Well-Known Member
yes. you had an outcry on the internet about it. read through this thread. the usual crowd saying its racist, how wrong the police were. the police mentioned a female officer was assaulted but no outcry whatsoever. no mention on here of it
now the new footage appears. the so called left dont say a word
labour mps prime example. all over it. One even went to see the family. now radio silence from them. why? Because they don’t want to upset the Muslim vote. it’s embarrassing
Grow up with this endless bullshit about the left and policing.
The Tory party of 'law and order', shredded the police, it's just that the fuckwits who voted them in will believe any old bullshit.

Police chiefs blame Tory cuts for fall in crime detection and charge rates
Senior officers rebuff claims police focusing on ‘woke’ causes and highlight ‘disconnected approach over the last 12 years’
As for supporting 'muslims' against the police, I don't see anyone here saying that. Most people seem to be saying that kicking and stamping on a person who already seems subdued is taking it too far. No one here is denying the police the right to defend themselves or to use reasonable force to make an arrest.
If you, or anyone else here, thinks they can do a better job, then apply and give it a crack. If you don't want to be a regular officer, become a special, they're desperate for good people.
Of course you'll need to be able to quickly and calmly assess a situation (i.e. not jump to conclusions either way based on ten seconds of video), try to put your prejudices to one side, understand the basics of the law, and have the courage to put yourself at risk when every one else is backing off.
If you're the kind of person who would pull a gun without thinking, or give someone a kicking because they 'deserve it', thinks 'muslims' are all the same, or would film rather than step in, then I'd save yourself the bother. You're not cut out for it.