Oh Jeremy Corbyn (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
It's now being said it was a civil service /Border force innitiative and did occur in 2010.
A death linked to this story on C4 tonight.


Well-Known Member
Some, genuine, questions for those that agree with the bombing.

On what basis in international law do you think the bombings are legal given that international law requires either a mandate from the UN or the country carrying out the bombing to be acting in self defence?

What evidence is there that the targets were genuine? All I can see is May saying that not even MPs will be shown the alleged evidence. On the opposite side it was only a couple of weeks ago the OPCW declared there was no chemical weapons production or storage at the site.

Why now? Since 21 August 2013, the date of the worst chemical weapon attack in Syria to date, there have been over 85 chemical weapons attacks in Syria. Many of which were worse than the Douma attack. Incidentally the recent Douma attack was at least the sixth time this year the area has been targeted with chemical weapons.

If the issue is chemical weapons use then why haven't we done anything about the attacks in Darfur by the Sudanese government?
Three Belgian companies in court today over selling the raw chemicals required to make sarin or in part, manufacturer, expeditor and transporter .
Seemingly the major chemical is utilised in paint manufacture and they believe the companies they dealt with were related to that industry.


Well-Known Member
Corbyn was one of only 6 Labour M.Ps to vote against the bill that caused this situation, the bill was presented under Cameron whilst May was Home Secretary. It was expected that this information would be put on computer but this was vetoed by the Conservatives.


Well-Known Member
Three Belgian companies in court today over selling the raw chemicals required to make sarin or in part, manufacturer, expeditor and transporter .
Seemingly the major chemical is utilised in paint manufacture and they believe the companies they dealt with were related to that industry.
So did we bomb a paint factory ?


Well-Known Member
Corbyn was one of only 6 Labour M.Ps to vote against the bill that caused this situation, the bill was presented under Cameron whilst May was Home Secretary. It was expected that this information would be put on computer but this was vetoed by the Conservatives.
P.S they also.omitted a clause that protected Commonwealth citizens from being deported

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
It's bad enough being thoroughly inept at your job, it's another being spiteful, nasty and calculating about it.

some horrific stories emerging and a clumsy attempt to lay it at the feet of Labour by Mays adviser Nick Timothy exposed as absolute bullshit, (he's now gone to ground).
She's a bullshitter and a racist and she should resign immediately.


Well-Known Member
Did you see and hear the disdain when the media posed questions to the panel assembled regarding Charles ?
One of them said there was a strong consemsus ,she said looking down her nose it was unanimous.
I don't how it was edited but it sure did sound condiscending and contemptious .


Well-Known Member
some horrific stories emerging and a clumsy attempt to lay it at the feet of Labour by Mays adviser Nick Timothy exposed as absolute bullshit, (he's now gone to ground).
She's a bullshitter and a racist and she should resign immediately.

Don’t be ridiculous

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Don’t be ridiculous

if you're OK with a racist as PM good luck to you. I'm not.
Another fucking mess she caused as home secretary. Just like when she reduced police numbers and when police chiefs said it could lead to a serious terrorist incident she told them to stop been dramatic.
She's fucking' useless and dangerous, it's not a good combo.


Well-Known Member
if you're OK with a racist as PM good luck to you. I'm not.
Another fucking mess she caused as home secretary. Just like when she reduced police numbers and when police chiefs said it could lead to a serious terrorist incident she told them to stop been dramatic.
She's fucking' useless and dangerous, it's not a good combo.

The irony is the title of this thread is dedicated to the most evil racist that’s ever lead a main stream political party in this country.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
The irony is the title of this thread is dedicated to the most evil racist that’s ever lead a main stream political party in this country.

Corbyns a sly fucker, spent years fighting racism when secretly he's a racist, OK then.
Corbyn has a record of fighting racism and being a member of anti racist groups going back to the 70s.
May is trying to deport black commonwealth citizens who have a right to be here. But you carry on deflecting.


Well-Known Member
Corbyns a sly fucker, spent years fighting racism when secretly he's a racist, OK then.
Corbyn has a record of fighting racism and being a member of anti racist groups going back to the 70s.
May is trying to deport black commonwealth citizens who have a right to be here. But you carry on deflecting.

Corbyn fights for any cause that strives for anarchy and the destruction of society.


Well-Known Member
Corbyn fights for any cause that strives for anarchy and the destruction of society.

We fight for destruction of the elite who think it's their god given right to have everything, whilst the rest are forced to make do with the leftover scraps from the table.


Well-Known Member
Anyone read the articles around money laundering at Lycamobile, large donors to Central office ?
Our HMRC refused to assist a French investigation into this Company who seem to operate a Legit operation for the most part, except besides the audited Security van side Of the business there appears to be parallel army of Scooter riding couriers dropping off backpacks full of cash across several to tens of post Offices in the South ,squirreled away to various shell companies allegedly .


Well-Known Member
When did the thread title get changed to Oh Winston Churchill?

To even compare Churchill to a cowardly worm like Corbyn is disgraceful.

If Corbyn has been in charge when Jews were being slaughtered he’d have deplored violence on both sides, Livingstone would be praising him and ultimately he’d have surrendered to the Nazi regime without even a murmur.



Well-Known Member
So fighting for multiculturalism and acceptance of diversity strives for anarchy and the destruction of society?

Who do you have in mind Tony? Hamas, MEMO, the Tehran regime which he defends or the brutal Chavez regime which rapes, murders and torturers it’s opponents and is according to Corbyn “an inspiration to us all”


Well-Known Member
Even if everything you say about Corbyn is true May would still be a dangerous racist.
Problem is, she's in charge of the country.

May isn’t a racist. She’s about as extreme and radical as a plank of wood. She wouldn’t know a radical thought if it went straight through her head. She’s a europhile.


Well-Known Member
May isn’t a racist. She’s about as extreme and radical as a plank of wood. She wouldn’t know a radical thought if it went straight through her head. She’s a europhile.

She is obviously not Europhile enough then. If she were, she would not have accepted the job of taking us out of the largest trading bloc in the world. That should have been given to the buffoon, mince and/ or Fox. She has given them an out by being in charge during Brexit.


Well-Known Member
She is obviously not Europhile enough then. If she were, she would not have accepted the job of taking us out of the largest trading bloc in the world. That should have been given to the buffoon, mince and/ or Fox. She has given them an out by being in charge during Brexit.

That’s the difference between someone whose prepared to serve the will of the people and someone who wants to control the will of the people.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
May isn’t a racist. She’s about as extreme and radical as a plank of wood. She wouldn’t know a radical thought if it went straight through her head. She’s a europhile.

she's a Europhile alright who took an opportunity that went against her natural position when the tories needed a leader to unite their warring factions.
I thought she was a plank of wood as well, but the more the light is shone on her time as home secretary the more it becomes clear she's actually quite radical.
Her new best mates in Syria are called, if I remember correctly, the army of Islam. Imagine if Corbyn was in cahoots with such people.


Well-Known Member
she's a Europhile alright who took an opportunity that went against her natural position when the tories needed a leader to unite their warring factions.
I thought she was a plank of wood as well, but the more the light is shone on her time as home secretary the more it becomes clear she's actually quite radical.
Her new best mates in Syria are called, if I remember correctly, the army of Islam. Imagine if Corbyn was in cahoots with such people.
Al quida affiliates.


Well-Known Member
To even compare Churchill to a cowardly worm like Corbyn is disgraceful.
Go on then, I'll bite. Explain how Corbyn is, in your words "the most evil racist that’s ever lead a main stream political party in this country" when you compare him to Churchill.

Corbyn displays his clear racism by spending decades campaigning against it.

Churchill on the other hand was happy to target the Irish and Welsh let alone those from further afield.

A member of, the now thankfully defunct, Liberty UK was arrested for racial harassment for a speech he made except it wasn't his speech he was quoting Churchill.

Or in Churchill's own words:
“Aryan stock is bound to triumph”;
"We should be rid of a bad man and an enemy of the Empire if he died" referring to Ghandi;
"breeding like rabbits" as a reason for diverting supplied to the UK from India while they were in the grip of a famine that killed 3 million;
"I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes" speaking about Islamic countries;
"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place"
“the minimum of suffering” referring to concentration camps in South Africa where 42K Boers and black South Africans were killed;
“a beastly people with a beastly religion” referring to Indians;
“barbaric hoards who ate little but camel dung” that will be Palestinians;
“Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live” refereeing to those practicing Islam;

Churchill did some great things for sure but that doesn't remove the fact he was an incredibly racist person.
If Corbyn has been in charge when Jews were being slaughtered he’d have deplored violence on both sides, Livingstone would be praising him and ultimately he’d have surrendered to the Nazi regime without even a murmur.
Given that Corbyn wasn't born until a few years after WWII ended I agree he wouldn't have been a good choice to lead the UK in WWII. Odd assertion to make though, that believing the use of force should be a last resort is the same as saying the use of force is never an option. Your description sounds more like Chamberlain in Munich than Corbyn.
Corbyn said:
I doubt many, if any, in this room would have questioned the legitimacy, ultimately, of the Second World War. Because of the catastrophe that had approached by the rise of the Nazis all across Europe to that point. And so I think there has to be, ultimately, that preparedness to use military force.
Not that preparedness to bomb random countries is really a reflection on how racist someone is.


Well-Known Member
She is obviously not Europhile enough then. If she were, she would not have accepted the job of taking us out of the largest trading bloc in the world. That should have been given to the buffoon, mince and/ or Fox. She has given them an out by being in charge during Brexit.
This is one point I just can't get my head around.

May campaigned to stay in the EU. She still wants to stay in the EU. But she is following the will of the people.

Corbyn has always wanted out of the EU. He has voted against the EU in every way he could. He was the most vocal against the Maastricht treaty. May has always wanted us to be as close to the EU as possible.

But if you didn't know the truth and only read what has occurred on here you would think that it is the other way round. Those who want us to stay in the EU and are extremely vocal about it rip into May and defend Corbyn to the hilt. But May wanted the same as them while Corbyn wanted the total opposite.

All I can think is it is all about the party they vote for and not what the person stands for.


Well-Known Member
This is one point I just can't get my head around.

May campaigned to stay in the EU. She still wants to stay in the EU. But she is following the will of the people.

Corbyn has always wanted out of the EU. He has voted against the EU in every way he could. He was the most vocal against the Maastricht treaty. May has always wanted us to be as close to the EU as possible.

But if you didn't know the truth and only read what has occurred on here you would think that it is the other way round. Those who want us to stay in the EU and are extremely vocal about it rip into May and defend Corbyn to the hilt. But May wanted the same as them while Corbyn wanted the total opposite.

All I can think is it is all about the party they vote for and not what the person stands for.

An extremely simplistic point of view.


Well-Known Member
Go on then, I'll bite. Explain how Corbyn is, in your words "the most evil racist that’s ever lead a main stream political party in this country" when you compare him to Churchill.

Corbyn displays his clear racism by spending decades campaigning against it.

Churchill on the other hand was happy to target the Irish and Welsh let alone those from further afield.

A member of, the now thankfully defunct, Liberty UK was arrested for racial harassment for a speech he made except it wasn't his speech he was quoting Churchill.

Or in Churchill's own words:
“Aryan stock is bound to triumph”;
"We should be rid of a bad man and an enemy of the Empire if he died" referring to Ghandi;
"breeding like rabbits" as a reason for diverting supplied to the UK from India while they were in the grip of a famine that killed 3 million;
"I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes" speaking about Islamic countries;
"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place"
“the minimum of suffering” referring to concentration camps in South Africa where 42K Boers and black South Africans were killed;
“a beastly people with a beastly religion” referring to Indians;
“barbaric hoards who ate little but camel dung” that will be Palestinians;
“Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live” refereeing to those practicing Islam;

Churchill did some great things for sure but that doesn't remove the fact he was an incredibly racist person.

Given that Corbyn wasn't born until a few years after WWII ended I agree he wouldn't have been a good choice to lead the UK in WWII. Odd assertion to make though, that believing the use of force should be a last resort is the same as saying the use of force is never an option. Your description sounds more like Chamberlain in Munich than Corbyn.

Not that preparedness to bomb random countries is really a reflection on how racist someone is.

Margaret Hodge was on Pinaars politics today and said he biggest dread at the time was when nick griffin stood against her in a general election as she knew she’d get the anti semetic right abusing her.

She said it was nothing as to what she has had to endure from Labour Party activists since Corbyn became leader and he has done nothing to stop it, that’s from an insider so go figure.

Churchill was from a different time and it’s impossible to compare views from that age to this. I’d be careful if you do by the way as one of Corbyns idols was very very racist calling black people some charming terms and the lefts defence is exactly that.

Corbyn is a throw back to the days of Militant Tendancy. Stand in his way and he’ll turn his back while the stormtroopers do their work. Look at when Jess Phillips referred to sexism in the party and was subjected to rape threats and insults of the vilest kind. He did nothing.


Well-Known Member
An extremely simplistic point of view.
Why is it?

You are pro EU. Corbyn is anti EU and always has been. He was totally against the Maastricht treaty. You say it was a good thing. He wants out of the EU. You are desperate for us to stay in. May was for the Maastricht treaty. She wants us to stay in the EU. She wants what you want.

But May is a Tory and Corbyn is Labour. And many just seem to want to defend Labour whatever. Then they have the nerve to say that I am biased when I have a go at all sides. You couldn't make it up.

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