Oh Jeremy Corbyn (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
No instead we gave a bung to party with links to paramilitaries.

The same party labour tried to cling to power with in 2010 and the same party which Enoch Powell the friend of Corbyns heroes Anthony Wedgwood Benn and Michael Foot was a member of?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
The same party labour tried to cling to power with in 2010 and the same party which Enoch Powell the friend of Corbyns heroes Anthony Wedgwood Benn and Michael Foot was a member of?

Which ever party goes grovelling to them to retain power is just as bad.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
More typical socialist behaviour. Let's not kid ourselves that everyone is equal under socialism. Non-party members are equal and universally poor. Senior party members are very wealthy.

MP received £165,000 from trade union

if you still think Labour is a socialist party then you're kidding yourself. Even under Corbyn, all it's done is moved further to the left than it was under Blair, that doesn't make it socialist.

Every man and his dog from the world of big business was courting Corbyn at the Labour party conference including BAE.
I would bet a large sum of money that if Corbyn ever becomes PM he either won't implement banning the sale of arms to the Saudis , or he will water down, his stance.
Banks, oil companies and arms dealers rule the world and if voting jeopardised that they would ban it.


Well-Known Member
if you still think Labour is a socialist party then you're kidding yourself. Even under Corbyn, all it's done is moved further to the left than it was under Blair, that doesn't make it socialist.

Every man and his dog from the world of big business was courting Corbyn at the Labour party conference including BAE.
I would bet a large sum of money that if Corbyn ever becomes PM he either won't implement banning the sale of arms to the Saudis , or he will water down, his stance.
Banks, oil companies and arms dealers rule the world and if voting jeopardised that they would ban it.

We will have to disagree. All the evidence I have seen is that Corbyn, McDonnell etc. are extreme Left wingers. They have a long history of being on the extreme left of Labour; they are engaging/promoting ex-members of the British Communist party (Andrew Murray) and I have already shared videos on here of McDonnell stating that he is a Marxist and that he would implement a 20% Wealth Tax (taking money from people's savings) and that he is planning on immediate action when elected to stop a capital flight. That means he is going to stop people taking money abroad.

And their mates are the same:
Abbott: "Some people might think that [Mao] did more harm than good".
Seumas Milne has a history of defending Stalin whilst a journalist.
Murray (whilst still in the Communist Party): "Our Party has already made its basic position of solidarity with Peoples Korea clear."
Momentum, Corbyn's army, is almost exclusively lead by Trotskyists.
And so on.

Momentum have been spreading misinformation on social media, claiming that they are moderates and just want to implement social democracy. At the same time they promote class hatred. Look back at how socialists got into power everywhere else - it's exactly the same approach.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
We will have to disagree. All the evidence I have seen is that Corbyn, McDonnell etc. are extreme Left wingers. They have a long history of being on the extreme left of Labour; they are engaging/promoting ex-members of the British Communist party (Andrew Murray) and I have already shared videos on here of McDonnell stating that he is a Marxist and that he would implement a 20% Wealth Tax (taking money from people's savings) and that he is planning on immediate action when elected to stop a capital flight. That means he is going to stop people taking money abroad.

And their mates are the same:
Abbott: "Some people might think that [Mao] did more harm than good".
Seumas Milne has a history of defending Stalin whilst a journalist.
Murray (whilst still in the Communist Party): "Our Party has already made its basic position of solidarity with Peoples Korea clear."
Momentum, Corbyn's army, is almost exclusively lead by Trotskyists.
And so on.

Momentum have been spreading misinformation on social media, claiming that they are moderates and just want to implement social democracy. At the same time they promote class hatred. Look back at how socialists got into power everywhere else - it's exactly the same approach.

if they ever get in, which is doubtful, I don't think that will be the reality, as I say, they were been heavily courted by, and courting, big business.

i would be disappointed if Corbyn back tracked on Saudi though, like any politician, I know he won't do everything he says but sorting out our relationship with that toxic regime is a big one for me.


Well-Known Member
The same party labour tried to cling to power with in 2010 and the same party which Enoch Powell the friend of Corbyns heroes Anthony Wedgwood Benn and Michael Foot was a member of?

Powell was a member of the Ulster Unionists not the DUP.


Well-Known Member
Can’t remember who I was talking too about the world becoming too PC, and the infringements on the right of free speech, but I’m sure you have all seen the Labour MP Jared O’Mara, has had to resign, but is what he said all that bad? I’m not saying it is nice what he has said, but to be forced to resign for something he said years ago is, IMO an infringement on free speech.

I mean he said he wanted an orgy with the members girls aloud? Think that would be pretty normal pub/lad talk?

Next he said about some women winning pop idol cause she’s fat... again is that too wrong? Bit harsh maybe, but it is just an opinion.

The third comment was about somebody being sodomised by their own piano?

I’m not saying free speech isn’t a thing still, but I think it’s too the point where you can’t say something you want too, or have an opinion that doesn’t fit in with what society wants.


Well-Known Member
Also another thing, is about the universal credit thing. Terrible idea by the conservatives, the two councils in London that were testing it, have said rent arrears are soaring and that food bank referrals were increasing.
97% increase at one food bank.
Glad to see they are reviewing changing it, but still it was poorly thought out in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Odd that Mr Corbyn has not taken action against the vile mysoginists exposed recently - well actually as it's endemic in the party it's not that surprising at all.


Well-Known Member

Presumably the same fate awaits Davis

Odd it’s taken so long but I guess his lack of profile counts against him. That said naz shah and many others were suspended and returned once the dust settles as he will. I guess the phrase “get down bitch” remains ok though as the other charming fellow is a bit higher profile.

Love it also how when some criticism of grotesque behaviour is highlighted there are rather desperate attempts to point the other way.

Still as Jess Phillips found out to her cost, questioning such behaviour against the left wing thugs in the Labour Party comes at a very high price indeed.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Odd it’s taken so long but I guess his lack of profile counts against him. That said naz shah and many others were suspended and returned once the dust settles as he will. I guess the phrase “get down bitch” remains ok though as the other charming fellow is a bit higher profile.

Love it also how when some criticism of grotesque behaviour is highlighted there are rather desperate attempts to point the other way.

Still as Jess Phillips found out to her cost, questioning such behaviour against the left wing thugs in the Labour Party comes at a very high price indeed.

No comment about Davis then? No doubt you'd have throughly enjoyed his 'banter' based on previous comments.


Well-Known Member
No comment about Davis then? No doubt you'd have throughly enjoyed his 'banter' based on previous comments.

Yeah, but Davis is hip with the kids. Look at this put down he nailed
“Actually it would make a good Optical Express advert.” The bloke can’t get anything right.


Well-Known Member
No comment about Davis then? No doubt you'd have throughly enjoyed his 'banter' based on previous comments.

I don’t think so but it’s not the same is it. Abbott told him to fuck off and he and some mate engaged in a private text conversation that became public. No one even suggested he should resign even from the opposition.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I also dread to think the hysteria and abuse Abbot would get if she mentioned Czechoslovakia when boasting about her European knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I also dread to think the hysteria and abuse Abbot would get if she mentioned Czechoslovakia when boasting about her European knowledge.
How many Czechoslovakias does she think there is?


Well-Known Member
I also dread to think the hysteria and abuse Abbot would get if she mentioned Czechoslovakia when boasting about her European knowledge.

Her European knowledge was probably gained solely from her camper van experience with Jeremy.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Struggling also to find any condemnation of the charming Clive Lewis and his unpleasant comments the other week

you should follow Nadine Dorries on Twitter, she slated him. Strangely though she has today stuck up for her fellow tory Stephen Crabbe following his
comments, strange that!

There isn't one example of an inappropriate comment from an MP of one party that you can't find the equivalent of from an MP of another party and if rumours are true it's about the get worse with the revelations which are coming, (and not just inappropriate comments, behaviour as well).

Westminster is a fuckin' tax payer funded cesspit.


Well-Known Member
you should follow Nadine Dorries on Twitter, she slated him. Strangely though she has today stuck up for her fellow tory Stephen Crabbe following his
comments, strange that!

There isn't one example of an inappropriate comment from an MP of one party that you can't find the equivalent of from an MP of another party and if rumours are true it's about the get worse with the revelations which are coming, (and not just inappropriate comments, behaviour as well).

Westminster is a fuckin' tax payer funded cesspit.

Liz Kendall and Jess Phillips both have stated the problem is far more deep rooted in labour - Kendall said this this morning on the politics show. It’s far worse on the left. Do you think a Tory mp would have 600 rape threats from her own party members if she spoke out against sexism?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Liz Kendall and Jess Phillips both have stated the problem is far more deep rooted in labour - Kendall said this this morning on the politics show. It’s far worse on the left. Do you think a Tory mp would have 600 rape threats from her own party members if she spoke out against sexism?

can't believe you're using an issue this serious to try and play party politics.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
So what were you doing?

read my post, Westminister is a cesspit. I used the Dorries example to hi-light the hypocrisy.

If you can find a Labour MP who stuck up for Lewis but condemned Crabbe, (and you probably could if you looked), I'll accuse them of hypocrisy as well.

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