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I read most of your posts & like many others found your messages/responses distasteful in their timing. You came across as anti-British almost. I'm not the only one who thinks your full of shit. I know what my country did during British Empire, but we weren't as Barbaric as The Germans in WW2. You saying reap what you sow, well I don't see that with Germany, no debt or rashioning after the war, now almost taking over Europe again, whereas we only recently paid off our WW2 debt. We certainly never carried out atrocities like 911 or today.
How are they distasteful? Because they are facts?
1) This is an isolated case, yet, a whole group of society cold face a backlash
2) Extremism has spread in the last 20 odd years primarily because of Western intervention in the Middle East, where innocent children and women are being killed, we can ignore it, but it is true, this no doubt has left the Muslim communities in the UK and abroad more vulnerable to take in extremist views, CCFC92 alluded to the crusades, a 1000 years (more than that actually, depends what crusade you mean) worth of history doesn't account for that extent of extremism (although it is still in a very small minority)
3) I bet you're monarchist because it preserves 'British national identity', that's wrong, the Civil War, the NHS and Industrial Revolution and to some extent the empire is what I identify with being 'British', if there were ever a definition.
4) Nationalism as a concept is one I don't agree with, because all humans come from Earth, that's my nationality, Britain, in the bigger picture (as in the Earth), is like Coventry in the UK (probably didn't explain that well but oh we'll). Having National Identity is not a bad thing, BUT, when Nationalism becomes 'my country is better than yours', there's the problem and that easily happens with nationalism.
5) although not no where near the extent of the Axis powers, but, you do know the Allies did commit war crimes as well? The reason WW2 fucked us over financially is because we couldn't afford war, so loaned money of the USA, whereas Germany had been running on a war economy in the build up to 1939 and was somewhat ready for in 1939 (suggested they wanted war in 1941-42ish). On the holocaust, the international community bears some responsibility (before you overreact, obviously not on the same extent as Hitler or the SS etc.) for it because we called the Evian Conference (which was a called because of concerns over treatment of Jews in Germany) yet all the countries rejected taking the Jews and later on, the plan to deport Jews to Palestine was rejected by Britian (because of religious unrest) and there's more.
6) How do you define 'Britishness' and therefore, how am I anti-British? A sweeping claim that has no weight for it whatsoever.