Israel - Palestinian Conflict (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Gonna be a shock for my wife when I get home tonight and condemn her for her homophobia. She’s been a Muslim all her life, and didn’t seem to object when my cousin married his husband. But she won’t be able to deny it any longer when I confront her with the evidence from the Sky Blues Talk answer to Les Dennis.

disney classic GIF


Well-Known Member
I have a Muslim wife and my cousin married a man

And I’m Les Dennis

these are really strange thoughts SBT

I’m fascinated by the les Dennis reference - can this be discussed initially in the forum?


Well-Known Member
@SBT you seem to have gone very silent

Come on admit it was all made up bullshit

Own up and I’ll even give you the money myself


Well-Known Member
I have a Muslim wife and my cousin married a man

And I’m Les Dennis

these are really strange thoughts SBT

I’m fascinated by the les Dennis reference - can this be discussed initially in the forum?
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Game Over No GIF by CBC

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The Basildon Gazettes award winning journalist (he once reported on a Womens institute best snowdrop competition) reveals his best ever song on SBT

The Undertones, from Northern Ireland. A lot like our own Tone on here. It’s all neatly connected


Well-Known Member
Bloke comes on here every day telling increasingly wild stories about his sexual exploits and adolescent trauma and everyone respectfully takes it at face value, but claim to have a wife who’s Muslim and a cousin who’s gay and he’s furiously posting from the shed demanding to see the birth certificates!

I think we’ve derailed the thread enough, don’t you think? You can PM me if you’re that desperate for the evidence.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Bloke comes on here every day telling increasingly wild stories about his sexual exploits and adolescent trauma and everyone respectfully takes it at face value, but claim to have a wife who’s Muslim and a cousin who’s gay and he’s furiously posting from the shed demanding to see the birth certificates!

I think we’ve derailed the thread enough, don’t you think? You can PM me if you’re that desperate for the evidence.
I’d be more entertained if it continued out on here to be honest!
  • Haha
Reactions: SBT

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I’ve had Iranian and Kurdish ‘girlfriends’ before and from what I understand there’s a separate Muslim ‘identity’ to that of those who are actually religious.


Well-Known Member
Bloke comes on here every day telling increasingly wild stories about his sexual exploits and adolescent trauma and everyone respectfully takes it at face value, but claim to have a wife who’s Muslim and a cousin who’s gay and he’s furiously posting from the shed demanding to see the birth certificates!

I think we’ve derailed the thread enough, don’t you think? You can PM me if you’re that desperate for the evidence.

It’s really not me that’s desperate and I’m not asking to see anything - I just don’t believe you


Well-Known Member
The thing is @SBT you love to mock and you love to ridicule - I’m afraid when you get it back and you become a child and a victim no one sympathises

It’s sad and desperate really


Well-Known Member
Bloke comes on here every day telling increasingly wild stories about his sexual exploits and adolescent trauma and everyone respectfully takes it at face value, but claim to have a wife who’s Muslim and a cousin who’s gay and he’s furiously posting from the shed demanding to see the birth certificates!

I think we’ve derailed the thread enough, don’t you think? You can PM me if you’re that desperate for the evidence.

I also don’t see how it’s that wild. You seemed to have some view my drinking habits were somehow fantasy - I don’t know what kind of sheltered life you live but it’s really not that difficult to believe it’s that hard to do

I consume 100 plus units a week but even I’m not that drunk to make up the absurd shite you have about Muslim wives and gay cousins. Even of course if this was factual it’s still a diversion that only 18% of Muslims think gay marriage is acceptable in the UK

That’s the reality isn’t it

UH UH - I’ll give you the money myself


Well-Known Member
It’s really not me that’s desperate and I’m not asking to see anything - I just don’t believe you
That’s fine! I chose to share a personal detail to shed light on why I react to certain posts in a certain way, just as you did talking about your own life recently. I’m sure people found your story unbelievable too, not that they banged on about it like you are.


Well-Known Member
That’s fine! I chose to share a personal detail to shed light on why I react to certain posts in a certain way, just as you did talking about your own life recently. I’m sure people found your story unbelievable too, not that they banged on about it like you are.

Well I don’t really see what I have to gain from it but again so you accept the guardian survey - yes or no?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I also don’t see how it’s that wild. You seemed to have some view my drinking habits were somehow fantasy - I don’t know what kind of sheltered life you live but it’s really not that difficult to believe it’s that hard to do

I consume 100 plus units a week but even I’m not that drunk to make up the absurd shite you have about Muslim wives and gay cousins. Even of course if this was factual it’s still a diversion that only 18% of Muslims think gay marriage is acceptable in the UK

That’s the reality isn’t it

UH UH - I’ll give you the money myself
Returning to the thread topic, even supposing that you’re right about Muslims in Palestine being as you describe, they don’t deserve to be bombed/shot/blockaded just on that basis. Life in Gaza for a civilian can’t be good or even that safe at the best of times.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Hamas's attack and the events unfolding since yesterday are unspeakable. We are heartbroken to watch terrified civilians besieged in their homes, innocent people murdered in cold blood on the streets, at parties, and at home. Dozens taken hostage and dragged into the Gaza Strip. Every one of us knows someone who has been tragically affected. We could go on and on about their cruel and criminal actions, or focus on how our Jewish-supremacist government brought us to this point. But as hard as it is, our job as former Israeli soldiers is to talk about what we were sent to do.

Israel's security policy, for decades now, has been to “manage the conflict”. Successive Israeli governments insist on round after round of violence as if any of it will make a difference. They talk about “security”, “deterrence”, “changing the equation”.

All of these are code words for bombing the Gaza Strip to a pulp, always justified as targeting terrorists, yet always with heavy civilian casualties. In between these rounds of violence we make life impossible for Gazans, and then act surprised when it all boils over.

We talk about "normalization" with the UAE and now Saudi Arabia, while hoping the world will turn a blind eye to the open-air prison we built in our backyard. Apart from the unfathomable violation of human rights, we've created a massive security liability for our own citizens.

The question Israelis are all asking is - where were the soldiers yesterday? Why was the IDF seemingly absent while hundreds of Israelis were slaughtered in their homes and on the streets? The unfortunate truth is that they were “preoccupied”. In the West Bank.

We send soldiers to secure settler incursions into the Palestinian city of Nablus, to chase Palestinian children in Hebron, to protect settlers as they carry out pogroms. Settlers demand that Palestinian flags are removed from the streets of Huwara; soldiers are sent to do it.

Our country decided - decades ago - that it's willing to forfeit the security of its citizens in our towns and cities, in favor of maintaining control over an occupied civilian population of millions, all for the sake of a settler-messianic agenda.

The idea that we can "manage the conflict" without ever having to solve it is once again collapsing before our eyes. It held up until now because only few dared to challenge it. These heartbreaking events could change that. They must. For all of us between the river and the sea.


Well-Known Member
Returning to the thread topic, even supposing that you’re right about Muslims in Palestine being as you describe, they don’t deserve to be bombed/shot/blockaded just on that basis. Life in Gaza for a civilian can’t be good or even that safe at the best of times.

look it’s a fair enough point and no one wants civilian deaths - on one hand in the Israel state the Palestinians look a minority but project that across the Middle East and that’s the Israel paranoia and they have to react to the brutality - it’s predictable and it’s inevitable


Well-Known Member
Oh and @SBT your journalist skills are severely lacking - if you want a gotcha moment about the Middle East I’ve said something a lot more extreme than so called “islamaphobia” - get the BG bosses on it tomorrow

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
look it’s a fair enough point and no one wants civilian deaths - on one hand in the Israel state the Palestinians look a minority but project that across the Middle East and that’s the Israel paranoia and they have to react to the brutality - it’s predictable and it’s inevitable
It has been initiated by Hamas this time, other times in the past the IDF has shelled children playing on the beach. None of it is defensible but you have two sides who refuse to recognise the rights of the other to exist. Which is why the US needs to use its considerable diplomatic weight with Israel and an equivalent with the Palestinians.


Well-Known Member
Anyone seen the videos of the Cov Mp sultana doing rounds on Twitter allegedly supporting the attacks?


Well-Known Member
It has been initiated by Hamas this time, other times in the past the IDF has shelled children playing on the beach. None of it is defensible but you have two sides who refuse to recognise the rights of the other to exist. Which is why the US needs to use its considerable diplomatic weight with Israel and an equivalent with the Palestinians.

Nothing will change. Human shield hostages and bloody violence will follow. This will be worse than 1967 and there’s no solution likely

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
It has been initiated by Hamas this time, other times in the past the IDF has shelled children playing on the beach. None of it is defensible but you have two sides who refuse to recognise the rights of the other to exist. Which is why the US needs to use its considerable diplomatic weight with Israel and an equivalent with the Palestinians.

The Palestinian authority do recognise Israels right to exist, not working out great for them.

Israel want Palestine and Palestinians gone, and they'll succeed. And the US, the UK and the EU will be cheering them on. Its a disgrace.

Hamas have given them the perfect excuse, they dont give 2 fucks about their fellow countrymen and women.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Anyone seen the videos of the Cov Mp sultana doing rounds on Twitter allegedly supporting the attacks?

Just looked and seen a video, nor sure when it's from but she's expressing solidarity with the Palestian people, she doesn't mention the attacks, wouldn't be surprised if its an old video

Love right wing fuck wits tagging in Lee Anderson though, let's tag in one of the few MPs stupid enough for even Sultana to run rings round.


Well-Known Member
It has been initiated by Hamas this time, other times in the past the IDF has shelled children playing on the beach. None of it is defensible but you have two sides who refuse to recognise the rights of the other to exist. Which is why the US needs to use its considerable diplomatic weight with Israel and an equivalent with the Palestinians.
It’s a totally predictable scenario. Saudi Arabia and Israel are finding common ground, the wider Islamic world feels threatened, Israeli hardliners are ready to “defend their land” The west rally round Israel but where it is different is that the Islamist world has the means and expertise to follow up these atrocities. It’s a shit show, escalation pending.


Well-Known Member
Seems quite a bit of diversity amongst the dead and hostages. Not sure why they would take 11 Thais hostage.


Well-Known Member
You’re entitled to your beliefs, and the dreadful human rights record of many Muslim-dominated countries will certainly add fuel to your argument. But unless you’re about to surprise me with a detailed study of Islamic doctrine, your quarrel is with their governments, not the religion they’ve warped to their own twisted devices, as is the case with religions around the world. And it certainly shouldn’t be with every one of the world’s 1.5B Muslims, who you seem to have written off as a monolithic bloc of racists without a hint of irony.
Well said SBT

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