Kcic front bid to buy club (21 Viewers)


interesting, so far they haven't said no to free rent.. So they are obviously thinking about it... It is a very terse response.. So far..

Either they are struggling to find a justification for dismissing it or they are actually considering taking the offer up.

because it isnt free rent is it!!?????


Well-Known Member
Good luck kcic. I wish we we had a supporters/local business consortium to offer them nearer 2 or 3million, which would be closer to the likely return for sisu on supposed debt if we went into admin again. That might turn a few heads at SISU...


Well-Known Member
"While Coventry City Football Club acknowledges receipt of a letter, the club wishes to make clear that it is not for sale."

Well that is not acceptable is it.

Why didn't they have a meeting with KCIC to discuss this? Why didn't they have a valuation done? Seems to be a little inconsistency here compared to the way they have gone about trying to buy the Ricoh and the responses they received. I now expect Labovitch to extend an invitation to Ms Seppala to attend the forum next week so that she can answer questions about the refusal to sell the club.
why didn't kcic arrange a meeting with the club instead of this pr stunt? Try and apply things equally eh


New Member
This is going to being played with a very straight bat. So to emphasise, got finance in place to make the offer so did so. Ball is now in sisu's court to reply. They have been given a postal address but for speed an email to [email protected] with their response would be great.

Only thing I can comment on is the context. Every bit of evidence and everything we see and hear (for example just look at the apathy/fixtures threads on here) points to if we kick off new season at Northampton for large numbers of fans that's going to be the end of the line. There is no evidence of anyone else trying to do anything concrete to get us back to the ricoh. We await sisu's response to kcic.

Jack Griffin

because it isnt free rent is it!!?????

The club have not responded on that point. Why do you feel qualified to put words in their mouth, have you additional information you are not disclosing here?


Well-Known Member
I never said they did. The same as I am not saying it is free rent when it isn't.
Well you've mentioned it so many times that it is clearly an issue for you.

Why does it matter in terms of the offer, if it is or isn't rent free. They don't get free rent at Sixfields and they wouldn't get free rent at any other ground in the country.

Regardless of whether it is rent free or not, there is no doubt they are better off paying 200k rent at the Ricoh, than 200k rent at Sixfields.


Well you've mentioned it so many times that it is clearly an issue for you.

Why does it matter in terms of the offer, if it is or isn't rent free. They don't get free rent at Sixfields and they wouldn't get free rent at any other ground in the country.

Regardless of whether it is rent free or not, there is no doubt they are better off paying 200k rent at the Ricoh, than 200k rent at Sixfields.

It isn't an issue, hence I posted that I never expect the club to get things for free and pay no rent earlier in the thread.

Just don't label things up as rent free when they clearly aren't to make things sound better.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what relevance your post has with mine but I would hope they could disclose who it is. I would like to know, but then I would also like to know what exactly Sisu/Otium's plans are and as sure as eggs are eggs, they certainly won't break with the past on that one.
Because you mentioned the club moving forward. If the esteemed businessman is who I think I don't think this is a forwards move.


Well-Known Member
It isn't an issue, hence I posted that I never expect the club to get things for free and pay no rent earlier in the thread.

Just don't label things up as rent free when they clearly aren't to make things sound better.

Fair enough, it's irrelevant whether the offer is or isn't rent free so I don't see why people make a big issue out of it.


Well-Known Member
It isn't an issue, hence I posted that I never expect the club to get things for free and pay no rent earlier in the thread.

Just don't label things up as rent free when they clearly aren't to make things sound better.

Nick... the proposal would mean more overall income ( less rent/more gate reciepts)for CCFC and clearly benefit the fans, so ..sisu will not except as they want to starve ACL of cash by whatever means.

Rusty Trombone

Well-Known Member
This is going to being played with a very straight bat. So to emphasise, got finance in place to make the offer so did so. Ball is now in sisu's court to reply. They have been given a postal address but for speed an email to [email protected] with their response would be great.

Only thing I can comment on is the context. Every bit of evidence and everything we see and hear (for example just look at the apathy/fixtures threads on here) points to if we kick off new season at Northampton for large numbers of fans that's going to be the end of the line. There is no evidence of anyone else trying to do anything concrete to get us back to the ricoh. We await sisu's response to kcic.

Michael, what finance do you need in place? Crowds will be over 5,000 so you won't need any money for rent.


Well-Known Member
So the buyout offer has been rebuffed, not a surprise there..

Nothing mentioned on the rent offer though? Does that mean the Club are considering it? Wouldn't be a surprise to me as the Club has made contrasting statements recently in that regard. I suppose the only way this can be confirmed is by the Club.. We live in hope.

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Well-Known Member
Well you've mentioned it so many times that it is clearly an issue for you.

Why does it matter in terms of the offer, if it is or isn't rent free. They don't get free rent at Sixfields and they wouldn't get free rent at any other ground in the country.

Regardless of whether it is rent free or not, there is no doubt they are better off paying 200k rent at the Ricoh, than 200k rent at Sixfields.

Because its an empty gesture isn't it. It is a pointless & meaningless offer due to its caveat that Sisu have to foot the bill if more than 5000 attend....

Its effectively the same as my offer earlier in this thread where I will happily personally pay all matchday costs & rent unless there is a "Y" in the day, in which case I expect Sisu to pay.....

In case anyone has failed to notice, sisu don't want to pay any money to ACL....they've gone to ridiculously expensive & destructive measures to avoid paying them a penny....

why on earth would they suddenly agree to start paying rent & matchday costs now?

Yes, yes, yes...we all know that it would make commercial sense to lose less money whilst playing in Coventry instead of losing more money playing in northants....Sisu know this too....but distressing ACL is Sisus long term game plan.....its a shit situation, but hey, that's life!


Well-Known Member
"While Coventry City Football Club acknowledges receipt of a letter, the club wishes to make clear that it is not for sale.

That can't be right, I thought if someone wanted to buy something off you a couple of valuations are done and then you sell it to them for the average. Sure SISU told us that's how things like this work :whistle:


New Member
SISU reject KCIC offer to buy CCFC

Of course, "not for sale" really means "maybe, at the right price"

While they have a chance of screwing millions of damages out of CCC for a bit of incorrectly-followed procedure, they won't accept £50k and walk away. Probably preferable to building a new ground though!


Well-Known Member
SISU are investors who are £50 million in the hole, which they are going to want back. They are not going to walk away with a pathetic offer as they will happily lose money to recoup their investment in the long term by owning a stadium or getting CCFC in the premier league and selling.
There is no team in our division that has many financial assets within its playing staff, so the only thing they can do at this time is keep pissing money away until they get the Ricoh for a pittance or build a cardboard stadium and recoup some of their loses. Remember these people are not in it for the football they are in it for the money and don't care about losing it if they gain in the long term. Seppala is an established business person and investors trust her to make them money. Yes she has made some howlers and she is pissing off everyone, but she aint concerned about you or CCFC just her long term objectives of getting her investors money back.
This offer is stupid, three days to answer no yes or no in principle, no body does business like this and we should be worried if people who do business like this take over the club. God it is bad enough with SISU let alone some syndicate with wow £1 million pounds to spend, that wont pay for the academy.
Passions are running high which is totally understandable but the more SISU lose the longer we are going to have them as stubbornness is taking over and pride. The thing that I am wondering is exactly how many investors are in the CCFC hole? because if it is just a few they are losing more money than if it is spread over many. I am hoping for the latter as a couple of hundred grand is nothing to these people and they might just walk away and cut their loses.


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
Some "fans" are amazing. They slate Michael for being to "shouty" and his campaign for having no real substance despite doing more than anyone to keep our predicament in the public eye (the arsenal game being nothing short of spectacular) and all the time these "fans" who apparently know exactly what Michael is doing wrong can't come up with an alternative idea that could achieve more.

So what does Michael do. He keeps his chin up and pursues financial backing that can be used to broker a return home and it's still not good enough.

Well I say to these "fans" why don't you, instead of trying to do sisu's spin for them (probably why they don't need the services of a PR company, too many mugs posing as fans to do it for them). Why don't you put pressure on the other supporter groups to use their contacts to find further funding to assist Michael with what he's achieved to make the rental offer even harder to turn down, if you have a six figure salary and the contacts that this would surely bring why aren't you doing the same.

It's up to you. You can either pledge to do anything and everything you can to assist Michael in making a return happen or you can carry on being sisu's unpaid spin doctors.

Michael has started the ball rolling, who said it has to stop there anyone with influence can take him by the hand and run with him. The more fans and groups involved and the greater the financial backing the harder it is for sisu to say no.


New Member
That can't be right, I thought if someone wanted to buy something off you a couple of valuations are done and then you sell it to them for the average. Sure SISU told us that's how things like this work :whistle:


Maybe Michael hasn't gone about this in the right way either - he has actually made an offer and he hasn't demanded that Seppala should jump on a train to come and discuss a sale with him.


Well-Known Member


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Norfolking surprise there then.

Now is the time for all fans to back Michael and if any can do anything to assist financially or otherwise it's the time to do it. We need to keep this ball rolling like a snowball. Let's give sisu less and less places to hide with excuses to start next or any other season away from the Ricoh.

Jack Griffin

Simon Gilbert ‏@TheSimonGilbert 28m

Tim Fisher tells me the club has no plans to respond to the Ricoh Arena rent element of the KCIC offer this afternoon.

Jack Griffin ‏@Jack_Griffin 1m

@TheSimonGilbert What about tomorrow.. or next week? Is a response coming eventually.. or does he think the fans don't merit a response?


Well-Known Member
Surely if there is a "war chest" of £1 million pounds then the crowd stipulation can be removed cant it? Then it's free. Match day costs can be free for two years as well.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Surely if there is a "war chest" of £1 million pounds then the crowd stipulation can be removed cant it? Then it's free. Match day costs can be free for two years as well.

Match day costs are what should be paid because we do at Sixfields and should at the Ricoh, the increase in attendance should more than cover any difference between the two grounds. It seems there is scope for talks on the 'rental' part though which is why this should not be dismissed out of hand by Sisu otherwise I can only see more people turning on them.


Well-Known Member
Michael - have ACL agreed a rent amount and match day costs for 3 years? What is it?


Well-Known Member
Match day costs are what should be paid because we do at Sixfields and should at the Ricoh, the increase in attendance should more than cover any difference between the two grounds. It seems there is scope for talks on the 'rental' part though which is why this should not be dismissed out of hand by Sisu otherwise I can only see more people turning on them.

No it's essential match day costs are defined as they could be just a way of getting extra rent. A breakdown and transparency is essential.


Michael - have ACL agreed a rent amount and match day costs for 3 years? What is it?

I did ask for an example of what CCFC would pay for a game for say 15,000 fans but apparently I was just picking holes and being negative.

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