Well-Known Member
Not as good as the "Never look upon her beautiful face again" post on here.
That was hurting.
Oh Christ I've coloured up again just remembering that!
Not as good as the "Never look upon her beautiful face again" post on here.
That was hurting.
Not as good as the "Never look upon her beautiful face again" post on here.
That was hurting.
and my point is that even though success increases number of fans that doesn't change the fact that we are losing people forever and we are losing a generation of fans forever, even if everything turns out brilliant and we get back to the championship and we do well and have 18k people there, we would have more there if this season hadn't happened.
Alot of people will flock back with success, a lot of new people will come with success but some of the people hardcore coventry fans are lost for a long time, some forever and the number of these people is growing all the time. Once you get out the habit of going, once you no longer know the players, once you lose the emotional connection. it's alot harder to win those people back,
I couldn't agree more I hate people like this.
We are all fans of the Club, we all have the same suffering but to go to these extents is just embarrassing if you're going to stop supporting the Club shut up and do it quietly.
why are you asking me about something you don't care about ?, no wonder sisu can totaly take the piss out of us, when so called fellows supporters, rip into other fans who are feeling down about how our club has been ripped apart by sisu, you reap what you sow mr Partridge.
You are right. The 10% are right and the 90% are wrong.
Everyone has a right to voice their opinions, in the best way they feel fit, just like I'm doing here here.
So stop being so condescending and if you think Natalie should do it quietly, then the same should be applied to you.
who's wallowing ?I don't wallow in self pity despite being as fucked off as anybody else.
I feel very similarly. I'll probably send something similar if SISU win the JR and forcibly take over the Ricoh.
What does Natalie want, sympathy or a round of applause, sorry but there is none here, I respect that everyone has a right to voice there opinion in whatever way they see fit, but let's be honest this article is just a means of attention seeking and it's silly.
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who's wallowing ?
It is pretty nauseating.
And some of these letters / posts can just be for attention (don't ask why). How long have city fans said after we have lost "I am not coming again" to be there the next week.
It is along the lines of a "I am leaving the forum" type post.
I don't think people will ever lose the emotional connection / attachment. I know I couldn't unless there wasn't a club.
You only need to look at italiahorse's post history (sorry to name and shame)He won't stop being a supporter I don't think, he still travels to away games, but he just goes on and on about not supporting us any more.
Coventry City and dangerous city road junction - Coventry Telegraph Letters for March 18
Re: The Fans’ Zone article from Tom Lowe (Telegraph, March 13). To paraphrase a quote from William Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, “The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks”.
The latest tactic by the boycotters is no longer to accuse loyal supporters, who only want to watch their football team play at Sixfields, of being stupid, selfish or unprincipled, but to feign boredom and disinterest and a falling out of love with their club of many years.
We are to believe they would prefer to watch Leamington, Nuneaton, the Sphinx, Coventry Blaze or Coventry Ladies. Really Tom? Pull the other one, if you are sincerely disinterested, stop writing columns in the Telegraph and going on the guest spot on CWR’s phone-in, telling us all about it!
If any boycotters are genuine, just go to your newfound activity and stop telling the world all about it. You are not influencing me into not supporting the club I have loved for 50 years and a little silence from all the boycotters would be much appreciated, but I don’t suppose we’ll get it.
Peter Chambers,
Frankton Avenue,
She should just get on with it like this bloke .....![]()
She's just saying how she personally feels, that's her perogative , we all are different in how we express ourselves.
i always thourght you was a morris dancer.I prefer to go to broadgate in my pants and express myself through the medium of interpretive dance.
i always thourght you was a morris dancer.
I prefer to go to broadgate in my pants and express myself through the medium of interpretive dance.
is he a new signing ?Thank god for Frankie Boyle!
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is he a new signing ?
What does RoboCCFC90 want, sympathy or a round of applause, sorry but there is none here, I respect that everyone has a right to voice there opinion in whatever way they see fit, but let's be honest this post is just a means of attention seeking and it's silly.What does Natalie want, sympathy or a round of applause, sorry but there is none here, I respect that everyone has a right to voice there opinion in whatever way they see fit, but let's be honest this article is just a means of attention seeking and it's silly.
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What does RoboCCFC90 want, sympathy or a round of applause, sorry but there is none here, I respect that everyone has a right to voice there opinion in whatever way they see fit, but let's be honest this post is just a means of attention seeking and it's silly.
What does RoboCCFC90 want, sympathy or a round of applause, sorry but there is none here, I respect that everyone has a right to voice there opinion in whatever way they see fit, but let's be honest this post is just a means of attention seeking and it's silly.
What does RoboCCFC90 want, sympathy or a round of applause, sorry but there is none here, I respect that everyone has a right to voice there opinion in whatever way they see fit, but let's be honest this post is just a means of attention seeking and it's silly.
Cba to read all the posts on here, the first few was enough.
Branding fans as "attention seekers" for expressing their opinion on the telegraph opinion page (wtf do you think the opinion page is for?) who are clearly losing their love for ccfc is very shortsighted.
I did a similar thread about apathy amongst city fans, at which point several posters of a sisu learning persuasion ignored most of what I wrote to brand me as someone unwilling to listen to others opinions. The thread was eventually closed by the mods (for reasons of which I'm still awaiting an explanation, Nick?).
As I said in that, keep mocking those who are losing their passion for the club if you want, by laughing at them your just driving them away even further. However the last laugh will be on you, as without the 15k missing souls your club will soon cease to exist.
So perhaps you can inform us what medium is acceptable or not, and what topics are now acceptable or not. Is local radio ok or a no go, E-Mails?? Do you castigate Pete Chambers for his constant letters, or almost weekly radio cameos. If not why not.Anonymous person on an internet message board.
Name up in lights in a local newspaper.
That's the same.
When you categorise people you disagree with as leaning towards sisu, you can't really accuse them of ignoring points being made.
Cba to read all the posts on here, the first few was enough.
Branding fans as "attention seekers" for expressing their opinion on the telegraph opinion page (wtf do you think the opinion page is for?) who are clearly losing their love for ccfc is very shortsighted.
I did a similar thread about apathy amongst city fans, at which point several posters of a sisu learning persuasion ignored most of what I wrote to brand me as someone unwilling to listen to others opinions. The thread was eventually closed by the mods (for reasons of which I'm still awaiting an explanation, Nick?).
As I said in that, keep mocking those who are losing their passion for the club if you want, by laughing at them your just driving them away even further. However the last laugh will be on you, as without the 15k missing souls your club will soon cease to exist.