says the guy who never went to the early rounds:facepalm:![]()
It's a combination of poor crowds and lack of investment. They aren't mutually exclusive.
The more people turn up, the more money we have to invest.
It's not rocket science. Denying that not turning up to games doesn't affect the club is naive.
If we'd have had 30k week in week out for the last 10 years do you honestly think we'd be in the position we are in now? Extreme example maybe, but the answer is no.
We'd still be in the championship or maybe higher. Big crowds draw better investment.
While I agree, I think its wrong for people to claim they are better fans than others just because they go more often than others.
No one is a better fan. People go when they can and anyone who wears the Sky Blue should be welcomed, not told to feth off because they aint a proper fan.
We'd never get more investment if all of those 10k hardcore 'real' fans kept telling the other 20k armchair 'plastic' fans they were welcome everytime they came would we?
20,000 people, if seen, please return to the Ricoh Arena asap. Support your team through thick and thin, good and bad.
Wow I love this, I really do i think you need to look at yourself long and hard fella because not everyone can afford £20 odd week in week out to watch League 1 football, have you ever thought that some people have other commitments or other sports that they enjoy to watch? No thought not the be all and end all for you is football.
My favourite sport is Rugby Union so I prefer to go and watch that and freely admit I have watched Coventry when the price of the tickets have been lower oh and when I HAVE THE TIME TO SPARE!!!!
I am also a father to be so most of my money is going toward our new baby also I am getting married so more money is going there, so I really think you need to pulll your head out of your blinkered a&*e and look at the bigger picture.
I appreciate this is some people idea of enjoyment and thats fine they can freely spend there moeny on football, not everybody else has to.
Oh I forgot to mention I would rather spend time with my Fiancee than sit having to listen to a tirade of abuse being sent toward a pitch by some idiot who cannot articulate themselves without swearing!
Wow I love this, I really do i think you need to look at yourself long and hard fella because not everyone can afford £20 odd week in week out to watch League 1 football, have you ever thought that some people have other commitments or other sports that they enjoy to watch? No thought not the be all and end all for you is football.
My favourite sport is Rugby Union so I prefer to go and watch that and freely admit I have watched Coventry when the price of the tickets have been lower oh and when I HAVE THE TIME TO SPARE!!!!
I am also a father to be so most of my money is going toward our new baby also I am getting married so more money is going there, so I really think you need to pulll your head out of your blinkered a&*e and look at the bigger picture.
I appreciate this is some people idea of enjoyment and thats fine they can freely spend there moeny on football, not everybody else has to.
Oh I forgot to mention I would rather spend time with my Fiancee than sit having to listen to a tirade of abuse being sent toward a pitch by some idiot who cannot articulate themselves without swearing!
Come down off your high horse lady Godiva! Most of your points have already been discussed so going over old ground now. Zzzzz
Why didn't you just say, "I prefer watching Rugby Union", end of post.
Clubs with the higher crowds in the division will finish nearer the top using this logic.
Most of our time in the championship are support was always around the 12th best (give or take a few places), yet how often did we finish that high or above?
Third best supported this year, what chance have we of getting that high?
Grow up, what a pillock!
You're only saying this as rational people have blown your small narrow minded dig out of the window, come back when you have something better to add.
Now now don't be bashful. The original point of loosing 20,000 fans from one game to the next is still valid and was said with a hint of jest/irony. If its riled you up then that's to your own misfortune and something you need to deal with in a calmer manner perhaps or on a rugby forum where your knowledge may be more suited.
I think you are in the wrong place if you are here to 'put someone down' when we both have a common dominator. I left school and the playground many moons ago.
Listen you obviously left the playground at 13:00 and are returning at 14:00, you are the one 'Trying to put people down' (look at your first post!), i'm leaving now as i'm growing tired of such a rambunctious little boy.
You still biting?! I think I'll put my fishing rod away for now and put you in my keep net because this is too easy.......
RichieGunns, you said this about me. "I think Snoz said he'd rather see 10k loyal fans than 30K fake fans. That doesn't encourage investment does it? "
With the greatest respect Richie - you're talking out of your arse. Show me where I said that. Get your facts right.
You make it personal at every turn. And turn it into a debate about 'whether some fans are better than others.'
My hope is always that there are big crowds supporting City. Nothing else. Read the few posts I make on the topic. I'm asking fans to turn up. Not many do. It hampers our team and the progress it can make. I have a mantra - 'No supporters, no money, no players.'
We have too many fans who can't be 'arsed.' But who expect their team to make progress. But they're not prepared to play their part much. As supporters.
Hills has it right when he said, "The more people turn up, the more money we have to invest. It's not rocket science. Denying that not turning up to games doesn't affect the club is naive." I agree with that statement 100%.
A season ticket at Coventry City would cost anyone less than £1 a day to save up, more like 75p for some parts of the ground. Why, they'll even let you pay monthly.
There isn't the passion for the club from so many on here.
Valiant, change the record mate, it's worn out.
They're parasites, they suck up allt he glory without experiancing disapointment like us REAL fans. If you're not gonna support your team thru thick and thin and leave when the going gets tough, dont fucking come back! We dont need you! Better to have 10k REAL fans rather than 30k fake ones who abandon the lads as soon as we concede
20,000 people, if seen, please return to the Ricoh Arena asap. Support your team through thick and thin, good and bad.
Ha, ha, ha No not still biting but its always good to see someone back track when they are forced into a corner, i'll let you have the last word as I have some paint to watch drying whilst you go fishing with your little maggot :jerkit:[/
Another bite.......
Anyway good luck with your new arrival, I have no doubt it will be blessed with your magical way with words and silver tongue.
Ha, ha, ha No not still biting but its always good to see someone back track when they are forced into a corner, i'll let you have the last word as I have some paint to watch drying whilst you go fishing with your little maggot :jerkit:[/
Another bite.......
Anyway good luck with your new arrival, I have no doubt it will be blessed with your magical way with words and silver tongue.
Yup they will do, as you can see i'm far cleverer than you! PS Put your maggot away because then big fish will stop biting!
Yup they will do, as you can see i'm far cleverer than you! PS Put your maggot away because then big fish will stop biting!
Cleverer? Yes you have clearly displayed these traits and have totally outwitted me.
And what is this fascination with maggots? Has this new civil partner law come at the right time for you and your 'fiancé'?
Cleverer? Yes you have clearly displayed these traits and have totally outwitted me.
And what is this fascination with maggots? Has this new civil partner law come at the right time for you and your 'fiancé'?
No more needs to be said, petty little insults by a petty little mind, oh and yes I am cleverer than you because:
1. You take ages to reply, because your Mum is spell checking for you.
2. I am not dragging family members into it that I do not know.
3. Fiance is the male, Fiancee is female.
Thank you and good bye!
Cheers Richie, Skybluegarns is right though, with his first opening post. "Support your team through thick and thin, good and bad." I can't see any arrogance in that. He's simply encouraging supporters to turn up.
Most of the decent posters on here speak in general terms, nobody's picking you out. Don't take comments personally.
I still think we have a lot of crap supporters. & I wish they'd turn into better fans and help their club. But won't hold my breath.
Fair enough.
I do agree with have crap supporters (and some are part of the 10k hardcore fans too).
But I think there is a lot of over generalisation.
You have to think that not all of those 20k are shitty fans.
A fair amount are probably in similar situations to myself (and Mr B) and therefore don't like it when people lump in as part of the crap supporters.
I'm devoted my city and my club, I just can't justify paying out that amount of money week in week out like others (even though I really want to be there).
Anyway As far as I'm concerned I've said my bit.
I'm sorry to have referenced you to that post.
In the end, lets just get behind the club in any way we can rather than tearing chunks out of each other all the time lol