Kcic front bid to buy club (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Stop defending this troll.Get a life pal.

I'd say a troll is attention seeking. One way to seek attention is to constantly tell people you are giving up the club in September, Christmas, march anytime then keep coming back for more.

The offer needs to be detailed.only a wum or a complete dickhead would say otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I'd assume any negotiation would be damaged if he publicly stated what the offer was at this time, especially as he has not received a reply yet.


Well-Known Member
I'd assume any negotiation would be damaged if he publicly stated what the offer was at this time, especially as he has not received a reply yet.

Given that he's tried to get maximum publicity I doubt it!

The 5,000 crowd rubbish was I assume to publicly state it's twice the average at sixfields.

Serious stuff eh?


I'd assume any negotiation would be damaged if he publicly stated what the offer was at this time, especially as he has not received a reply yet.

Ahh keep it a secret that much it was straight to the paper after 48 hours ;)


Well-Known Member
Come on Nick have a word with yourself just read back.
You agree with every post he makes ffs you have given him more likes then anyone bar torch.
Now I agree with quite a few posters on here but not with everything they say.
Seems he has some kind of hold over you adoration maybe
I haven't defended anybody?

You are the one moaning about people making personal insults just after personally insult somebody then you wonder when people point it out.

Surely that was exposed months ago when they were offered things from ACL / Hoffman?

Thickest of posters, are they the ones who will sign up to things without even knowing how much they will be paying?


Well-Known Member
I'd say a troll is attention seeking. One way to seek attention is to constantly tell people you are giving up the club in September, Christmas, march anytime then keep coming back for more.

The offer needs to be detailed.only a wum or a complete dickhead would say otherwise.

This board is NOT the club. The club is in Northampton.
Again you need to back up your statements with facts, but we all know that will never happen.

Yet more personal insults.


Well-Known Member
So, despite numerous requests Michael refuses to make public the terns of the rent offer..


I bet we get a reply from Michael before we get a reply from sisu on the site for the new stadium or the plans on the new stadium or what the arrangements will be for the club at any sisu owned stadium or how the club is sustainable going forward under the sisu master plan.

Funny how a "fan" is more interested in having a go at someone making an effort to try and remedy these issues and turns a blind eye to the root cause of these issues. Top wumming. You're no fan of this club, move along there's nothing for you here. If you're as intelligent as you try to make out you are I'm sure you can find another vehicle to do what you're really here for, council bashing.


Well-Known Member
Why is that?

Is WUM the new thing to say when people don't have any other sort of answer to replies?

Still waiting on any sort of answer from Michael about the plans, how can this be fronted when simple questions can't be answered?

Ask sisu about that


This board is NOT the club. The club is in Northampton.
Again you need to back up your statements with facts, but we all know that will never happen.

Yet more personal insults.

Seriously? It is like the kid in the playground who always hits people, then gets a kickin and then runs off moaning about being hit.


Rather that then posted on here for the hounds to rip apart tbh.

The details are with the only people who matter in this.

It hasn't been ripped apart, people have asked questions. Do you not think that any solicitor wouldn't rip it apart?

Ahh so if the details only matter for the people involved then the fans don't need to know where the "new stadium" is, they aren't involved. ;)


Come on Nick have a word with yourself just read back.
You agree with every post he makes ffs you have given him more likes then anyone bar torch.
Now I agree with quite a few posters on here but not with everything they say.
Seems he has some kind of hold over you adoration maybe

Find me 10 posts I have liked of his from the past week and I will donate a tenner to charity. :)


Well-Known Member
365 posts on this thread, 300 of them hating on Nick, Torchy and Grendel because they asked a constructive question..

I think some people need to have a long look at themselves..

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365 posts on this thread, 300 of them hating on Nick, Torchy and Grendel because they asked a constructive question..

I think some people need to have a long look at themselves..

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May as well add you to that list now. ;)

That is how it goes when Michael posts anything, anybody questions it and this happens and then people start talking about some kind of hold and admiration ;) Michael can tinker off and just leave his fans getting angry because people dared to question him.

I may not agree with everything Rob S says, but at least he comes back with thought out answers (whether I agree with his views or approach or not) and look how much shit he gets.


Well-Known Member
I bet we get a reply from Michael before we get a reply from sisu on the site for the new stadium or the plans on the new stadium or what the arrangements will be for the club at any sisu owned stadium or how the club is sustainable going forward under the sisu master plan.

Funny how a "fan" is more interested in having a go at someone making an effort to try and remedy these issues and turns a blind eye to the root cause of these issues. Top wumming. You're no fan of this club, move along there's nothing for you here. If you're as intelligent as you try to make out you are I'm sure you can find another vehicle to do what you're really here for, council bashing.

He's an attention seeker, probably been abused in council care. Fag burns from a council employee destined for the top.


Well-Known Member
I bet we get a reply from Michael before we get a reply from sisu on the site for the new stadium or the plans on the new stadium or what the arrangements will be for the club at any sisu owned stadium or how the club is sustainable going forward under the sisu master plan.
Funny how a "fan" is more interested in having a go at someone making an effort to try and remedy these issues and turns a blind eye to the root cause of these issues. Top wumming. You're no fan of this club, move along there's nothing for you here. If you're as intelligent as you try to make out you are I'm sure you can find another vehicle to do what you're really here for, council bashing.

Well said Tony he is always defending them and attacking anything that anyone else tries to do does make you think what he and his twins have on their agenda.
Maybe with all his money he may make an offer himself?


Well-Known Member
May as well add you to that list now. ;)

That is how it goes when Michael posts anything, anybody questions it and this happens and then people start talking about some kind of hold and admiration ;)

There is a list then ;)

There are constructive questions regarding every topic through from the JR to this offer , yet it always turn into a Sisu-Supporter hatred thread..

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He's an attention seeker, probably been abused in council care. Fag burns from a council employee destined for the top.

I love it, then when anybody says anything back you cry personal attacks and moan about people saying things.


Well-Known Member
I bet we get a reply from Michael before we get a reply from sisu on the site for the new stadium or the plans on the new stadium or what the arrangements will be for the club at any sisu owned stadium or how the club is sustainable going forward under the sisu master plan.

Funny how a "fan" is more interested in having a go at someone making an effort to try and remedy these issues and turns a blind eye to the root cause of these issues. Top wumming. You're no fan of this club, move along there's nothing for you here. If you're as intelligent as you try to make out you are I'm sure you can find another vehicle to do what you're really here for, council bashing.

Rob Stevens tried to do something for the club didn't he?


Well said Tony he is always defending them and attacking anything that anyone else tries to do does make you think what he and his twins have on their agenda.
Maybe with all his money he may make an offer himself?

To be fair, it wouldn't be a twin if it was more than 1 other. I have never seen Grendel but I would like to think we wouldn't be identical :) He would dress a lot better with his money!


Well-Known Member
Well said Tony he is always defending them and attacking anything that anyone else tries to do does make you think what he and his twins have on their agenda.
Maybe with all his money he may make an offer himself?

I've made an offer - 5 times more than a businessman did from Coventry.


Well-Known Member
So why is Michael onto something and not the Crowd funding fella or Hoffman when he offered to pay the rent before?

People are asking what is different but there is no answer, it may well be different but we don't know do we?

I thought that petition was going to get us back anyway? What happened to that anyway?

If we can't ask Michael about it and is only for.sisu.ask i suggest he stops the news letters and then leaves it to acl and sisu
WHY do you need to know details of any deals , do you need to know what is in all the players contracts , or the coach drivers or the shop managers wages , will you only get behind calum willson if you know what was in the deal he signed, or will you have to know the details first ,


There is a list then ;)

There are constructive questions regarding every topic through from the JR to this offer , yet it always turn into a Sisu-Supporter hatred thread..

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It is when anybody asks anything, you don't actually need to know the details of an offer to know it is a good one and it should be accepted apparently because Michael said it. A random business man from the US said the same but was ripped to shreds ;)


Well-Known Member
He's an attention seeker, probably been abused in council care. Fag burns from a council employee destined for the top.

I don't think it's as complicated as that. It's more likely that his bin was overloaded and the bin man refused to take it causing him to give it the big "don't you know who I am, I'll have your job" line, then goingon to report it to AL only for AL to tell him to stop being such a Billy big balls and do a trip to the tip as that's what it's there for.


WHY do you need to know details of any deals , do you need to know what is in all the players contracts , or the coach drivers or the shop managers wages , will you only get behind calum willson if you know what was in the deal he signed, or will you have to know the details first ,

Ermmm to know if it is a good deal or not before I can judge it? Would you want to know how much you were paying for your mortgage before agreeing it?

Why does anybody need to know the details of SISU's accounts? We had best stop telling OSB to look at them as we don't need to know.

If somebody put a thread on here about the shop manager moving jobs and it turns out he got a new job on double the money then yes, his wage would be relevant I guess.


Well-Known Member
Too be fair I asked that question months ago no one had the balls to answer me?

Or are they all using a term and not actually know what they are actually saying.....
Sounds familiar.
What's a wum?


Well-Known Member
It is when anybody asks anything, you don't actually need to know the details of an offer to know it is a good one and it should be accepted apparently because Michael said it. A random business man from the US said the same but was ripped to shreds ;)

Don't get me wrong I think what Michael is trying to do is brilliant and Michael should be applauded, along with the local businesses that have dipped their hand in..

Problem is however, that let's say a 3 year deal is agreed between all the parties, but for whatever reason Sisu and ACL can't come to terms on a more permanent deal, then what?

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Well-Known Member
Rob Stevens tried to do something for the club didn't he?

Yes he did and presumably still is and I praised him for it both publicly on here and by way of PM's on here.

As a true fan of the club I praise anyone trying to do something to get us out of this mess. You like a true wum pick and choose based on your personal gripe with the council. If you can't use it as a vehicle to bash the council you're not interested.


Well-Known Member
What's a wum?

It's an acronym for a Wind Up Merchant..

Too be fair I asked that question months ago no one had the balls to answer me?

Or are they all using a term and not actually know what they are actually saying.....
Sounds familiar.

See above..

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