Oh Jeremy Corbyn (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
So you want inequality then? Because we should positively discriminate for the poor? And only the rich should pay VAT?

VAT is a consumption tax which disproportionately affects the poorest. It went up soon after the Tories got into power.


Well-Known Member

I'm actually against all personal taxes in principal but if anyone should have to pay them it should be those most able to.
That is why income tax only starts at nearly 1k a month income. VAT has to be charged at the same rate for everyone otherwise it would be a nightmare in the shops.

I would stop tax exemptions for things like private jets for companies. Like the Lewis one.


Well-Known Member
So what?
Again and I have said it throughout the thread, why should the rich be punished for doing well.
They already are. They hand over half of what they earn already.

So 50% income tax and VAT at 20%. They are left with 30%. And that is without other taxes they have to pay.


Well-Known Member
They already are. They hand over half of what they earn already.

So 50% income tax and VAT at 20%. They are left with 30%. And that is without other taxes they have to pay.
That is assuming they pay tax on ALL their income which we know not to be the case.

As a proportion of TOTAL income rich people pay less tax than poor people.


Economy introductions: income tax and who pays it


Well-Known Member
Best thing to do with VAT is overhaul the essentials list which is a complete mess. Anything that is genuinely an essential zero rate. Nobody can really argue against paying VAT on non-essentials As by definition they are things you don’t have to have.


Well-Known Member
Always been a fan of a tax on stocks and shares. That way everyone who owns a piece of a company pays a proportionate amount of tax.


Well-Known Member
Why should the poor be punished for doing badly?

They aren’t being punished? It’s a fair rate? Everyone pays it. The poor are also the ones begging for houses, benefits, and food banks, yet they don’t wish to pay anything into supporting it?
Rich people should support them why? Again I go back to the point. It’s all about personal responsibility there is nothing wrong with being down in the dirt and needing help, there is something wrong with blaming everyone else and expecting others to bail you out constantly


Well-Known Member
They're not being 'punished'. Why should the poor be 'punished' for not earning so much (if that means doing badly)?

By poor I don't just mean those who don't work.

Again where have I said the poor should be punished? I am saying it is fair to have set rate? He is talking about increasing the rate for the rich, which would be being punished


Well-Known Member
Not to pick on Astute but this highlights the problem all parties have in getting economic policy over to the masses. Even in sound bite form people struggle so when you drill down into the detail you've already lost the interest of most voters.

The VAT argument ultimately is pointless anyway if you support the EU.


Well-Known Member
They aren’t being punished? It’s a fair rate? Everyone pays it. The poor are also the ones begging for houses, benefits, and food banks, yet they don’t wish to pay anything into supporting it?
Rich people should support them why? Again I go back to the point. It’s all about personal responsibility there is nothing wrong with being down in the dirt and needing help, there is something wrong with blaming everyone else and expecting others to bail you out constantly

Not every rich person has got there by their own endeavour, in reality the majority of wealth is passed down and on. I bet if you looked at everyone alive today, the proportion of those who got off their arse and earnt it themselves is significant outweighed by those that were born into that wealth. There is a reason why most of the worlds wealth is within a tiny amount of its population.

You are also kind of intimating that every poor person is there because of their failings... again not even remotely accurate. Quite often born into a cycle that cannot easily be escaped.


Well-Known Member
They aren’t being punished? It’s a fair rate? Everyone pays it. The poor are also the ones begging for houses, benefits, and food banks, yet they don’t wish to pay anything into supporting it?
Rich people should support them why? Again I go back to the point. It’s all about personal responsibility there is nothing wrong with being down in the dirt and needing help, there is something wrong with blaming everyone else and expecting others to bail you out constantly

What a load of half-baked rubbish. Who has said the 'poor' don't wish to pay anything? You have just made that up you fool.


Well-Known Member
Not every rich person has got there by their own endeavour, in reality the majority of wealth is passed down and on. I bet if you looked at everyone alive today, the proportion of those who got off their arse and earnt it themselves is significant outweighed by those that were born into that wealth. There is a reason why most of the worlds wealth is within a tiny amount of its population.

You are also kind of intimating that every poor person is there because of their failings... again not even remotely accurate. Quite often born into a cycle that cannot easily be escaped.
Those who have had it passed down to them don't pay income tax on it.

What we have to be careful of is people not wanting to risk everything to make money when they know they will pay a very high rate of income tax if their gamble pays off. It is jobs that we need.


Well-Known Member
Those who have had it passed down to them don't pay income tax on it.

What we have to be careful of is people not wanting to risk everything to make money when they know they will pay a very high rate of income tax if their gamble pays off. It is jobs that we need.

That doesn't make any sense, somebody making themselves very wealthy doesn't always mean they're employing somebody. How many footballers, for example, actually create employment.


Well-Known Member
Those who have had it passed down to them don't pay income tax on it.

What we have to be careful of is people not wanting to risk everything to make money when they know they will pay a very high rate of income tax if their gamble pays off. It is jobs that we need.

But on a very primitive level if you eliminate tax avoidance you could spend on housing (including social) which would in turn create jobs.


Well-Known Member
Not every rich person has got there by their own endeavour, in reality the majority of wealth is passed down and on. I bet if you looked at everyone alive today, the proportion of those who got off their arse and earnt it themselves is significant outweighed by those that were born into that wealth. There is a reason why most of the worlds wealth is within a tiny amount of its population.

You are also kind of intimating that every poor person is there because of their failings... again not even remotely accurate. Quite often born into a cycle that cannot easily be escaped.

So they should be taxed more on the wealth they inherit when in most case, they pay 40% of tax above whatever the threshold is for that person?
You bet? Have you got any facts, I myself come from parents who were lower class/ lower middle class, and now firmly sit in the middle class. However I went to a school, where the majoirt of the pupils there, came from well off families, and from my experience, almost none of my friend's families had their wealth passed on. probably about 1/6 people did, but even then their parents, and they were more often than not very hard=working in order to continue that legacy. There was the odd exemption ofc, some were tossers, who had been given everything and would live off their parents for the rest of their lives, but in the large part, most were getting off their arse and doing something.

No i have intimated that. I have said that a lot of the poorest people, it hasn't happened overnight, shit happens, and its okay for it to happen, and need a hand to get back up, but it isn;t other responsibility, to pay their way and carry them through life, and a lot, again from experience, feel sorry for themselves and their situation and want to blame it on that instead of doing something.


Well-Known Member
What a load of half-baked rubbish. Who has said the 'poor' don't wish to pay anything? You have just made that up you fool.

'You fool', I love it when people can't debate so just resort to insults.

Dutchman said that only the rich should pay VAT, so they would be footing the bill for poor people who don't want to pay is what i was saying, probably worded badly but nevermind. you resort to insults behind a screen, if that makes you feel good :)

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
It’s not, but it’s the basis of a good debate, I think Astute and others have showed a willingness to budge on opinions and accept other views, whereas others just read and see what they want to see, in order to constantly stick by the same point even when wrong.

I've held my hands up to be wrong before on here too, as have many others. Even when they are wrong? People are always going to have a range of opinions, just because you don't agree with them doesn't make them wrong.


Well-Known Member
No it hasn't, though I appreciate it's a little bit more complicated than it has or it hasn't:

Labour and Conservative records on the national debt

But one thing is definite, it wasn't wiped out in 2015 as per their manifesto.

That’s national debt? They promised to eliminate the deficit- ofc yes which they haven’t done, but they did say that they wouldn’t well before 2015. But not an excuse as they say they didn’t fulfill the pledge


Well-Known Member
I've held my hands up to be wrong before on here too, as have many others. Even when they are wrong? People are always going to have a range of opinions, just because you don't agree with them doesn't make them wrong.

I know I was going to say that you were one of them?
Where have I said opinions are wrong? I said people have set opinions and so they cannot see when they are wrong on certain points.

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