Scam, I will believe in your dragon when he toasts me a mashmallow and not a moment before!![]()
Sorry royal scam I was saying I agree with Otis about the part he was saying about thanking god for fireworks and the bit about him not laughing. OK I understand now - and yes, I agree that Otis' neighbours blessing their fireworks was quite laughable.....
You know that there are many names for the Hebrew/Christian god don't you? Yes, I only used Yahweh because you mentioned it. You still haven't answered my questions though!
I think there is quite a lot of contemporaneous evidence for the man Jesus not just in the bible. You may 'think' this, but I would love to see proof of contemporaneous evidence -the gospels were written centuries after his death. Faith is the only answer to your dragon and faith (being sure of something I cannot see) is ultimately the only answer I can give for the reality of my god. I admire your honesty, Pete, and you've cut to the chase - you're saying that your god's existence is as probable as my fire-breathing dragon!
Don't be silly! Real fire-breathing dragons don't toast marshmallows![]()
Love it.
Josephus wrote about Jesus and the artefacts and proof of the manuscripts etc for the gospels is pretty damn good but yeah I don't like to waste people's time ultimately the leaps are made by faith.
I do hope god pours his spirit our again this generation
All the arrangements went well I think so probably time to stop boring you all and annoying others I think you're wrong - the more we discuss and debate the concepts of religion/god/faith/the afterlife/secularism/humanism the better - I was criticized for my second post in this thread because of this flawed argument: 'Why even post that? The guy has faith and is brave enough to post it in here. Good for him' Now I find that incredibly patronising. Pete you obviously have religious faith, but it's wrong that it shouldn't be open to criticism. I have many religious friends to whom this would be water off a duck's back, such is their faith - and they have more of my respect than the wishy-washy agnostic 'I'm not really sure, so I'll sit on the fence and say that there must be something out there whether it's god or not I can't say' brigade.
Don't be silly! Real fire-breathing dragons don't toast marshmallows![]()
That sounds so dodgy!!!Right, I'm just off to feed the dragon![]()
Love it.
Josephus wrote about Jesus and the artefacts and proof of the manuscripts etc for the gospels is pretty damn good but yeah I don't like to waste people's time ultimately the leaps are made by faith.
All the arrangements went well I think so probably time to stop boring you all and annoying others
That sounds so dodgy!!!
Ok I'll happily continue. Have enjoyed discussions with Otis. Hate that I made houch relive shit from his past though
I think there is only one true GOD common to all of this world - MONEY.
Yes the Pope lives in a modest flat. Though well-intentioned, IMO this modesty is false as it's safely tucked up behind the vast wealth of the Catholic Church.
All religions operate via influence exerted at the highest administrative levels of society through the wealth they command rather than their following or sensibility...& at the social level largely through fear &/or guilt.
That having been said - there could be some sort of "higher being". Several Doctors & Nurses I know (& I know a fair few) witnessing the dying say that even the least likely candidates often turn to GOD in their dying, spooky, evidence of this GOD coming for their soul even in consciousness? Who knows? But the debate could run until the death of mankind itself.
There Is only one True religion and we ALL Follow IT!!
Agree with you about Houch - have you read this:
Would this have happened in other circumstances, for example in a secular society? Possibly. The fact that it was done by the church makes my blood boil. The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for.
Millions don’t believe inJesus....millions do...everyone seems to believe different
things about him. So who’s right?
When a Christian says the gospel all about Jesus is do they know? can they be so sure?.... is it just a matter of blind faith?
What is the evidence for Christianity?
Is Jesus just a myth? Did he even exist?
Regardless of their religious belief, no serious historian would deny that Jesus existed...all would agree that there is simply too much evidence that Jesus lived on earth.
Basically, the idea behind textual criticism is this: as you sit and read a book that is a copyof an ancient manuscript, of any kind, the way you know what you are reading is what the
original author/s wrote is by asking two questions:
1. How quickly after the original was written was the earliest copy made? 2. How many copies are there?
So, Herodotus and Thucydides were both written in the 5th century BC. The earliest copy that we have is around AD 900 so there's a 1300 year gap. For each of these works we have 8 copies........And yet no classical scholar would doubt their authenticity.
Tacitus: a thousand year gap between original and first copy — total of 20 copies. Caesar's Gallic War: 950 year gap between original and first copy — total of 9 or 10 copies.
Livy's Roman History: 900 year gap between original and first copy — total of 20 copies.
The New Testament, written between 40 and 100 AD, the earliest copy we have is AD 130. And we have full manuscripts AD 350. So, at most, there's a 300 year gap. And not just 8 or 20 manuscripts: we have, 5,309 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts, 9,300 others.
You look at this and you see it: the New Testament stands absolutely and unapproachably alone amongst ancient prose writings ........and no secular historian would disagree with that conclusion.
So there's all kinds of evidence that Jesus existed
Royal scam??
Someone called Jesus probably existed. Was he the 'son of god'? Or should that be 'Son of God'??!! In all probability not, but if you want to believe it and it doesn't affect my life or my family then you can believe what you like. You've admitted that you (or anybody else yet) can't argue against the fire-breathing dragon in my garage. However my dragon hasn't molested children, or promised eternal life if people follow him, or threatened them with an eternity of damnation in 'hell' (Sixfields??!!) if they don't follow him...
Millions don’t believe inJesus....millions do...everyone seems to believe different
things about him. So who’s right?
When a Christian says the gospel all about Jesus is do they know? can they be so sure?.... is it just a matter of blind faith?
What is the evidence for Christianity?
Is Jesus just a myth? Did he even exist?
Regardless of their religious belief, no serious historian would deny that Jesus existed...all would agree that there is simply too much evidence that Jesus lived on earth.
Basically, the idea behind textual criticism is this: as you sit and read a book that is a copyof an ancient manuscript, of any kind, the way you know what you are reading is what the
original author/s wrote is by asking two questions:
1. How quickly after the original was written was the earliest copy made? 2. How many copies are there?
So, Herodotus and Thucydides were both written in the 5th century BC. The earliest copy that we have is around AD 900 so there's a 1300 year gap. For each of these works we have 8 copies........And yet no classical scholar would doubt their authenticity.
Tacitus: a thousand year gap between original and first copy — total of 20 copies. Caesar's Gallic War: 950 year gap between original and first copy — total of 9 or 10 copies.
Livy's Roman History: 900 year gap between original and first copy — total of 20 copies.
The New Testament, written between 40 and 100 AD, the earliest copy we have is AD 130. And we have full manuscripts AD 350. So, at most, there's a 300 year gap. And not just 8 or 20 manuscripts: we have, 5,309 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts, 9,300 others.
You look at this and you see it: the New Testament stands absolutely and unapproachably alone amongst ancient prose writings ........and no secular historian would disagree with that conclusion.
So there's all kinds of evidence that Jesus existed
Royal scam??
Actually no one knows your dragon hasn't molested children. How do you know he hasn't?
I believe in your dragon. Can I come and play with it or even take it for at walk? At the very least, can I pet it?
Actually no one knows your dragon hasn't molested children. How do you know he hasn't?
Because he keeps him on a tight lead?
Unfortunately I have no control over the dragon in my garage because it's 'omnipotent', whereas I'm a mere human - trying to keep it on a tight lead would be impossible.
I used to be omnipotent too, but the doctor gave me some tablets and now I'm back to my old self again. Put it down to stresss and pressure.
Is Jesus just a myth? Did he even exist?
Handily avoided the contextual proof argument for historical documents that the first talk at alpha presents scam.
We accept the history books as fact even though they were written significantly after the events, we have very few copies and they date significantly after they were written.Could you explain this in English please?
We accept the history books as fact even though they were written significantly after the events, we have very few copies and they date significantly after they were written.
When it comes to the gospels in the New Testament they were written very soon after the events, we have thousands of copies of very early manuscripts dated not long after they were initially written.
This means we can trust the information they contain
Put simply
Don't get me wrong. I think if we were writing about similar activities we would write them differently because of our knowledge but one shouldn't doubt the reality of the factual, historical activity in the gospels.
Otis you bastard. Accusing me of being a grown up. I'm not happy about that