Oh Jeremy Corbyn (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
It’s not illegal what he did so why should he have to pay double? I agree with you on a lot but not this
It isn't illegal but is unlawful if he says it is only for business use when it is for private use.

They fine people for not getting their tax returns in on time. That isn't illegal, unlawful or even immoral.


Well-Known Member
It isn't illegal but is unlawful if he says it is only for business use when it is for private use.

They fine people for not getting their tax returns in on time. That isn't illegal, unlawful or even immoral.

Still we can go back to the point it’s unlikely he did this himself, his lawyer probably told him, ‘I can save you 3million if you let me do xyz’ And he just said yes and signed some stuff. Yes it is naive, but who wouldn’t do it at the end of the day if he could.


Well-Known Member
Still we can go back to the point it’s unlikely he did this himself, his lawyer probably told him, ‘I can save you 3million if you let me do xyz’ And he just said yes and signed some stuff. Yes it is naive, but who wouldn’t do it at the end of the day if he could.
I still say that there should be a penalty for anyone who dodges paying tax.

One rule for the rich and another for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
I still say that there should be a penalty for anyone who dodges paying tax.

One rule for the rich and another for everyone else.

Disagree but I understand the point of view, if anyone did it I wouldn’t care. Don’t care if rich or poor, if they have a legal way to avoid tax then it’s fine by me.


Well-Known Member
Not sure any form of tax avoidance is acceptable if we want to have a fair and happy society.

We do have a fair society, everyone has the chance to do the same.
Happy society! Never gonna happen, only because people are never happy!! There is always something to moan about!

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
We do have a fair society, everyone has the chance to do the same.
Happy society! Never gonna happen, only because people are never happy!! There is always something to moan about!

Yea because an impoverished youth from an inner city council estate really has the same opportunities as a toff who goes to Eaton


Well-Known Member
Yea because an impoverished youth from an inner city council estate really has the same opportunities as a toff who goes to Eaton

That’s not fairness? That’s inequality that you are talking about.
But even so: Lewis Hamilton, parents are divorced, was state school educated, with his dad taking multiple jobs to fund his career.
The opportunity is there for EVERYBODY, to make a success out of their life, that’s fair in my eyes.
Yes inequality means some may have a better start in life, but everyone is born equal imo

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
That’s not fairness? That’s inequality that you are talking about.
But even so: Lewis Hamilton, parents are divorced, was state school educated, with his dad taking multiple jobs to fund his career.
The opportunity is there for EVERYBODY, to make a success out of their life, that’s fair in my eyes.
Yes inequality means some may have a better start in life, but everyone is born equal imo

You said everyone has the chance to do the same, which isn't the case at all!! Hamilton is also the exception rather than the norm.


Well-Known Member
You said everyone has the chance to do the same, which isn't the case at all!! Hamilton is also the exception rather than the norm.

Yes I said that in terms of if anyone was to buy a jet they could have done what Hamilton did? Am I wrong?
Yeah that’s what everyone else says ‘exception not the norm’- just an excuse of mediocrity to me.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Yes I said that in terms of if anyone was to buy a jet they could have done what Hamilton did? Am I wrong?
Yeah that’s what everyone else says ‘exception not the norm’- just an excuse of mediocrity to me.
Of course he is the exception and normal people living normal lives are not mediocre.

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
Of course he is the exception and normal people living normal lives are not mediocre.

Eton toffs are the exception.
As a proud council estate urchin, I quite like proper posh people, they’re quintessential.
It’s the nouveau’s who stand in All Bar One with the collar of their polo shirt turned up that annoy me.


Well-Known Member
Eton toffs are the exception.
As a proud council estate urchin, I quite like proper posh people, they’re quintessential.
It’s the nouveau’s who stand in All Bar One with the collar of their polo shirt turned up that annoy me.

The wannabes you mean?

Gets up my snout as well. They still shit out the same hole as I do :wtf:


Well-Known Member
That’s not fairness? That’s inequality that you are talking about.
But even so: Lewis Hamilton, parents are divorced, was state school educated, with his dad taking multiple jobs to fund his career.
The opportunity is there for EVERYBODY, to make a success out of their life, that’s fair in my eyes.
Yes inequality means some may have a better start in life, but everyone is born equal imo
So a baby born with a heroin addiction is an equal to a baby born with a silver spoon in its gob?

I grew up on the most 'select' council estates in Coventry. I saw the difference between a good start in life and a crap start in life. It makes a massive difference. I had two lots of friends. Those from stable families and those from unstable families. With one lot I was well behaved. With the other lot I wasn't. But I was lucky. I was clever enough and lucky enough not to get caught.

If you are not taught right from wrong at an early age you go one way. If you are you go the other way. But some do the opposite. I was always on the edge of both. Boring but safe or exciting but dangerous.

I am still on the edge. I am boring but safe with my family life but I need excitement. But I always do it in a legal way. And it all goes back to having an unstable childhood. If you didn't have one you will.never understand. And I wouldn't expect you to.


Well-Known Member
So a baby born with a heroin addiction is an equal to a baby born with a silver spoon in its gob?

I grew up on the most 'select' council estates in Coventry. I saw the difference between a good start in life and a crap start in life. It makes a massive difference. I had two lots of friends. Those from stable families and those from unstable families. With one lot I was well behaved. With the other lot I wasn't. But I was lucky. I was clever enough and lucky enough not to get caught.

If you are not taught right from wrong at an early age you go one way. If you are you go the other way. But some do the opposite. I was always on the edge of both. Boring but safe or exciting but dangerous.

I am still on the edge. I am boring but safe with my family life but I need excitement. But I always do it in a legal way. And it all goes back to having an unstable childhood. If you didn't have one you will.never understand. And I wouldn't expect you to.

I was lucky to have a stable childhood myself, but my parents not so much, and the people I went to school with not so much. And in actual fact would say I was pretty similar. My primary school friends, are now mostly drug addicts, chavs, ‘gang’ members.
My friends from senior school, are the complete opposite. So I have experienced both sides of the spectrum.

And it isn’t as black and white as you think. I have never said inequality isn’t real. But life is fair.
And everyone is born equal. Everyone comes into the world crying, everyone knows nothing when they are a new born. As I said people may have a better upbringing in life. But that doesn’t mean that society isn’t fair. That’s inequalty as I have said already.
Everyone has the chance to be successful in life, and everyone can make their own decisions.
And I could list a hundred examples and people will say as sick boy already has ‘it’s the exception not the rule’ but to me that’s just an excuse, for people to say society isn’t fair when in reality it is imo.
My best mates Dad, never finished school, didn’t have the best upbringing, no gcse’s no nothing. Built his own multi-million £ company. But life isn’t fair so that can’t be true right?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I was lucky to have a stable childhood myself, but my parents not so much, and the people I went to school with not so much. And in actual fact would say I was pretty similar. My primary school friends, are now mostly drug addicts, chavs, ‘gang’ members.
My friends from senior school, are the complete opposite. So I have experienced both sides of the spectrum.

And it isn’t as black and white as you think. I have never said inequality isn’t real. But life is fair.
And everyone is born equal. Everyone comes into the world crying, everyone knows nothing when they are a new born. As I said people may have a better upbringing in life. But that doesn’t mean that society isn’t fair. That’s inequalty as I have said already.
Everyone has the chance to be successful in life, and everyone can make their own decisions.
And I could list a hundred examples and people will say as sick boy already has ‘it’s the exception not the rule’ but to me that’s just an excuse, for people to say society isn’t fair when in reality it is imo.
My best mates Dad, never finished school, didn’t have the best upbringing, no gcse’s no nothing. Built his own multi-million £ company. But life isn’t fair so that can’t be true right?

no ones saying you can't do what your mates Dad did, But it's easier to do with a private education and a trust fund behind you.


Well-Known Member
no ones saying you can't do what your mates Dad did, But it's easier to do with a private education and a trust fund behind you.

Again that’s inequality not fairness which I have already said is true.
And even so: I’m privately educated (massive bursary- meant parents could afford it) as well as my brother. He has a degree and still can’t find a job, and the job I have is based on assessment rather than education.
The people I went to school with again, yes lucky to have private education, but a lot don’t have any backing from their parents after school. It’s just what people who are less well off like to think.
Society is fairer than ever, and people who are complete idiots are now getting degrees, which all these people with ‘private education’ have.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
VAT is a consumption tax which disproportionately affects the poorest. It went up soon after the Tories got into power.

EU rules mean 15% VAT is lowest standard rate, the UK charges a little more than Germany(19%) and the UK rate is generally lowish compared to most EU countries.

PS It was the Conservative-Liberal coalition government that raised VAT to 20%



Well-Known Member
I feel for Hammond with his next budget- it’s probably one of the hardest budgets in history, and you know no matter what he does, people will still complain it’s not good enough, without looking at the big picture.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
A lot of people who I know voted leave say the same. I am not enough to remember but reading and understanding we joined a "common market" it has evolved and morphed into a political union with one currency and one border and one army etc etc. some like Mart want this and that's fair enough. Many more don't though.
Voted likewise, the politicians have been trying to sneak these major changes through treaty by treaty over decades, if all of Europe could vote on the principle and did so I would be OK with it, but the people get no voice on the direction of travel in the EU and never will.

Deleted member 5849

I feel for Hammond with his next budget- it’s probably one of the hardest budgets in history, and you know no matter what he does, people will still complain it’s not good enough, without looking at the big picture.
Well unless there's a drastic increase in investment in services, then it'll be him not looking at the big picture....


Well-Known Member
No fence to get off.

Or have you forgotten about Juncker saying about wanting a superstate with all new countries that join having to join the Euro. And that he wants there to be an EU army. He wants one person steering the ship EU enterprise. He wants to be able to send in people to take over fiscal policies of EU countries.

It isn't being on or off a fence. It is about something you don't seem to know much about. It is being neutral and being worried which way it is all going. And I am very worried about the direction that the EU seems to be going.

23 countries have just signed up for a Defence Union. That was the idea 60 years ago and it has finally happened. It was Britain holding it back. The EU is back on course because of Brexit. Where is the „all 27 must agree on everything“? We are not in the EU and not everyone is being forced into a „European Army“.

The plan was always that everyone joins the Euro if they met the criteria. Britain and Denmark were granted an exemption. Nothing new there.

Juncker wants to do away with one president. That would be Tusk at the moment, and merge the responsibility of the European Council with the European Commisson. That would make the EU more efficient as both Presidents are involved in setting the Policy Agenda. The European Parliament remains as it is and votes on proposals put forward by the new merged body.

Juncker will not be standing for this post.

Juncker has proposed a European finance minister to control certain aspects of countries tax policy. This is to create more cohesion in the tax system and to prevent things such as the Greek crisis. It is long overdue and necessary to strengthen the Euro.

Europe seems to be moving forward since the Brexit vote.

How‘s things back in blighty?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Well unless there's a drastic increase in investment in services, then it'll be him not looking at the big picture....

You can only spend what you have. I have no doubt there will be an increase in budget for a number of services- but we can’t start throwing money at every single one.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what yet?

The so called experts quoted on here as saying Brexit will be bad were wrong in the 2001 recession. They were wrong about the banking fiasco in 2008. They were wrong about what would happen if we voted leave. Yet they get quoted on here as saying Brexit will be bad for us.

What some people need to learn is that they are the politics of the financial markets. They try to steer which way we go in as they stand to benefit. They were all for bank deregulation. And look where that got us.

Inflation is under control, the unemployment figures are down, jobs have been created. How? Experts are running the ECB, Bank of England and the Fed. Low interest and quantative easing.

What is most likely to throw a spanner in the works?

Trump? Brexit? Both the result of voting based on emotion by many non experts. We will see if Trump gets his protectionism through and if Brexit is hard Brexit. I doubt it in both cases. The experts will win in the end.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that I wanted anyone to cook the books?

The Catalonia fiasco has strengthened Scotland not wanting independence from the UK and to join the EU when we leave. But you can't see it.

How often do you go to Scotland? I go at least once a month. But I suppose you still know more than me. My daughter in law was massively for independence. But things have changed since their independence vote. Sturgeon even lost many votes in the last election because of going on about another referendum. And she has backed Catalonia when hardly any other leader in the world did. They don't like the way that the EU is run.

Who doesn’t like the way the EU is being run? How did you slip that in when you were talking about Catalonia and Scotland? The way the EU was being run wasn’t the main issue in either case.

Deleted member 5849

You can only spend what you have. I have no doubt there will be an increase in budget for a number of services- but we can’t start throwing money at every single one.
So the big picture will increase taxes.

Of course he won't, because politicians only look to the next election, not at the bigger picture, where investment is key.

Meanwhile people vote for low tax because they look at their wage packet at the end of the month, rather than the bigger picture of where investment can get us.


Well-Known Member
Don't they also have a wall invetween Israel and Palestine?

Trump is absolutely hammered for asking to build his Mexico wall when the many EU countries want a wall to stop Muslims coming in. Walls have been built as shown because Eastern Europe are very worried about letting Muslims in big numbers and they don't fit their culture.

I'm not saying the wall pictured is right or wrong. That's opinion. What I would say is these Eastern European countries feel the need and go ahead with building these walls and fences. Why? And why does trump get blasted for the same thing when EU leaders don't?

They did get blasted. Orban defied the EU and did it anyway.

The Trump wall would cost billions apart from anything else.

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