Prediction League Banter Thread (3 Viewers)


Facebook User
id say ill get 12th or 11th as long as i dont miss any weeks plus i dont think im gonna catch you nick ha ;)

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I'm in 23rd place with 108 points, but seeing as I didn't start this until Matchday 29, that's an average of 9 points each time - which should give me about 414 points for a full seasons predictions??? ......................... Look out NEXT season!!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Can someone point me to a quick rules thread on this please? I see it about and not been involved as only here for past few weeks, but will join next season


Coventry La La La

New Member
I can't seem to find the thread Rob :(

1 point for correct winner but wrong score line.

2 points for not exact score right but goal difference right for example you predict 1-1 and it end up 2-2 both +0 goal difference so 2 points.

3 points correct prediction.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I heard that Nick is offering a HUGE night out to the winner!!! :D


New Member
26 predictions for a return of 19 points just getting some practice in for next season where hopefully I can offer a fresh challenge :)

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I'll be happy with 2 points from tonight! :)


New Member
Tell me about it - I thought 10 points would keep me ahead of him


Facebook User
What a round that was!! right back in it now.......finish the job tomorrow come on!!


Well-Known Member
I only joined this last week and my points to games ratio is at least comparable with the top players so it's definitely game on for next season :)


Well-Known Member
I was just looking where I would be if I tried this blind and called every game 1-1.

So far this season would have been 69 correct at 3 pts and 76 at 2 pts would give me 359 so not enough. I'll keep looking - can you tell I'm bored lol? :)


New Member
10 minutes to go I was looking at a load of points, then the late goals killed me.


Well-Known Member
Another 3pts tonight. 34 from 38 games predicted - you better watch out next season guys :)

Any chance of running a side by side league Nick/La la where we all pay a tenner and give prizes out? Can you collct via paypal or something to make it interesting?


I am not sure of the best way to do it as Tax / VAT is involved with any payment I take and whether a Gambling License would be needed :(


Well-Known Member
oh ok fair enough mate :( shame really as it's only like a holding tank but not worth risking if it can cause you hassle. Cheers for responding anyhow


I do it with my mates with fantasy footy but we just do it with cash so I know exactly what you mean.

I will look at ways to do it, maybe even see if a company wants to sponsor it for next season if I can get decent numbers playing

"nPower Prediction League" or something :)


Well-Known Member
YEah we do similar with ff although I'm not even close to troubling the money this season and I had three teams submitted.


I must admit, I never check it. I am not rock bottom though without making a change from the 1st game :)

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