Israel - Palestinian Conflict (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Because this is a Palestinian post?
Why would I share right wing bs here? I edit the comment to say my part of the right wing crazy.

Also the videos I shared are not just from yesterday. There is hundreds more.

The right wing are labeled hooligans and non-peaceful protest (true),

But the pro-palestine are labeled peaceful protesters (false), they're racist and just as crazy as the right wingers if not more.
That's a very broad brush you are tarring everyone with there.

I was in London yesterday and there were loads from the march at Victoria train station and all I could see was families and many old people. Just normal people. None of them were looking for trouble.

I had to wait an hour for my train, so was observing them.

I saw so many families,.who had clearly been on the march (placards and flags etc)

They were all peaceful and there wasn't a single chant from anyone the whole time I was there.

That clip,that first clip, shows one woman shouting out "death to the Jews". She is clearly an obnoxious, ill-educated individual and it was disgusting that she said that.

You can't just label everyone in the same manner.


Well-Known Member
That's a very broad brush you are tarring everyone with there.

I was in London yesterday and there were loads from the march at Victoria train station and all I could see was families and many old people. Just normal people. None of them were looking for trouble.

I had to wait an hour for my train, so was observing them.

I saw so many families,.who had clearly been on the march (placards and flags etc)

They were all peaceful and there wasn't a single chant from anyone the whole time I was there.

That clip,that first clip, shows one woman shouting out "death to the Jews". She is clearly an obnoxious, ill-educated individual and it was disgusting that she said that.

You can't just label everyone in the same manner.
Why not though? It might be a minority but that minority is huge, not see them attack pro-israel rallys? Happening all over the world, a man was killed the other day by a hamas supporting lunatic.


Well-Known Member
Just a giant fucking lie, 3 out of the clips I sent are not even from yesterday, every protest they're causing issues. So get your head out you ass and open your eyes.
Out of 10's of hundreds of thousands of marchers, of course they would be tiny pockets of trouble.

It's the same at a football game. You can have 25,000 in the ground and about 100 idiots causing trouble. That doesn't make everyone in the ground a football hooligan


Well-Known Member
Yes we do 🤣, never seen the 200s of articles written about us.
No idea what you are reading.

So, families with kids and old age pensioners who go to football matches each week are labelled as hooligans?

They say there is a problem in football of hooliganism, but no-one labels all football supporters as all being hooligans.

There is a problem within Islam. No-one is saying otherwise, but you can't label all Muslims as bad. It's just not true.

My missus' boss is a Muslim and she says he is the kindest, sweetest bloke you could ever wish to meet.

And every Friday he takes the day off to do charity work with the homeless.


Well-Known Member
No idea what you are reading.

So, families with kids and old age pensioners who go to football matches each week are labelled as hooligans?

They say there is a problem in football of hooliganism, but no-one labels all football supporters as all being hooligans.

There is a problem within Islam. No-one is saying otherwise, but you can't label all Muslims as bad. It's just not true.

My missus' boss is a Muslim and she says he is the kindest, sweetest bloke you could ever wish to meet.

And every Friday he takes the day off to do charity work with the homeless.
And he will still be labeled, due to the small minority, me included i wouldnt go out my way to make friends with him.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
@Sick Boy
these are racist not mee

anyway as i said you'd be shocked to know my skin colour.

Believe it or not but people of any skin colour can be racists and bigots.

People from the Middle East and Africa have majorly contributed to the UK over the last 50 years. Your comments generalising them are absurd.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not but people of any skin colour can be racists and bigots.

People from the Middle East and Africa have majorly contributed to the UK over the last 50 years. Your comments about them are absurd.
What have the specific people in questioned contributed?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I was going to make a gag about angry Harry hill but looks like someone’s already done it on the Twitter replies

Ps I love the posh sounding woman at the end…‘excuse me, I’m trying to make a living here, can you fuck off’ Well said. Absolute embarrassments
It's a very 'southern' video - loads of blokes trying to bully others, shouting and over-exaggerating their accents to sound 'tough' and doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
No idea what you are reading.

So, families with kids and old age pensioners who go to football matches each week are labelled as hooligans?

They say there is a problem in football of hooliganism, but no-one labels all football supporters as all being hooligans.

There is a problem within Islam. No-one is saying otherwise, but you can't label all Muslims as bad. It's just not true.

My missus' boss is a Muslim and she says he is the kindest, sweetest bloke you could ever wish to meet.

And every Friday he takes the day off to do charity work with the homeless.
I'm 69 Otis and to be honest I know a fair few pensioners that were once football hooligans 🤣 ,in fact a lad I grew up with actually started the "Legion"... if anyone asks I won't name him....also worth mentioning it was never my thing.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely condemn any violence from pro Palestinian protesters and any antisemitism.

But let’s get real here one side yesterday got violent and displayed racism enraged by a lie. A lie perpetrated by an incompetent government who have given up on governance and a compliant right wing press.

The other side is enraged by the indiscriminate killings of innocent people including children in their thousands. It in no way justifies violence on the streets of England or antisemitism but at least they’re getting angry over something worth getting angry about.
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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
It's a very 'southern' video - loads of blokes trying to bully others, shouting and over-exaggerating their accents to sound 'tough' and doing nothing.
the best bit is when the young kid grabs a random bloke eating a sandwiches hand to pretend to be held back


Well-Known Member
They didn't quite get what they wanted though, fortunately.
Thing is if you look at Tommy Robinson's x timeline then all you see if far right being harshly set upon by police where Palestine protestors are changing for Jews to die etc and getting away with it.

This makes the gammon more fearful and adds to their fake news conspiracy theories etc

The truth is no doubt the hooligans were looking for a kick off. And some protestors are clearly spouting some evil stuff and need to be arrested imo. Video of poppy sellers having to move is very frustrating to watch for me as a Brit(don't matter if Asian) so I imagine many others will be fuming. Now does the video tell the whole story? I dunno and can't say in today's world. But majority don't even ask themselves the question anymore if it doesn't fit their narrative mind you.

But there is no room for normal people in the middle anymore. You have to pick a side it seems. I can see alot of white British picking Tommy's side. It's worrying where the country is going.

My opinion is we have the car right that are either cunts or fearful people being brainwashed by Tommy robinson. Then you have the left sho genuinely care about palestinan kids etc but also showing their hatred for Western society slot of them. And the right do have a right to be angry at that and that plays into Tommy's hands.

I dunno I've written alot but not really said much I guess. It's all just sad imo

Northants Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Gove casually strolling unaccompanied through 100's protesters in front of the worlds press. They must think our heads zip up at the back

"Michael love, its all gone south so the Mail need a staged photo op for the front page. Would you...."
"Fuck sake, Im settled in for the night. Rippons on Strictly later"
"There `might' be a post going in the Cabinet Resuffle..."
"I'll get my coat"
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Well-Known Member
Momentum founder says leftwingers ‘in denial’ about pro-Palestinian slogans
Jon Lansman, a key figure behind the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, says he has come to feel alienated by pro-Palestinian campaign

Interesting, you cannot get much harder left than Momentum.

Reminds me of Work will set you free could you say the words can mean something else, of course, but everyone knows what it really means.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Momentum founder says leftwingers ‘in denial’ about pro-Palestinian slogans
Jon Lansman, a key figure behind the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, says he has come to feel alienated by pro-Palestinian campaign

Interesting, you cannot get much harder left than Momentum.

Reminds me of Work will set you free could you say the words can mean something else, of course, but everyone knows what it really means.
thought you love that? being a stinky american racist ;)


Well-Known Member
Point of order: you can get waaaaay harder left than Momentum.


Well-Known Member
Not but we all get labeled hooligans. So your point as correct as it is, is just invalid.
Well, we don't, but lets for arguments sake say that we do all get labeled hooligans.

That makes that assertion lazy and wrong and the person making said assertion is relying on stereotypes and generalisations.

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