How the fuck is the club coming back while the long term future is sorted something to nit pick about?
I'm genuinely stunned.
Correct me if I'm wrong Michael, but it seems to me that the offer is about getting us home while Seppala and Lucas play split or steal. The fact that it's free for less than 5k would (again correct me if I'm wrong) guarantee it's better for the club financially than Sixfields.
Seriously. Nick. Torch. You need to have a fucking word with yourself. Do you even want Cov back or is it too comfortable on your high horse in Northampton?
"Just asking questions" you're not fucking 12 Nick, you know what you're doing.
Oh, and well done Michael. Yet again putting other fans' groups lack of acton to shame.
Edit: to be honest, though the ownership offer is an obvious joke, I'd say that if anything you're doing a Seppala and offering above the market value for something that's worthless. Shame there's no JR process for private companies if she turns it down. As we know from Grendel and Nick, it's all about market value. It'd be insane to turn it down as no-one is offering more. And as we know from Grendel and Nick, that's how a market works and to do anything else is a sign of conspiracy
Edit 2: Michael, if/when this is turned down, you should release a press release using the same words as the Sisu JR skeleton argument about CCC turning down the offer for ACL, and how this is obviously irrational