Kcic front bid to buy club (18 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
It's irrelevant and best and shameless publicity seeking at worst.
ACL seem not even to have agreed an arrangement anyway so there is no offer.
It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed this thread is embarrassing - the clubs a laughing stock and this is making us look even more ridiculous.

It is embarassing. Embarassing that offers like this even have to be made.


Well-Known Member
First lets get one thing straight, there is no chance of SISU distressing ACL, that idea has gone for ever. Whatever the outcome of this JR if needs be others will come and rescue or prop up ACL. Second this is all about timing. The big players in this have yet to be identified imo. SISU have a choice, carry on regardless and take the inevitable financial hit or negotiate a deal that gives them some return eventually. I was told the other day that SISU cannot get anyone to the table for investment with the football club and apparently they have tried for months, nobody will talk seriously to them, their reputation in the business world not just the football club one is shite. Certain they want out and this could be a way of what could be a long road back, there is no way back while we are at Northampton. As I said earlier there is a long road ahead to negotiate to get somewhere near to where we want to be and hopefully this is an opening shot in that trip. The alternative is the end of a football club/team called Coventry City and that moment isn't too far away imo.


Same as at Sixfields then?

I didn't say it wasn't did I? I'm not the one going on about how the club won't have to pay rent and it is rent free when they clearly will (note that I by no means think the club should play anywhere without paying their way)


Well-Known Member
Makes you wonder ACL didn't let the club stay on a three year contract "whilst the new stadium was being built" doesn't it really?

Three years guaranteed, and with no real likelihood of a new stadium being built would more than likely have been there in perpeptuity.

Let's remember this was with the original deal in place ...........


New Member
The bottom line is that the KCIC proposal is a far better deal for Sisu than Northampton. Nobody can argue with that. Even the few on here who try to.
Sisu would be insane to turn it down. There seem to be one or two on here advocating that Sisu get it rent free, totally, utterly. Unbelievable (Jeff).
Try telling your mortgage company or landlord you intend to not pay - see how far you get.


Well-Known Member
We (the Club) will never own it's own stadium whether it's SISU or anyone else.

It will not be the club getting the stadium free or cheap, it will be a SISU company. Why would that be a good thing?


New Member
Forget the rent offer - I, and I suspect most other fans want SISU gone.

They have been made an offer for the club (which is one more offer than they have ever made for the Ricoh), so why not accept it or show the council how to do things by getting the club valued and making the valuation public?


New Member
If, eventually, we had decent, co-operative, law abiding owners I'm sure the Council will work with them - and that set of decent, law abiding owners will put in a fair offer and the council, eventually, will accept it. To say otherwise is nonsense. And defeatist.


Forget the rent offer - I, and I suspect most other fans want SISU gone.

They have been made an offer for the club (which is one more offer than they have ever made for the Ricoh), so why not accept it or show the council how to do things by getting the club valued and making the valuation public?

I totally agree, get a valuation for the club and ACL and then somebody can buy both and bring them together! That is the ideal outcome I think.


Well-Known Member
It's irrelevant and best and shameless publicity seeking at worst.
ACL seem not even to have agreed an arrangement anyway so there is no offer.
It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed this thread is embarrassing - the clubs a laughing stock and this is making us look even more ridiculous.
indeed. What level of rent are KCIC going to pay ACL?


Well-Known Member
Really, what's the "real" offer then?

The offer is basically "KCIC" pay rent unless the crowd is over 5000. Obviously there is no "real" offer yet because currently the full details haven't been discussed. I guess it is down to SISU to see if they want to explore this "real" offer you speak off.


Well-Known Member
Instead of people saying this is rubbish, wouldn't it be better for the club to explore the option first?


Well-Known Member
This will be contender for the most unpopular post today, but this was my immediate reaction on reading the offer and this thread:

'Hmmm - I wonder if someone has now read the judge's preliminary ruling and set in motion a new plan to confuse the situation and put pressure on FL?'


Well-Known Member
Rubbish - there is no offer - ACL haven't been approached.

That's good for SISU isn't it? Imagine the outcry if ML is on CWR this afternoon saying this is fantastic, we're happy to accept and then ACL turn round and say they won't do it.

Win, win really for them, either ACL accept and we're back at the Ricoh making more money or ACL refuse and its great PR for SISU, would get the fans on their side and against ACL.


Well-Known Member
Can't you just for once be positive on something ?
IMHO Just throwing spanners in the works is very annoying.

It's this sort of 'bury your head in the sand' mentality that's got us into this mess. They're f*&king genuine questions...what is your problem?! It's not throwing a spanner in any works, it's merely asking logical bloody questions...



Well-Known Member
Forget the rent offer - I, and I suspect most other fans want SISU gone.

They have been made an offer for the club (which is one more offer than they have ever made for the Ricoh), so why not accept it or show the council how to do things by getting the club valued and making the valuation public?
The council didn't make the valuation of ACL public. Why was that?


Well-Known Member
Do any of you seriously expect these behind this to negotiate and put details of rent etc on here. I suspect a lot of water has gone under the bridge on this one and KCIC are awaiting a response from sisu, a clever move if you think about it. If sisu are negative what will fans think especially those who go to Sixfields, will they renew their season tickets, will those who go still do so, those who don't won't, this has put sisu a little bit behind the black ball I think.


Well-Known Member
The offer is basically "KCIC" pay rent unless the crowd is over 5000. Obviously there is no "real" offer yet because currently the full details haven't been discussed. I guess it is down to SISU to see if they want to explore this "real" offer you speak off.

Wouldn't it be a genuinely "rent and matchday costs free" offer if there was no charge for the under 5000 crowds, but then the KCIC group picked up all the costs and rent for any crowds over 5000?

Got a feeling that this offer as it stands is the wriong way round?


Well-Known Member
I totally agree, get a valuation for the club and ACL and then somebody can buy both and bring them together! That is the ideal outcome I think.

The club is worth the proverbial £1 as an amount has to change hands for the change of ownership to take place. No one would put any value on us, we're losing a fortune and have alienated the majority of our fanbase. Pretty much the only asset we have left is Ryton and the value of that is dwarfed by our debts. For a serious takeover attempt I think you would need access to all the books, which SISU may or may not allow, to see how much is real terms SISU have put in. I would be amazed if it is as much as they claim. Once you have that figure you make them a p in the £ offer to walk away and cancel the debt. You can't put a value on that as it's really down to how much SISU will accept.


Well-Known Member
There is a poll of the CT website about should sisu accept the offer? Some have said no. 16%atm

What utter arseholes. I lose faith when I see this. Mindless thugs.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be a genuinely "rent and matchday costs free" offer if there was no charge for the under 5000 crowds, but then the KCIC group picked up all the costs and rent for any crowds over 5000?

Got a feeling that this offer as it stands is the wriong way round?

It is a little confusing, obviously it would be a lot clearer if it was completely free!

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