Oh Jeremy Corbyn (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Why is it?

You are pro EU. Corbyn is anti EU and always has been. He was totally against the Maastricht treaty. You say it was a good thing. He wants out of the EU. You are desperate for us to stay in. May was for the Maastricht treaty. She wants us to stay in the EU. She wants what you want.

But May is a Tory and Corbyn is Labour. And many just seem to want to defend Labour whatever. Then they have the nerve to say that I am biased when I have a go at all sides. You couldn't make it up.

Mad Mart is anti socialist and in favour of big state. He has far more in common with the likes of May and Johnson politically than the fools who like every post he makes on here.


Well-Known Member
Margaret Hodge was on Pinaars politics today and said he biggest dread at the time was when nick griffin stood against her in a general election as she knew she’d get the anti semetic right abusing her.

She said it was nothing as to what she has had to endure from Labour Party activists since Corbyn became leader and he has done nothing to stop it, that’s from an insider so go figure.
I'm sure Hodge, at the forefront of a failed plan to oust Corbyn, is a very reliable and neutral source.

Of course if you look at actual data the picture is very different. It shows a fall in anti-semitism among Labour supporters under Corbyn. Mysteriously the MSM seem to have ignored that and the fact that the data also shows anti-semitism among Conservative supporters is at a significantly higher level than Labour and is increasing.
I suspect you are, as with many others, deliberately conflating anti-semitism and anti zionism. Given your statements this week that you don't care who gets bombed as long as the UK makes money from selling arms its hardly surprising you have no concern about human rights abuses emanating from Israel and allow them to hide behind claims of anti-semitism.
Churchill was from a different time and it’s impossible to compare views from that age to this. I’d be careful if you do by the way as one of Corbyns idols was very very racist calling black people some charming terms and the lefts defence is exactly that.

Corbyn is a throw back to the days of Militant Tendancy. Stand in his way and he’ll turn his back while the stormtroopers do their work. Look at when Jess Phillips referred to sexism in the party and was subjected to rape threats and insults of the vilest kind. He did nothing.
What has being from a different time got to do with it. Hitler was from a different time, are you giving him a free pass as well? Your assertion was Corbyn is the most racist party leader the country has ever seen.

Similarly who Corbyn's friends are, if we're going down that route the same has to apply to May, or accusations of misogyny are nothing to do with the claim you made.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure Hodge, at the forefront of a failed plan to oust Corbyn, is a very reliable and neutral source.

Of course if you look at actual data the picture is very different. It shows a fall in anti-semitism among Labour supporters under Corbyn. Mysteriously the MSM seem to have ignored that and the fact that the data also shows anti-semitism among Conservative supporters is at a significantly higher level than Labour and is increasing.

I suspect you are, as with many others, deliberately conflating anti-semitism and anti zionism. Given your statements this week that you don't care who gets bombed as long as the UK makes money from selling arms its hardly surprising you have no concern about human rights abuses emanating from Israel and allow them to hide behind claims of anti-semitism.

What has being from a different time got to do with it. Hitler was from a different time, are you giving him a free pass as well? Your assertion was Corbyn is the most racist party leader the country has ever seen.

Similarly who Corbyn's friends are, if we're going down that route the same has to apply to May, or accusations of misogyny are nothing to do with the claim you made.

You are starting to sound like an apologist for racism.

So all those MPs crying in parliament are liars Dave? hodge when reading some of the filth she had written is making them up is she? You are not quoting facts. Facts are when parliamentary MPs emotionally describe the attack’s they are under.

Facts are the voice of Jess Phillips. Facts you want to sweep under the carpet.

You now start to imply murdering 6 million Jews is similar to statements made even further back in time by Churchill.

You lamely try and claim anti semetic is anti Zionism when very esteemed writers have condemned this as a blanket over vile abuse.

I don’t care if you share Corbyns racist bullying mentality. But don’t try and justify it by accusing the likes of Margeret Hodge and all those MPs who spoke so movingly in parliament as being nobodies who are not allowed a voice.


Well-Known Member
You are starting to sound like an apologist for racism.

So all those MPs crying in parliament are liars Dave? hodge when reading some of the filth she had written is making them up is she? You are not quoting facts. Facts are when parliamentary MPs emotionally describe the attack’s they are under.

Facts are the voice of Jess Phillips. Facts you want to sweep under the carpet.

You now start to imply murdering 6 million Jews is similar to statements made even further back in time by Churchill.

You lamely try and claim anti semetic is anti Zionism when very esteemed writers have condemned this as a blanket over vile abuse.

I don’t care if you share Corbyns racist bullying mentality. But don’t try and justify it by accusing the likes of Margeret Hodge and all those MPs who spoke so movingly in parliament as being nobodies who are not allowed a voice.
Get a grip. Its really not that complicated. You stated as fact that Corbyn is "the most evil racist that’s ever lead a main stream political party in this country". You've been called out on it and as usual are scrambling around trying desperately to drag other things, such as Jess Phillips, into the discussion and throw out insults rather than admit you were wrong.

Providing facts to show your statement is incorrect is not being an apologist for racism, or having a racist bullying mentality, an absurd statement even by your standards.

You're citing examples of things not done by Corbyn as evidence he is more racist than Churchill! The simple fact is that you can look at the twitter feed of pretty much any MP from any party, or anyone with even the slightest level of 'fame' and find all sorts of hateful comments. What some random person behind a keyboard posts can't be used as evidence that Corbyn, or anyone else for that matter, is racist. If you applied that logic over the whole of parliament you'd be pushing every MP to resign and there would be nobody to replace them.

Nowhere have I justified that behaviour, another ridiculous assertion you have made. Nor have I claimed anti semitism and anti zionism are the same thing.

I'm not the one who is playing the anti semitism card whenever Israel undertakes atrocities. Just this week has seen a photojournalist shot dead by a sniper while filming a peaceful protest, five other journalists shot, thirty protesters killed, many shot in the the back as they fled Israeli fire and 1,500 peaceful protesters injured by live fire. How many Israeli injuries or fatalities? Zero. But nobody is allowed to criticise without being labelled racist and anti semantic.

Is Natalie Portman also in Corbyn's band of evil racists?


Well-Known Member
Get a grip. Its really not that complicated. You stated as fact that Corbyn is "the most evil racist that’s ever lead a main stream political party in this country". You've been called out on it and as usual are scrambling around trying desperately to drag other things, such as Jess Phillips, into the discussion and throw out insults rather than admit you were wrong.

Providing facts to show your statement is incorrect is not being an apologist for racism, or having a racist bullying mentality, an absurd statement even by your standards.

You're citing examples of things not done by Corbyn as evidence he is more racist than Churchill! The simple fact is that you can look at the twitter feed of pretty much any MP from any party, or anyone with even the slightest level of 'fame' and find all sorts of hateful comments. What some random person behind a keyboard posts can't be used as evidence that Corbyn, or anyone else for that matter, is racist. If you applied that logic over the whole of parliament you'd be pushing every MP to resign and there would be nobody to replace them.

Nowhere have I justified that behaviour, another ridiculous assertion you have made. Nor have I claimed anti semitism and anti zionism are the same thing.

I'm not the one who is playing the anti semitism card whenever Israel undertakes atrocities. Just this week has seen a photojournalist shot dead by a sniper while filming a peaceful protest, five other journalists shot, thirty protesters killed, many shot in the the back as they fled Israeli fire and 1,500 peaceful protesters injured by live fire. How many Israeli injuries or fatalities? Zero. But nobody is allowed to criticise without being labelled racist and anti semantic.

Is Natalie Portman also in Corbyn's band of evil racists?

This is the Labour Party Dave - oh and i have checked - many of the members they even bothered to suspend have strangely been re-instated

You think most mainstream parties behave like this?

Labour’s pockets of anti-Semitism: the evidence | Coffee House

And I’m not wrong and I stand by my statement - Corbyn is a dangerous individual who has to be removed from office

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
A dossier on racism in the Conservative Party

Few examples of antisemitism in that dossier. Plenty of antisemitism from Hungarian Prime minister Orban as well yet may and boris were falling over themselves to congratulate him on his recent election victory.
There is clearly a problem in the Labour party but to make out if unique to the labour party is just using it to point score.
Even the greens have had issue with it.


Well-Known Member
You are starting to sound like an apologist for racism.

So all those MPs crying in parliament are liars Dave? hodge when reading some of the filth she had written is making them up is she? You are not quoting facts. Facts are when parliamentary MPs emotionally describe the attack’s they are under.

Facts are the voice of Jess Phillips. Facts you want to sweep under the carpet.

You now start to imply murdering 6 million Jews is similar to statements made even further back in time by Churchill.

You lamely try and claim anti semetic is anti Zionism when very esteemed writers have condemned this as a blanket over vile abuse.

I don’t care if you share Corbyns racist bullying mentality. But don’t try and justify it by accusing the likes of Margeret Hodge and all those MPs who spoke so movingly in parliament as being nobodies who are not allowed a voice.

When you quote Jess Phillips as facts, you've already lost the argument.

You are this boards equivalent of Dan Hodges.


Well-Known Member
When you quote Jess Phillips as facts, you've already lost the argument.

You are this boards equivalent of Dan Hodges.

Ah you believe Jess Phillips to be unworthy of an opinion?

Why - she is a woman?


Well-Known Member
Ah you believe Jess Phillips to be unworthy of an opinion?

Why - she is a woman?

It's got fuck all to do with her being a woman, so you can forget being a dick about that at least.

She should perhaps practice what she preaches. Those that want to call out others for inappropriate behaviour should consider how they behave firstly.

A life lesson seemingly lost on nearly every Tory MP, especially those at the top.


Well-Known Member
It's got fuck all to do with her being a woman, so you can forget being a dick about that at least.

She should perhaps practice what she preaches. Those that want to call out others for inappropriate behaviour should consider how they behave firstly.

A life lesson seemingly lost on nearly every Tory MP, especially those at the top.

So speaking against bigotry against woman in the Labour Party isn’t allowed now? She should be subjected to comments like “I’d rape you if you weren’t such an ugly c**t and on the blob” by a momentum member?

You are a teacher aren’t you? Thank Christ my daughters never came across a dinasaur like you.


Well-Known Member
So speaking against bigotry against woman in the Labour Party isn’t allowed now? She should be subjected to comments like “I’d rape you if you weren’t such an ugly c**t and on the blob” by a momentum member?

You are a teacher aren’t you? Thank Christ my daughters never came across a dinasaur like you.

You are like Hodges - will completely manipulate and twist something to meet your own ends. We all know the this kind of stuff is wrong, don't play the moral highground bollocks. The fact you even suggest that it would be tolerated by me or any of the other people on here you pull this trick on is a reflection on you - not us.

You'll learn far more about tolerance from me than you ever will from the people you profess to worship.


Well-Known Member
You are like Hodges - will completely manipulate and twist something to meet your own ends. We all know the this kind of stuff is wrong, don't play the moral highground bollocks. The fact you even suggest that it would be tolerated by me or any of the other people on here you pull this trick on is a reflection on you - not us.

You'll learn far more about tolerance from me than you ever will from the people you profess to worship.

Do you condemn the abuse Phillips and Hodges have received by momentum?

Yes or no?


Well-Known Member
Yes I do - do you condemn the abuse they have dished out?

Yes or No?

This is the problem isn’t it Ian? You are condemning “on both sides” when only one side has suffered abuse. I don’t believe that Hodge has made any racial comments or Ms Phillips has made any comments regarding the enforced sexual abuse of males. They have, of course, stood behind their principals against the red shirts.

I’ve said on here I believe Ms Phillips should lead the party once the old bigot inevitably falls on his sword. Given her excellent record on equality and human rights I suspect you will not agree.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem isn’t it Ian? You are condemning “on both sides” when only one side has suffered abuse. I don’t believe that Hodge has made any racial comments or Ms Phillips has made any comments regarding the enforced sexual abuse of males. They have, of course, stood behind their principals against the red shirts.

I’ve said on here I believe Ms Phillips should lead the party once the old bigot inevitably falls on his sword. Given her excellent record on equality and human rights I suspect you will not agree.

But you still haven't answered the question have you? Abuse comes in many forms - do you think it is appropriate for the two individuals mentioned to give abuse of any kind?

Yes or No?


Well-Known Member
But you still haven't answered the question have you? Abuse comes in many forms - do you think it is appropriate for the two individuals mentioned to give abuse of any kind?

Yes or No?
Yes. Abuse comes in many forms. And some are much worse than others.

Then we have people trying to water down what those they have an allegiance with and try to make others look worse when they stand for what they disagree with.

There is enough evidence of it on here.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Yes. Abuse comes in many forms. And some are much worse than others.

Then we have people trying to water down what those they have an allegiance with and try to make others look worse when they stand for what they disagree with.

There is enough evidence of it on here.

spot on.
The threats against Jess Phillips are disgusting, I don't remember the same outrage when Gina Miller received the same sort of threats of sexual violence.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Abuse comes in many forms. And some are much worse than others.

Then we have people trying to water down what those they have an allegiance with and try to make others look worse when they stand for what they disagree with.

There is enough evidence of it on here.
I'm certainly not watering anything down - but we can't claim to deal with abuse but only target selected people/groups. Does Labour have an issue with anti-Semitism that needs addressing - yes. Do the Conservative party have an issue with racial/religious intolerance, be it anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or perhaps a combination of both that needs addressing- yes.

The sooner people start acknowledging there is a problem across the whole political spectrum the chance there is to address it. Calling out only one aspect leads to people saying 'what about the problem on that side' - rather than dealing with the problem itself.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I'm certainly not watering anything down - but we can't claim to deal with abuse but only target selected people/groups. Does Labour have an issue with anti-Semitism that needs addressing - yes. Do the Conservative party have an issue with racial/religious intolerance, be it anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or perhaps a combination of both that needs addressing- yes.

The sooner people start acknowledging there is a problem across the whole political spectrum the chance there is to address it. Calling out only one aspect leads to people saying 'what about the problem on that side' - rather than dealing with the problem itself.

Baroness Warsi said in an interview the other day that Islamophbia is rife in the tory party with incidents being reported daily.


Well-Known Member
I'm certainly not watering anything down - but we can't claim to deal with abuse but only target selected people/groups. Does Labour have an issue with anti-Semitism that needs addressing - yes. Do the Conservative party have an issue with racial/religious intolerance, be it anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or perhaps a combination of both that needs addressing- yes.

The sooner people start acknowledging there is a problem across the whole political spectrum the chance there is to address it. Calling out only one aspect leads to people saying 'what about the problem on that side' - rather than dealing with the problem itself.
Look back at my previous posts. It is what I have always said. Then look at some replies I have got.


Well-Known Member
Look back at my previous posts. It is what I have always said. Then look at some replies I have got.

But it's not you is it - it's the general feeling that abuse is not reported equally, fairly or given equal levels of scrutiny, which leads (rightly or wrongly) to people questioning what is said and how it is portrayed.


Well-Known Member
Baroness Warsi said in an interview the other day that Islamophbia is rife in the tory party with incidents being reported daily.
Which is what I have constantly said. MP's seem to think they can do or say what they like. But this is my point.

Most Labour voters pick up on the Tories. Most Tory voters pick up on Labour. People like me pick up on them all. When I mention Labour I get questioned on me normally being a Labour voter.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Which is what I have constantly said. MP's seem to think they can do or say what they like. But this is my point.

Most Labour voters pick up on the Tories. Most Tory voters pick up on Labour. People like me pick up on them all. When I mention Labour I get questioned on me normally being a Labour voter.

I honestly believe that a lot of people picking up on the anti Semitism issue are only using it as a weapon to criticise Corbyn.

There are Jewish people saying that criticism of Israeli policy in Gaza is not anti Semitism being called anti semitic by Anglo saxon white men! It's ridiculous.

At the same time there are those who can't make a valid criticism of said Israeli policy without using Anti Jewish rhetoric and it is an issue that Labour needs to get a grip of.


Well-Known Member
I honestly believe that a lot of people picking up on the anti Semitism issue are only using it as a weapon to criticise Corbyn.

There are Jewish people saying that criticism of Israeli policy in Gaza is not anti Semitism being called anti semitic by Anglo saxon white men! It's ridiculous.
But there are many more that agree that it is.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
But there are many more that agree that it is.

It's ridiculous to accuse someone of prejudice because they criticise a countrys foreign or domestic policy. When you start adding derogatory terms for Jewish people in with that criticism that's when it crosses the line. Like I say, plenty of Jewish people are critical of Israels actions in Gaza including plenty in Israel itself and ex IDF soldiers.
I'm a massive critic of American foreign policy but love the place and the people.


Well-Known Member
It's ridiculous to accuse someone of prejudice because they criticise a countrys foreign or domestic policy. When you start adding derogatory terms for Jewish people in with that criticism that's when it crosses the line. Like I say, plenty of Jewish people are critical of Israels actions in Gaza including plenty in Israel itself and ex IDF soldiers.
I'm a massive critic of American foreign policy but love the place and the people.
But like I said even more Jews are critical.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Who knows more about being Jewish. You or Jews?

And how have I criticised Germany?

it's not about being Jewish, we're talking about genuine criticism of a countrys foreign policy being dismissed as racist. Do you think shooting unarmed children in the back should be beyond criticism? I can't believe you need this explaining to you.
You have criticised Germany or Merkel, you're quite within your right to do so.


Well-Known Member
it's not about being Jewish, we're talking about genuine criticism of a countrys foreign policy being dismissed as racist. Do you think shooting unarmed children in the back should be beyond criticism? I can't believe you need this explaining to you.
You have criticised Germany or Merkel, you're quite within your right to do so.

I don’t think making comments such as “Adolf was correct”, “Jews make Hitler look bad” and referring to female MPs as Yids and telling them to fuck off home a comment on foreign policy. These statements were made by labour councillors who to my knowledge are still employed by the party.

I don’t think Naz Shah saying Jews should be exported from Palestine to the US is a foreign policy comment. According to Corbyn it’s not anti Semite.

I don’t think a Muslim cleric who believes gays and Jews should be burned to death is the progressive voice of Muslims. Labour hierarchy does.

I don’t think liking a clearly racist cartoon is a foreign policy statement

I don’t think walking out of the commons while your own MPs are making statements regarding victimisation and raciscm is a foreign policy statement either.

Livingstone was on record 30 years ago saying the Labour Party was infected with Jewish money. Corbyn is of the same belief. It’s the same old “Jews have all the money”

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