Kcic front bid to buy club (10 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Good that an offer is made but not sure SISU will take it. If the figure was 12K or even 10K then it would be more attractive. We will have to see.

What's your view? Do you think the 5K threshold is the deal breaker?

Whats your views in the offer?


Well-Known Member
FFS, give it a rest for once. He didn't say that. No one has said it. And he didn't say SISU were great owners either before BigFatRon joins in.

So do you prefer the club to be in Northampton?


Well-Known Member
Now this is the kind of post (and Jack's) that irks. Why so defensive? Shouldn't fans be asking questions of the offer. Our esteemed owners certainly will.

Can't you just for once be positive on something ?
IMHO Just throwing spanners in the works is very annoying.


Well-Known Member
Can I ask what question 2 means? Buying the club for 51k.

Any explanations please?


Well-Known Member
Not that SISU will accept either offer, but how can they serioulsy be expected to consider offer 1) ahead of the JR outcome?


In what way do you think moving the club out of Coventry could be good for the club in the long term, because it beats me.

At the minute I don't think there is any good in it, but IF the CLUB were to get the stadium dirt cheap or free because of it then there would have been something at the end of it.

Why do people have such an issue with me asking questions? Do they not think SISU will rip it apart to ask things if they take it half seriously?

Another serious question, what makes this different from that crowd funded offer, or the other Hoffman "free rent" deal?

No doubt I will just get called a SISU lover rather than an actual, thought about answer. :(


Well-Known Member
The offer to purchase the club was a symbolic £51,987.35 - £50,000 as a financial incentive, £1,987 as a nod to the club’s FA Cup success and 35p to symbolise the number of miles from Coventry to Northampton.
what a load of bollox! seriously business men with a metality of adding 35p on to represent the mileage.

Gosford Green

Well-Known Member
A group of fans wanting the club in Coventry and being proactive about it and the Sixfields firm are putting negative spin on it. This is the only positive thing regarding the club in months and something has to be done as the club can not start another season in fucking Northampton.

SISU will probably turn both the offers down as it does not get them their original land grab targets.


A group of fans wanting the club in Coventry and being proactive about it and the Sixfields firm are putting negative spin on it. This is the only positive thing regarding the club in months and something has to be done as the club can not start another season in fucking Northampton.

SISU will probably turn both the offers down as it does not get them their original land grab targets.

Where has a negative spin been put on it?

I can only see questions being asked about the offer (none are negative or insulting).


At least they managed to get "Damp Squib" in there, just needed "War of Attrition" for a full house!


Well-Known Member
Where has a negative spin been put on it?

I can only see questions being asked about the offer (none are negative or insulting).

Will you be asking questions of sisu when they brush it aside with no reasoning. It would be a first if you did.


Will you be asking questions of sisu when they brush it aside with no reasoning. It would be a first if you did.

If I am convinced it is a 100% serious and viable option then yes, I would.

I'm not going to however start saying that this is the saviour of all of our problems without knowing the details behind it. If it isn't a serious option, then it should be brushed aside along with that Crowd Funding bloke as it seems like it is going to fall into the same category but happy to be proven wrong :)


Well-Known Member
Will you be asking questions of sisu when they brush it aside with no reasoning. It would be a first if you did.

From what I see it's no different to them paying the rent themselves, and no different to Hoffmans offer. They will brush it a side, because it doesn't really change anything.

(Awaits the "you want us to be in Northampton" jibe, no, no I don't)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)
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New Member
Nick, this is a big thing in Sky Blue land. For God's sake, for once in your life, embrace the positive.
I'm sure there's an element of you being provocative in order to stir interest in the site, but as the main place for Sky Blue conversation (in a fashion) you might encourage these moves. Who knows where it might lead? Picking holes in it before it's even out of the blocks, and then pouring cold water on it as well. It leaves most of us with the take that you are wholly negative.
It may come to nothing. Sisu may just blank it, as they do so much. But for crying out loud - where is the leader from SBT - 'CITY FANS IN BRAVE MOVE TO BRING BACK CCFC TO COVENTRY.' Because that's what it is.

Gosford Green

Well-Known Member
Ok keep hanging on to the Pizza offers and shop 50% discounts that the club issues daily.

There is Pressleys press realeases but its got to the stage that I genuinely feel for him trying to say something posiive about the club in the current situation.


Nick, this is a big thing in Sky Blue land. For God's sake, for once in your life, embrace the positive.
I'm sure there's an element of you being provocative in order to stir interest in the site, but as the main place for Sky Blue conversation (in a fashion) you might encourage these moves. Who knows where it might lead? Picking holes in it before it's even out of the blocks, and then pouring cold water on it as well. It leaves most of us with the take that you are wholly negative.
It may come to nothing. Sisu may just blank it, as they do so much. But for crying out loud - where is the leader from SBT - 'CITY FANS IN BRAVE MOVE TO BRING BACK CCFC TO COVENTRY.' Because that's what it is.

This isn't a big thing is it, it is somebody writing a letter. At the minute it is the same as that American bloke who just wanted publicity, why else is the "reply within 48 hours but now we are going to the press about it".

If Michael comes on and explains in detail the plans and how the offer was put together, what the club will pay and the workings out and convinces it is a great idea then great!

I am not picking holes or pouring cold water, I am asking questions. What is Brave about it though?

Surely it says something when people get all defensive with me asking the most basic of questions?


New Member
Needs a one step at a time approach. Ideas have been around for some time. Got finance in place so was able to make offer. Next step is sisu's response.


Well-Known Member
From what I see it's no different to them paying the rent themselves, and no different to Hoffmans offer. They will brush it a side, because it doesn't really change anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

Other than Coventry playing in Coventry, the CCFC bank account benefiting from the extra revenue from ticket sales (I do believe ticket sales count towards FFP, ot is it just the tea and coffee money?) and perhaps we can start looking like a proper football club again.

Yes it wouldn't really change anything would it. What you meant was it wouldn't benefit sisu's long term plan for their investors.


Well-Known Member
I think it is pretty much 100% they will reject the buy out offer. I also think it is pretty much 100% the will reject the rent offer.

What they should do from this though, is return with a counter-offer. Rather than straight out reject. This may be the kick up the arse they all needed?

one can hope ..........

Gosford Green

Well-Known Member
Ok keep hanging on to the Pizza offers and shop 50% discounts that the club issues daily.

There is Pressleys press realeases but its got to the stage that I genuinely feel for him trying to say something posiive about the club in the current situation.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck is the club coming back while the long term future is sorted something to nit pick about?

I'm genuinely stunned.

Correct me if I'm wrong Michael, but it seems to me that the offer is about getting us home while Seppala and Lucas play split or steal. The fact that it's free for less than 5k would (again correct me if I'm wrong) guarantee it's better for the club financially than Sixfields.

Seriously. Nick. Torch. You need to have a fucking word with yourself. Do you even want Cov back or is it too comfortable on your high horse in Northampton?


"Just asking questions" you're not fucking 12 Nick, you know what you're doing.

Oh, and well done Michael. Yet again putting other fans' groups lack of acton to shame.

Edit: to be honest, though the ownership offer is an obvious joke, I'd say that if anything you're doing a Seppala and offering above the market value for something that's worthless. Shame there's no JR process for private companies if she turns it down. As we know from Grendel and Nick, it's all about market value. It'd be insane to turn it down as no-one is offering more. And as we know from Grendel and Nick, that's how a market works and to do anything else is a sign of conspiracy

Edit 2: Michael, if/when this is turned down, you should release a press release using the same words as the Sisu JR skeleton argument about CCC turning down the offer for ACL, and how this is obviously irrational :D
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New Member
I cant see how people can take this as any positive. To me it just seems like kcic just trying to make headlines and give false hope. Sisu will never accept either offer as neither of them are serious. I want my club back in the city and in better hands just as much as the next person but its going to need a serious offer from serious people to do it.
just my opinion ofcourse


Well-Known Member
Needs a one step at a time approach. Ideas have been around for some time. Got finance in place so was able to make offer. Next step is sisu's response.

we dont always agree micheal but i thank you for these offers.

i do think you should rethink the 5000 attendence thing as thats basically a jab at sixfields, if that can be amended maybe this could really work.

good luck


Well-Known Member
I can understand where Nick and Torch are coming from. For this whole mess to make sense the club need to come back on better terms, I agree.

However I think most look at it from the "it's better than sixfields" point of view. Which most offers are/have been.


Well-Known Member
I cant see how people can take this as any positive. To me it just seems like kcic just trying to make headlines and give false hope. Sisu will never accept either offer as neither of them are serious. I want my club back in the city and in better hands just as much as the next person but its going to need a serious offer from serious people to do it.
just my opinion ofcourse

Who do you consider serious? It is only fronted by KCIC.


Well-Known Member
we dont always agree micheal but i thank you for these offers.

i do think you should rethink the 5000 attendence thing as thats basically a jab at sixfields, if that can be amended maybe this could really work.

good luck

Lets hope sisu make a counter-offer!


Well-Known Member
Needs a one step at a time approach. Ideas have been around for some time. Got finance in place so was able to make offer. Next step is sisu's response.

Have you informed the football league on the rental offer? They need to see this and why sisu will likely turn this down.


Well-Known Member
I think it is pretty much 100% they will reject the buy out offer. I also think it is pretty much 100% the will reject the rent offer.

What they should do from this though, is return with a counter-offer. Rather than straight out reject. This may be the kick up the arse they all needed?

one can hope ..........

They'll say it's not really free ignoring that it will offer a better return than suxfields and certain posters on here will assist them in peddling that line while ignoring the fact that on a cost to return from revenue basis suxfields is in fact the worse rent arrangement this club has ever had to endure. And that's before you even add in the immorality of moving the club 35miles away when a better option exist at home.


Who do you consider serious? It is only fronted by KCIC.

I think the 35p and 1987 thing sort of make it lose seriousness, as well as the Damp Squib. No need for it, just put the offer.

If there was a full on business plan type thing with details and figures it would be a lot more serious and would make you think, which is only why I am asking Michael figures etc.

What makes this different from the other offers of help in the past?


Well-Known Member
I'll personally pay all of match day costs & rent for City to play at the Ricoh next season.....unless there is a "Y" in the day, in which case, I expect the hedge-fund owners who have already gone to ridiculously extreme & destructive lengths to avoid paying any match day costs or rent to pay them all......


Well-Known Member
we dont always agree micheal but i thank you for these offers.

i do think you should rethink the 5000 attendence thing as thats basically a jab at sixfields, if that can be amended maybe this could really work.

good luck

Nice one cc4l. A sensible, positive and constructive response. Let's hope sisu do the same.


Well-Known Member
Sisu do not give a monkeys about us playing in coventry until they have access to ALL the revenues from the Ricoh ... This has been purely done to distress acl .. And they are succeeding..( remember all the headlines about them not needing the football team ) well obviously they do ..once sisu have a share in acl or full control .. We will be back in coventry..

It's a nice thought Michael but it's not going to happen

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Would like to know what Rob S's take on this is and the Get Coventry Back to Coventry Campaign's stance and whether they back it or not.


Would like to know what Rob S's take on this is and the Get Coventry Back to Coventry Campaign's stance and whether they back it or not.

The thing is, how can people back it without knowing all of the details?

It is like me offering to pay your mortgage for you (without knowing how much your mortgage is) and then saying "but you will have to pay some" and not actually saying how much you will have to pay.

As soon as there are some workings out, people can start saying SISU are right of wrong to reject it surely?

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