Israel - Palestinian Conflict (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
As the OP seems somewhat surprised his response does not appear neutral lets have a look

"I know Hamas have been the aggressors on this occasion, but how can you be deemed a terrorist organisation when you kill hundreds of innocent people on one side, but just "the government" on the other side? I appreciate the irony with U.S. and British governments history on foreign soil."

I am not sure why a democratically elected institution is labelled in inverted commas - also the strange reference to the US and UK on foreign soil. Not sure what that refers to either. Hamas area terror organisation as they blow people up and are sponsored by rogue Middle East states. Still I guess you will be telling me next the IRA were not terrorists and the UK "government" of whatever persuasion were as bad.

"Why are multiple government, and public, buildings being illuminated with the flags and colours of Israel? Hundreds of innocent lives were lost in both Israel and Gaza, so why are the lives of a certain group of people being prioritised as, what appears to be, more of a tragedy?"

Well I guess as a terrorist organisation crossed a border illegally and started raping murdering and taking people hostage - an action which was I guess to use a controversial word provocative. What did they think would happen. They'd be offered a cup of tea and a chat?

You are such a cliché.

I do believe every forum and community needs one though, so you're almost providing a service. 👍🏼


Well-Known Member
You are such a cliché.

I do believe every forum and community needs one though, so you're almost providing a service. 👍🏼

The only walking cliche is the person who starts a thread wanting to know about something they’ve already formed a very jaundiced opinion on

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Such nice people

I can show you videos of Israelis beating women and children and cheering on shelling of innocent civilians, and stealing peoples homes and land, we can all play these games.

Your agenda is clear, I hope your bloodlust is satisfied by what innocent civilians are going to have to endure in the coming days.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
What innocent civilians have endured:

It's tragic, and now more innocent civilians are going to suffer, though I don't think you're too bothered about that.
This conflict didn't start with the terror attacks at the weekend you know, I'm sure you'll condemn the killing of innocent, unarmed civilians by the IDF which has been going on for years.

They've been waiting for an excuse to unleash on the civilians population in a way they cant normally get away with, Hamas has given it to them, as they knew it would but carried on anyway.
I think youre a bit glad about that.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
It's tragic, and now more innocent civilians are going to suffer, though I don't think you're too bothered about that.
This conflict didn't start with the terror attacks at the weekend you know, I'm sure you'll condemn the killing of innocent, unarmed civilians by the IDF which has been going on for years.

They've been waiting for an excuse to unleash on the civilians population in a way they cant normally get away with, Hamas has given it to them, as they knew it would but carried on anyway.
I think youre a bit glad about that.
Maybe even what the current prime minister had been hoping for
The Israeli press are certainly putting a measure of blame at his door unlike our own press and media

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
“I’m just to watch you” - cracking them open early are we?
Is that all you have? you're an old soak so you accuse other people of drinking as well. It's pretty sad mate.

As I said I am just hear to enjoy the wonderful irony of you accusing people of lying online.


Well-Known Member
Is that all you have? you're an old soak so you accuse other people of drinking as well. It's pretty sad mate.

As I said I am just hear to enjoy the wonderful irony of you accusing people of lying online.

Im an old soak am I David. And you know that how?


Well-Known Member
It's horrific from both sides. Hamas killing women and children and taking civilians hostage - clearly the actions of a terrorist group.

Israel openly violating the Geneva conventions by indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure and in effect putting 2.3 million people into a state of siege without water, power or proper access to medical treatment.

Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself, but how it does so is telling, imho.

This is a conflict a long time in the making in my opinion; the extremists on both sides have been trying to provoke it to justify how they treat each other.

Criticism of the state of Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism, I should add. It's fair enough to stand by Israel as it defends itself against Hamas, but that shouldn't be allowed to silence discussions about how it treats Palestinians.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
It's horrific from both sides. Hamas killing women and children and taking civilians hostage - clearly the actions of a terrorist group.

Israel openly violating the Geneva conventions by indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure and in effect putting 2.3 million people into a state of siege without water, power or proper access to medical treatment.

Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself, but how it does so is telling, imho.

This is a conflict a long time in the making in my opinion; the extremists on both sides have been trying to provoke it to justify how they treat each other.

Criticism of the state of Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism, I should add. It's fair enough to stand by Israel as it defends itself against Hamas, but that shouldn't be allowed to silence discussions about how it treats Palestinians.
pretty much this

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Maybe even what the current prime minister had been hoping for
The Israeli press are certainly putting a measure of blame at his door unlike our own press and media

Well it's interesting what the Eygyptians are saying that they warned him Hamas were up to something and ge ignored them but they could be shit stirring.


Well-Known Member
It's horrific from both sides. Hamas killing women and children and taking civilians hostage - clearly the actions of a terrorist group.

Israel openly violating the Geneva conventions by indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure and in effect putting 2.3 million people into a state of siege without water, power or proper access to medical treatment.

Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself, but how it does so is telling, imho.

This is a conflict a long time in the making in my opinion; the extremists on both sides have been trying to provoke it to justify how they treat each other.

Criticism of the state of Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism, I should add. It's fair enough to stand by Israel as it defends itself against Hamas, but that shouldn't be allowed to silence discussions about how it treats Palestinians.

I made the point I wanted to make in my original post, but it was turned it something it wasn't. That being; A) The Israeli government is indiscriminately killing innocent civilians, just like Hamas, so I don't see how they can claim to have a moral high ground; B) I don't think it's a good idea to light up government and public buildings in the colours of a country whose government is indiscriminately killing innocent civilians (plenty of evidence of this - from Downing Street to the Eiffel Tower); and C) there clearly is a pro-Israel slant from the UK media reporting of events this weekend, and I have seen no evidence from anyone on here that is not the case.

I don't personally believe these views make me an anti-semite, although that appears to be what is being insinuated by some (one). I also don't believe that makes me a supporter of Hamas or Palestine, but I feel the message on here is that you're either "for or against". I guess some posters need the opposition or they are literally just arguing with themselves.


Well-Known Member
I made the point I wanted to make in my original post, but it was turned it something it wasn't. That being; A) The Israeli government is indiscriminately killing innocent civilians, just like Hamas, so I don't see how they can claim to have a moral high ground; B) I don't think it's a good idea to light up government and public buildings in the colours of a country whose government is indiscriminately killing innocent civilians (plenty of evidence of this - from Downing Street to the Eiffel Tower); and C) there clearly is a pro-Israel slant from the UK media reporting of events this weekend, and I have seen no evidence from anyone on here that is not the case.

I don't personally believe these views make me an anti-semite, although that appears to be what is being insinuated by some (one). I also don't believe that makes me a supporter of Hamas or Palestine, but I feel the message on here is that you're either "for or against". I guess some posters need the opposition or they are literally just arguing with themselves.
It's fine for governments to support Israel. That shouldn't though mean there is a carte blanche for the Israeli government to behave however it wants and not be brought to task.

We should be condemning this indiscriminate killing on both sides.

I do also find the lighting up of Israeli flags a little discomforting.


Well-Known Member
Just catching up and read through the thread from the start.

Could have just locked the thread after the first reply to be honest!

Pretty succinct summary I'd say based on my (not very thorough) understanding of the situation.

I should’ve left it there instead of carrying on and demonstrating clearly that I don’t know what I was going on about.
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Well-Known Member
When you are a specific race of people that all your neighbours want to be nuked off the planet and are not even recognised as human beings I don’t think it’s that simple. I think it’s understandable to feel somewhat threatened 24 7 in that environment

Be honest though. Stupid fucking place for it.
I don’t - I think you missed my link - I will share again

You made a statement “no” to my comment regarding attitudes

Can you answer?

I’m not sure it’s a fair comparison to take a mostly secular nation (and one of the most socially progressive on the planet) and compare its social attitudes in the gen pop to a specific religion.

I’ve no doubt there’s homophobia rife in Muslim communities, I’d be interested to see it compared to other similarly religious groups though.

So what’s your answer? Ban all Muslims until we figure out what the hell is going on?

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