Nationalism (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Soldiers that fought in WW1/WW2 if ressurected would willingly drag every British man and woman into their graves for giving up our identity so easily! It used to mean something to be British... now everyone who can get on a dinghy or raft over the channel can become ‘british’.

The WW2 generation voted majority Remain, did you know that? They saw what rampant nationalism did and how the world has to help out the persecuted. It’s no coincidence that many pro refugee campaigners today are descendants of WW2 refugees.

I grew up as a liberal...

Steady on now, I’ve seen no evidence you’ve grown up

I’ve not grown up rich... I grew up in Wood End... but I learnt and soon realized that Labour is the enemy of the working class not the supporter!

Yes the party fighting for better education and employment of all is the enemy. Not the ones who believe in eugenics. OK kid.

Centralism and Right wing politics/Conseratvism has the best interests of the nation... liberalism has the best interests of everything but the nation!

More meaningless waffle. Everyone think they’ve got the nations best interests at heart. That’s one of the things you’ll learn when you grow up: the world isn’t goodies and baddies.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Who said I was in Canada? Might be apart of my Houdini act! I’m a compulsive liar according to you and thus everything I say must be questioned beyond a reasonable doubt! I actually grew up in Nigeria and have never been to England or Canada and currently reside in The Gambia.

Should have done more research into me... amateur journalism...


Who said you were in Canada? errrr, you did :LOL: "Lets go Toronto!"


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry, should’ve thrown a few of these in at random to make my point better: 😂🤔🙄🙄😂🤞🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️👌👌🤷🏻‍♂️👻🥺


Well-Known Member
You criticised multi culturalism while unironically sporting a two tone avatar. You then brushed it off as a one off, then when Coventry more broadly was brought up as a successful case of multiculturalism you moved the goalposts a second time. Which leads me to believe that a lot like Steven Crowder, you actually won't 'change your mind'.

You doubt multicultural failure by mentioning one success of mixed cultures? Coventry has never been successful for multiculturalism hence why racism once exsisted in the city... every city in the UK apparently is in for an award for multiculturalism and economy it’s like blue peter badges?

Yet I’m still howling as you’ve took the time to respond but still fail to acknowledge or prove against my statement that it has? When did we ever mention Coventry being the subject matter of nationalism and multiculturalism! That’s you attempting to create this in reference to Coventry not me... I didn’t brush off two tone and I never brushed it off as one of few successes... I factually made a statement which is accurate which is true that it is one of few.... when comparing the percentages of multiple cultures in one country or living quarter that can live in peace and not have wars or conflict... there are few successes historically to the many failures as to which was my point! Hence why so many conflicts are ongoing in the world at current... but according to you, one right validates many wrongs... liberalism!



Well-Known Member
Genuinely reckon I could program a reasonable approximation of this poster.

Just pick the most frequent words from the comments section of the Prager U YouTube channel and apply at random. Insert random emojis and GIFs every 10 words or so.

Job done.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should have, learning slowely kid... very dry still, apply more salt to your open wounds I feed on it! ❄😂

You asked for a response. I gave you one so detailed it had to be split over two posts. Why are you ignoring it? You’re not telling me you’re not here for an actual debate and just came to wank your Pound Shop Cartman act over everyone?


Well-Known Member
Genuinely reckon I could program a reasonable approximation of this poster.

Just pick the most frequent words from the comments section of the Prager U YouTube channel and apply at random. Insert random emojis and GIFs every 10 words or so.

Job done.

Hahaha so funny! I honestly have no clue what all these YouTube channels your mentioning are clearly you’ve got some sort of fetish for watching YouTube... pretty weird to be honest! Actually say something intellectual in reference or just don’t @ me as your banters dryer than your unexsistant misses.... know all these YouTube channels but don’t get the use of emoji’s? 🤨

Salty? 🧂


Well-Known Member
Hahaha so funny! I honestly have no clue what all these YouTube channels your mentioning are clearly you’ve got some sort of fetish for watching YouTube... pretty weird to be honest! Actually say something intellectual in reference or just don’t @ me as your banters dryer than your unexsistant misses.... know all these YouTube channels but don’t get the use of emoji’s? 🤨

Salty? 🧂

Here’s the thing kid. I know you’re sucking down American right wing crap because you blather on about Liberals. In the U.K. Liberals are on the right.

For a nationalist you sure suck at adhering to your culture.


Well-Known Member
Also you clearly don’t know how to use the phrase “salty”

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
You doubt multicultural failure by mentioning one success of mixed cultures? Coventry has never been successful for multiculturalism hence why racism once exsisted in the city... every city in the UK apparently is in for an award for multiculturalism and economy it’s like blue peter badges?

Yet I’m still howling as you’ve took the time to respond but still fail to acknowledge or prove against my statement that it has? When did we ever mention Coventry being the subject matter of nationalism and multiculturalism! That’s you attempting to create this in reference to Coventry not me... I didn’t brush off two tone and I never brushed it off as one of few successes... I factually made a statement which is accurate which is true that it is one of few.... when comparing the percentages of multiple cultures in one country or living quarter that can live in peace and not have wars or conflict... there are few successes historically to the many failures as to which was my point! Hence why so many conflicts are ongoing in the world at current... but according to you, one right validates many wrongs... liberalism!


On balance is the city better or worse off from multiculturalism? How about the UK? Europe? The world?


Well-Known Member
Nationalism factually has created the world we live in and driven technological development in an attempt to be one step ahead. Liberalism and anti nationalism is the death or the world we know it at current... well it’s already burning look at the way the west has changed in the face of twenty years.

Liberalism feed on oppressing people and branding people with terms like ‘fascist’ and the golden one ‘racist’ if they don’t agree with their perspective on a subject matter. Leon Trotsky driven that communist word to oppress those who didn’t believe in their ideology and it worked, you slander and brand someone with the term so much people begin to believe it. I’m not fond of the EDL just to align my views but Tommy Robinson is quite a golden subject matter on that point so many times he’s been called a racist and when asked to prove he’s a racist they’ve never factually provided clear full proof evidence to prove their claim yet their stance is always portrayed by the media to be the ‘correct’ decision/stance.

Open borders have proven a great deal, failure... mass rape... undocumented individuals....

etc etc (I had to remove the rest due to the message being too long)

God where to start with this!

Nationalism has been a major cause of wars and unrest since the first days of global travel. People assuming they're the 'chosen people' with a divine right to rule others and try to take them over to instill their 'correct' way of life upon them, creating the incendiary situations you blame liberalism for. Have you not noticed that the world has actually been far more peaceful in Europe since it became more liberal and open compared to centuries of endless wars between the countries and their nationalistic fervours? No-one has stoked the fire and made the world more dangerous in recent years than Trump - a massive nationalist who creates tension worldwide with his view that America has a given right to dictate to others. You can use the same argument with Jinping in China and Putin in Russia.

Yes there are some supposed liberals who will decry racist/homophobe etc with anyone who disagrees with them, but how is that different to nationalists like Trump. Any deviance from "we're great" is met with cries of "traitor!" and "you hate this country". Same coin, different sides.

The liberals that do that aren't really liberals. Their mindset is actually that of a nationalist just without a nation to attach that belief to. That's what happened in Soviet Russia. They took over and set about instilling their beliefs onto the nation and no deviation was allowed. A national identity is nothing more than a narrow set of beliefs that have been able to be instilled on a particular defendable area through force until such time has passed that generations have been brought up thinking that way and no-one can remember thinking differently.

TRUE liberals think people can believe whatever they wish as long as they don't harm or try and force that opinion onto others. The reason they don't prosper is because the nationalists will willing wipe them out so they can instill their narrow interpretation of what should and shouldn't be allowed as that's the 'right' way of thinking.

You talk about how the west is 'burning' over the last twenty years. You do realise there's a lag between political change and behavioural change due to things like education taking time to seep through? What you're seeing now is the fallout of the Reagan and Thatcher era because 'Thatcher's children' are now the ones grown up and in positions of power steering the ship. This is the outcome of the "greed is good" mentality and we're seeing ever increasing disparity between rich and poor due to it, resulting in antagonism between the two and the societal problems caused by it.

Open borders you can take anyway you want if you only look at the bits you want. Anyone complaining about the cheap builders and labourers that come in and keep the costs of your food etc down by working for less than the Brits? I forgot that before this we were a utopia with no crime or murders. Those damn pesky immigrants like the Kray Twins, Peter Sutcliffe, Myra Hindley, Ian Brady, Rose and Fred West, Harold Shipman ruining our idylicc little island.

You talk about liberalism being about oppression of the people and then bring up one of the least liberal countries in the world in the Saudia Arabia and their religious beliefs, attitude towards gays etc. Because they sure as hell don't oppress the people that veer from the 'acceptable' path! And the liberals ARE outraged by their behaviour. It's the capitalists in thrall of their wealth and governments balls deep in arms deals and/or literally over an (oil) barrel due to energy needs that accept it. Liberal groups are constantly saying we should sanction them, stop arming them etc.

You're correct nationalism made Europe what it is (or was). A place hellbent on taking over the rest of the world at each others expense and perpetually at war with each other as they tried to claim it for their own. WWI and II were caused by nationalists. Since WWII and a more liberal, open approach we've had the longest period of peace in the region since probably ever.

You say we should be more nationalist, but that means every other country is nationalist too and puts themselves first. So then you've got France thinking their country is great and their way of life the correct way forward, Spain does, Germany does too. And that inevitably leads to the point where you end up producing people who think their nation is chosen above all others and decides everyone else should think that way too. That's the kind of thinking that produced Hitler, and has produced Trump. It's also the backbone of China's thinking and their oppression of autonomous regions and minorities and attempts to expand further. Israel has a similar mindset that they know better than the rest of the Middle East and impose themselves on it backed by America. They start wars and invading people to 'educate' them on the errors of their ways and to save them from themselves. So fuck it, let's all be nationalists and go to war with Germany again because they think they're the masterrace. Or perhaps Spain over different religious beliefs? Or France over some spurious belief of a claim to rule the area?

Right leaning views have led to the massive imbalance in society and the animosity that creates between the two and created the current powder keg ready to explode. The only reason it has done so so rarely in the past is due to the imbalance of power allowing the haves to coerce the have-nots into submission due to access to technology and arms. But of course it's the liberals that are all about oppression aren't they!

As you talked about nationalism driving technological development you're assuming that the technology we have developed is the best we could have come up with. That this is where we've ended up and therefore must be the best outcome. But how do we know that? Huge amounts of nationalist spending goes on the military yet how do we know the trillions of dollar spent developing tanks, fighter jets and missiles couldn't have meant we'd have already cured cancer, AIDS or dementia if they'd been appropriated elsewhere in something more constructive than a weapon that could wipe all life from the Earth?

We've made massive scientific advances with people from all different nationalities working together on projects, pooling resources. If each nation did that separately you're talking huge amounts of replicated jobs, research etc and thus wasted money and resources as they all go theri own way trying to come up with the same thing. Take the internet. Berners-Lee and a team of scientists from around the world created this wonderful tool not for military purposes. But its the nationalists like China that have hijacked it and used it to attack other nations and spy on and oppress their own people.

If you look at all political parties over history as they become more popular and powerful and become part of the 'establishment' they naturally move more towards self-preservation and elitism. As they obtain power they attract the more selfish people who see it as a means to obtain power and enrichment for themselves rather than how they can best serve the people. The Tories were once the 'liberal' side against the Whigs. Labour have also moved in that direction away from its roots.

The fact that you can say Conservatism has the best interests of 'the nation' at heart when looking at the current shitshow, with the rampant cronyism of giving mates jobs without interviewing or selection processes and handing out ocontracts to mates companies without tender even though they've got no experience in that field whatsoever is almost unbelievable. We've got the highest death toll and highest economic contraction so what a hell of a job they're doing for the country eh! They don't give a fuck about the country, they give a fuck about themselves. If it doesn't benefit them then it can fuck off. Same with the uber- Nationlist Trump. It's all about him. He couldn't give a fuck about America - he gives a fuck about him. As far as he's concerned America = Trump. If it's good for Trump it's good for America. If it's bad for Trump it's bad for America. It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
Here’s the thing kid. I know you’re sucking down American right wing crap because you blather on about Liberals. In the U.K. Liberals are on the right.

For a nationalist you sure suck at adhering to your culture.

Clearly my point rests that your the milkman’s kid. When have I ever referenced the UK as the primary subject matter regarding nationalism, multiculturalism or it’s political spectrum. You’ll find that the interpretation of what’s left and what’s right isn’t what you think it is! Just alike the far gone conclusion you’ve made to make up a criteria that didn’t exsist. I certainly don’t think Adolf Hitlers ideology surrounding nationalism for an example even touched on the alignment with Patriotism in the US?

You’re really not making sense are you... pretending you’re smart and being smart are two different things! If my beliefs of nationalism were based on the US’s political activists I’d not have a care for nationalism!

I don’t think you’ve opened your eyes recently, there are many in the UK and Europe such as Poland and Hungary that favour nationalism! Also it’s not very left of you to assume that things are so black and white... shame on you!



Well-Known Member
Again proving my point, you have the time to respond several times but don’t have the time despite somehow ‘knowing’ they’re wrong to briefly note how and reference a factual source to back your ‘knowledge’. I don’t know your political belief, alike you don’t know mine. Because firstly if you actually were as smart as you’re trying to make out you’d know that nationalism doesn’t exsist in ‘yank’ land? Also not understanding that reference it’s pretty disrespectful...

But just to show you how I don’t need to reference a source and can reply quickly and prove your drivel wrong... In the country of the United States of America which I believe you’re referencing as this yank stuff... the right see themselves in line with the views of ‘patriotism’ not nationalism!

My views are my own, they’re not sourced from YouTube or American socialites! But again YouTube would have come in handy for you... would have taught you about the difference between nationalism and patriotism! 🤨👍

You do realise that the American right version of 'patriotism' is just American nationalism rebranded under a more 'acceptable' term don't you?


Well-Known Member
The idea of a 'culture' in the west is pretty false. There are people with different political and religious belief but essentially all in the consumer culture, that's it.


Well-Known Member
Clearly my point rests that your the milkman’s kid. When have I ever referenced the UK as the primary subject matter regarding nationalism, multiculturalism or it’s political spectrum. You’ll find that the interpretation of what’s left and what’s right isn’t what you think it is! Just alike the far gone conclusion you’ve made to make up a criteria that didn’t exsist. I certainly don’t think Adolf Hitlers ideology surrounding nationalism for an example even touched on the alignment with Patriotism in the US?

You’re really not making sense are you... pretending you’re smart and being smart are two different things! If my beliefs of nationalism were based on the US’s political activists I’d not have a care for nationalism!

I don’t think you’ve opened your eyes recently, there are many in the UK and Europe such as Poland and Hungary that favour nationalism! Also it’s not very left of you to assume that things are so black and white... shame on you!


You realise you’re on a U.K. based forum don’t you?


Well-Known Member
Spent plenty of time in Glasgow, like here it’s a few idiots. In fact like everywhere in the world it’s a few idiots

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
The WW2 generation voted majority Remain, did you know that? They saw what rampant nationalism did and how the world has to help out the persecuted. It’s no coincidence that many pro refugee campaigners today are descendants of WW2 refugees.

I think you'll find that the WW2 generation , whatever that means , would probably have had to be in their teens to remember the blitz and have some grasp at what was actually going on.
Most of them are dead now and didn't vote in the referendum.
As for those that were still alive and bothered to vote in the referendum ( most would be well over 80) aren't they the old racists that you so readily decry on the In/ out thread, or are they strictly people born from 1946 onwards?
Massaging at its finest.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll find that the WW2 generation , whatever that means , would probably have had to be in their teens to remember the blitz and have some grasp at what was actually going on.
Most of them are dead now and didn't vote in the referendum.
As for those that were still alive and bothered to vote in the referendum ( most would be well over 80) aren't they the old racists that you so readily decry on the In/ out thread, or are they strictly people born from 1946 onwards?
Massaging at its finest.

Wow you’ve gone off on one there.

Here, facts: Britain’s wartime generation are almost as pro-EU as millennials

And no, it’s the baby boomers that are the shitlords generally. Had everything given to them and learned nothing.


Well-Known Member

Your first paragraph lost me, Trumps not a nationalist he’s a patriot! Secondly that’s your evaluation on Europe but what you’re failing to compare it with is technological advancements in communication, properganda was a rife war machine prior to the end of WW2 and a country could make you fight a war and you’d only hear the one side of the breakdown! If the same people were to exsist today with the same access to knowledge and more open communication such breakdowns and wars wouldn’t occur as frequently. You say that Europe is more peaceful? But out of active wars... the countries in Europe are more crime ridden than ever before... more rape has occurred to women after WW2 than during it and that was a world war and we’re meant to be peaceful!

Also I don’t mean to mock you but I’m not following this part ‘Have you not noticed that the world has actually been far more peaceful in Europe’ there’s a big old world outside of Europe and it’s certainly not more peaceful.... there’s just as many conflicts.

Europe also was far more powerful than it is now prior to the EU when nationalism was key. Factually speaking you can see that, Europe has lost its power hence why it doesn’t do them things any longer... the Seuz canal put a mark to that! As for Trump? You do know he’s actually created less tension than during Barracks tenure and Bush’s right? Like I don’t see how people dismiss Barrack Obama ‘the black guy from the hood...’ (also raised by white grandparents but he doesn’t mention them as much in his writing with praise as it doesn’t fit the bill for the campaign... also the fact his grandads relates to several presidents.... fishy!)

As for your two examples though... Russia and China are arguably the most powerful and economically wealthy nations on earth and there people are proud to be from that nation and yet they’re communist ideal nations but uphold very strong beliefs to their flag and land hence why no foreigner can become Chinese!

Liberals as defined and I did mention are not nationalists without a flag they’re technically the fascists by definition!

For the crime subject you’ve mentioned known criminals and small crime syndicates! Do you live in a cave or are you as tunnel visioned as the people and ideologies you mention! I’ve got a criminology degree and I can tell you for a ‘FACT’ that crime is in geographical reference on the moon from where it was during the periods of the criminals you mentioned! Now you can’t go anywhere without people committing misdemeanours to mote serious crimes it’s on every corner and society as a whole has become more acceptant around it taking place! Reference a bunch of grooming gangs back then outside of a church... you won’t find any!

You try to mock Europe yet you’ll find that because of the wars and development during them times we invented many things that allow us to operate the way we do today as a result! Would you rather be in a hovel right now working the lands of a nobleman instead? You do know that non white enslaving empires exsisted long before the countries and era were talking about right? 🧐

I mentioned Saudi Arabia not in the context of referring to it as a liberal country? I don’t understand your point with that one! But I’ve never seen mass riots or demonstrations alike currently taking place in the West to outrage the events that occur there was my point! Liberalism oppresses the individuals it knows can be subdued... they don’t care about the fundamental beliefs to the core of what is right and wrong and doing what is right at all costs otherwise they’d be demanding something to be done consistently!!!

When did nationalism mean war? As I mentioned previously about proper hands and evolution... you can’t compare nationalism in its form today with natuionalism during a point when people could be so easily manipulated due to state sourced media and no further out reach! Progressively we’ve actually come to a hault, Hitlers Germany arguably again produced technological advancements.... as a people we’ve learnt to be more acceptant but nationalism doesn’t have to mean China NO #1 mentality.

You say that but the same could be said for the left as they’ve also created a further imbalance and more recently in the UK under the Blair administration and again that was a labour backed invasion into Iraq.

We’re not at war now and are an irrelevant nation and have cut military spending by a long shot and haven’t done anything technologically gifted to make cures alike what you mentioned so I rest my case there. Stephen Hawkins even said... we as a species won’t ever get off this earth or do productive things as humans have always been envious of other humans thus leading to conflict. How many times has America flew a ship of their own to the moon since the Cold War? Scientific advancements could have been made then!

There’s also already a cure for cancer, you just can’t afford it or access it. I’m not one for conspiracies but it’s clearly evident these diseases seem to spring up out the blue... (blue lab maybe...).

See I mentioned Conservatism as a forward and the best at current because there’s no alternative, do you truthfully think it’d be any better with Blair back at the helm or Brown? Or maybe give Ab and Jezza a go! You’d see a worse performance and response from all of them. As for Trump the same stands... every political leader has their own interests at heart again it comes down to being a human. The Conservative party though and the Republican Party in the US have proven to consistently have to recoup the failures that the labour/liberal movements stir up.

Nationlism shouldn’t be frowned upon and it doesn’t mean that you don’t embrace other cultures or countries or want to overtake them... we’ve developed as a whole and to say you don’t have an attachment with the UK is like to say you don’t care for affiliations in general and could question why you support Coventry City and not Al-shabad.

You’re never going to be able to have a world without nations, peace for all and progression across the board as it’s impossible that with so many humans we can all fall in line as from the known recording of men we have affiliated or dra


Well-Known Member
Shmee I’ll reply to you later today when I’m done work just because I can’t wait to see what drivel you’ve compiled with them whole two brain cells coming together as a dual processor!

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What did they have given to them ?

Decent jobs for life, solid pensions, free education, council housing, the housing bubble, I could go on.

I’m not for writing off generations generally but in terms of being soft and entitled the boomers have the millennials beat on every count. All while wearing the clothes of their parents to pretend they won a war. They then spend their retirement whinging others might get a fraction of what they got.

Averages obviously. Exceptions everywhere.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Wow you’ve gone off on one there.

Here, facts: Britain’s wartime generation are almost as pro-EU as millennials

And no, it’s the baby boomers that are the shitlords generally. Had everything given to them and learned nothing.
He refers to those "coming of age" during world war 2.
Simple maths would dictate that they'd be born between 1921 and 1927 , putting those alive at the time of the referendum at around 89 years for the youngest, assuming that "coming of age" would be 18, though it was 21 back then of course.


Well-Known Member
Really can't be asked to repeat all the points again so I'll just deal with a couple.

Your first paragraph lost me, Trumps not a nationalist he’s a patriot!

No. Trump is actually a self-serving narcissist who plays on using "America" to get people to think he's doing it for the good of the country.

His actions are those of a nationalist. He uses the term patriot instead because it doesn't have such negative connotations. Some people just take it at face value rather than actually looking at what it actually is. If I see a dog and call it a cat, it doesn't make it a cat.

Also I don’t mean to mock you but I’m not following this part ‘Have you not noticed that the world has actually been far more peaceful in Europe’ there’s a big old world outside of Europe and it’s certainly not more peaceful.... there’s just as many conflicts.

You mean that big world outside of Europe that is massively nationalistic/tribalistic in comparison to modern Europe and are in huge conflict with each other all the time? Like Europe used to be when it was embroiled in nationalism?

But Europe has been peaceful in recent times. Times that just so happen to coincide with a more liberal, open and multicultural way of living. In the last few years animosity has started to grow certainly in this country towards Europe and who has fueled it? Thenationalists of the Brexiteers. Antagonism in Europe is by the far-right Nationalists of the likes of Le Pen and AfD.

Don't worry about 'mocking' me. Apart from the nonsense content of your posts in general that seem to be from someone who has swallowed and then regurgitated a load of right-wing rhetoric that stands up to no scrutiny, or the fact that you don't seem to understand the difference between liberalism and socialism/communism, or spot nationalism masquerading under the name of patriotism, plus I can't even be bothered to point out the myriad spelling and grammatical errors in your posts so you mocking me draws the equivalent response of a kitten trying to claw and bite my finger. "aww, bless"

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Decent jobs for life, solid pensions, free education, council housing, the housing bubble, I could go on.

I’m not for writing off generations generally but in terms of being soft and entitled the boomers have the millennials beat on every count. All while wearing the clothes of their parents to pretend they won a war. They then spend their retirement whinging others might get a fraction of what they got.

Averages obviously. Exceptions everywhere.
Wow. You're really bitter.


Well-Known Member
What did they have given to them ?

Cheap public housing sold to them at a discount
Social security and NHS (which most will have contributed to to some degree but most will have had more back than they paid in)
High wages for relatively unskilled work
Final salary pensions
Subsidised public travel
Free university/higher education
As pensioners get free bus passes, free prescriptions, eye and hearing tests. Pensioner discount on many items and services. Had free TV licences.

Then there's other things they take for granted from their younger days like job security.

It's not the fact that they had these things that's the problem. It's the fact they now complain about not being given anything and decry the younger generations for wanting everything on a plate when they don't get half of what they got themselves.

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