Tony do you have any evidence
No, I’m clearly not saying that. Which is why you’re saying I am.

Russia is a backer of Hamas, that’s just a fact. Russia will appreciate the West being distracted by this. Again, that’s just a fact. Russia has refused to condemn the attacks by Hamas. Again, that’s just a fact.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
UK is a nation state then and now and there is no International Law that requires you to supply your enemy.

No, but there is international law regarding collective punishment and the supy of water and power to civilian populations


Well-Known Member
No, but there is international law regarding collective punishment and the supy of water and power to civilian populations
Well that is an interesting argument, now my family were bombed out of Coventry in 1940 but I have never heard that mentioned.

War by its very nature is a collective punishment, I suppose you could send out the leaders to joust?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Well that is an interesting argument, now my family were bombed out of Coventry in 1940 but I have never heard that mentioned.

War by its very nature is a collective punishment, I suppose you could send out the leaders to joust?

You may not of heard of it, but it exists.


Well-Known Member
These rankings are interesting perhaps post it in the BG if they take you off the horoscope page

I know you’re a self-avowed Islamophobe, but even you should be able to see that a statement such as “the Islamic population generally is the most racist on Earth” is hardly a productive stance to take in this moment.

And yes, for the avoidance of doubt, the anti-semitism expressed in many countries around the world, especially at this moment in history, is repulsive.


Well-Known Member
I know you’re a self-avowed Islamophobe, but even you should be able to see that a statement such as “the Islamic population generally is the most racist on Earth” is hardly a productive stance to take in this moment.

And yes, for the avoidance of doubt, the anti-semitism expressed in many countries around the world, especially at this moment in history, is repulsive.

I don't think I am a self avowed Islamaphobe - I am not even sure how such a thing actually exists and as for a productive stance I accept what I say has a higher readership than your Ask SBT problem page in the gazette but I don't think it will destabilise the world order


Well-Known Member
I don't think I am a self avowed Islamaphobe - I am not even sure how such a thing actually exists
Sorry if I misinterpreted your view, I thought you were pretty clear on your views on Islam:

Islam is an absurd outdated religion. Every liberal person on the planet needs to challenge it’s absurd medieval views. It’s backward and it’s bigoted. Anyone who doesn’t and never challenges it is a disturbed individual - many of their views align with Britain First - extremist, nasty and yes needs challenging by people who want tolerance and equality

So then yeah if that makes me islamaphobic - good


Well-Known Member
Hamas exists for one reason only. The destruction of Israel and the Jews that live there, in the name of Allah.
It's literally the first line of their charter.

They are the democratically elected government of Gaza.


Well-Known Member
Phobia is an irrational fear.

If you have seen the photos of that rave irrational seems an unlikely description.



Well-Known Member
Sorry if I misinterpreted your view, I thought you were pretty clear on your views on Islam:

Well for a start as I said I don't believe in the phobia argument and this was of course in what specific discussion Mr Journalist?


Well-Known Member
Well for a start as I said I don't believe in the phobia argument and this was of course in what specific discussion Mr Journalist?
Anyone speaking in any context who sincerely called Judaism an absurd, outdated, backward and bigoted religion, practiced by the “most racist population on earth” would quite correctly be called an anti-Semite, whether they chose to believe they were one or not. There’s no place for that kind of rhetoric against a religious group on here, whatever the excuses.


Well-Known Member

The late Michael Brooks explains things really well.

He isn't exactly a voice for the whole Jewish community is he? I also do not see his view that Israel is the most powerful country in the Middle East as at all valid

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