Mason Greenwood (10 Viewers)

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Yes, but there is a line that needs to be drawn between what is best for the victim and what the victim wants. If she "wants" what she wants because of the defendant manipulating her, then a decision will need to be made around public interest.

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Of course but where would you be getting that from in the public domain

Dions Dong

Well-Known Member
Of course but where would you be getting that from in the public domain
I would assume from 9 years experience in the domestic violence team?

Cases such as Greenwood’s are not unique, they happen every single day around the country and follow a very familiar and well trodden path both from an investigatory and legal point of

it just so happens this one is high profile and in the public eye.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's clear at all.

Greenwood is certainly a nasty piece of shit, but her going back to him in this circumstance I don't think is a slam dunk 'she's been coerced into it'. She's had more support than 99.99999% of victims, and still made that decision. It doesn't mean it still isn't the case, but it would be sensible to also consider his wealth and fame will have also possibly had an impact.
Well said. Maybe some posters feel better about themselves if see it as totally black and white. Like kids films with a goodie and baddy .

And before any c**t starts in not syaing for one second she is a baddy wether she money hungry or not. Just saying shades of grey and all that.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
This whole Mason Greenwood thing is a mess.

Where is the support for his girlfriend?! (You know... the victim in all this?!)

People just seem to be out for revenge for the sake of it without thinking of the consequences.

I don't want to defend what he did, I've heard the audio and it's awful, but agree or disagree, his girlfriend has forgiven him, they have a child together and are settled in Manchester. If Greenwood leaves, what does that do for her security and her agenda?

She's the most import person in all of this, not the opinion of the angry mob.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
John Trigg Iddon Ah I dunno, it's such a mess. Lots of different things have gone through my head on this. In this post I'm mostly just advocating for Harriet Robson's voice over the anger towards Greenwood.

It's probably my "restorative practice" training kicking in.

When these kinds of events happen, on lookers often get carried away and start talking as if the perpetrator or perpetrators traumatised them. The real trauma was suffered by Robson, not anyone else. So I feel the focus should be more on supporting her rather than punishing Greenwood and appeasing on lookers.

Supporting her may have involved punishing Greenwood if that's what she wanted, and there be a crossover with appeasing on lookers, but it turns out it isn't what she wanted. She wanted to drop everything, work it out and have a child with him and move on.

She probably should have pressed charges and left him. However, its not my call to make and easy for me to say that from here.

I think the worse thing for a victim alongside not being believed is to not feel supported, and then even worse feel shamed for making the wrong choice.

I can also empathise with being in love and wanting to work it out with someone even when they abuse you.

You make a fair point about the child, I can only hope there have been adequate interventions since - monitoring that child's safety.

As for Greenwood losing his job? Well personally I don't see any difference between whether he plays for Man Utd or any other football team in the world, or actually any job in the world in many ways. The upset will be there anywhere he goes.

I think at this point sacking him likely goes against Robson's wishes, and I think thats harsh on her, but perhaps we shouldn't discount the wider upset that had been caused? Also, perhaps you're right, maybe she wouldn't mind a move to France, Spain or Italy? We'd have to ask her that.

I've worked with young people his age who have made worse mistakes than he has. I would hate to see those young people lose the opportunity to redeem themselves.

In his case, that doesn't mean I think he needs to necessarily keep his job to have a chance of redemption, but he should have that opportunity somewhere.

Perhaps it's right he leaves Man Utd as he's brought upset to the club and that's part of the consequences he will have navigate with Robson?

Then maybe he can redeem himself elsewhere. In the same way any young person could upset their employer in one shop, but them redeem themselves in another shop?

I'm not sure what the right answer is, but my thoughts are primarily for Robson and her feeling supported and then thereafter seeing Greenwood learn from his mistakes, breaking the cycle of violence and be a better man. That will require copious amounts of humility and empathy on his part and then forgiveness and understanding with empathy from those around him.

With the right support he could become a great example of a young man, one who learns from their mistakes to become a champion for being against toxic behaviour and sexual abuse.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Just a couple of comments from friends of mine - made me think. I don’t know either of them

I have seen coercive relationships close to home and know how toxic they can be but the media and many on here seem to be thinking they’re the victim or society is when it’s her


Well-Known Member
Got to say, regardless of anything else, if she has decided to stay with him and raise a kid, massively hurting his earning potential is almost certainly not in her or their kids best interest.

This was my issue with the King debate as well. Where’s the line? Why is Coventry City better than Nuneaton Town better than Binley Bollocks semi pro team better than a kick around with your mates?

At some point you have to say justice has been served and you can crack on. Otherwise what? We just allow people to deny jobs to any ex con they don’t like? I’m not sure how that helps them, or us. We lose talent and they lose a steady career.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Give it a rest will you, is there not an admin round these parts that can put this theory to bed?

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By looking at your IP address? You'd think a "detective" would know they can be changed

Anyway carry on pretending and we look forward to your next account :)

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Did I do something to piss you off? Your being a bit of a prick and I'm not quite sure why other than me correcting your statement of "fact" earlier. Is that what your upset about? Do you need me to tell you you were right so you can feel good about yourself? If not, kindly fuck off.

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yep, it's you


Well-Known Member
Give it a rest will you, is there not an admin round these parts that can put this theory to bed?

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Just ignore him. You don’t even type like him. Anyone vaguely wordy comes in and the same four people accuse them of being RoS.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Just ignore him. You don’t even type like him. Anyone vaguely wordy comes in and the same four people accuse them of being RoS.
Well there's proof, if the forum's reverse Nostradamus says something bet your house on it being wrong ;)

Also i've not accused anyone else of being RoS? Let us keep things truthful here.


Well-Known Member
We should create a venn diagram from those that are defending Rashford and those that berate women's football.

Could there be a correlation?

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Well-Known Member
Fortunately most of the posters on here will never have to live with domestic abuse or ever witness it . Take my word that it is horrible
Our eldest is finally escaping a long abusive relationship and had been estranged from us for the past 2/3 years. "Ironically" the relationship has finally ended because he left her. He had stripped her of everything - confidence, self worth , friends and family. Sadly if he hadn't left her she admits she would still be in the relationship convinced he's the only one who loves her and nobody understands him.
These relationships are so complicated and often completely irrational to those looking in from the outside. People can guess at this young lady's reasons for staying in this relationship and why she dropped the allegations but applying rational thought to irrational situations (to most of us) is just a guessing game.


Well-Known Member
Our eldest is finally escaping a long abusive relationship and had been estranged from us for the past 2/3 years. "Ironically" the relationship has finally ended because he left her. He had stripped her of everything - confidence, self worth , friends and family. Sadly if he hadn't left her she admits she would still be in the relationship convinced he's the only one who loves her and nobody understands him.
These relationships are so complicated and often completely irrational to those looking in from the outside. People can guess at this young lady's reasons for staying in this relationship and why she dropped the allegations but applying rational thought to irrational situations (to most of us) is just a guessing game.
Well said

Too many comments on here saying she's back with him, so it must be down to money, and questioning her character, but like you say, victims do often stay with their abusers, or go back to them and do still think they love them.

It can strip away everything from you.

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