
Well-Known Member
I'm not wound up at all duff, not one bit. Everyone I have ever met who supports this shower wants SISU to go full stop. We actually have fans who want the club to suffer and let the council off its responsibility they had in getting us where we are
Whoever comes next needs to stay as far as they can away from the council.

I've never read anything on here that has has stated "I want SISU to stay" or "I will be gutted if SISU leave". However, I have read plenty of posts from plenty of people who have stated they want the council to "win" more than CCFC. But, it's OK he was on a "wind up" apparently.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. So as usual it's mainly about winning on the internet. Brilliant stuff.



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. So as usual it's mainly about winning on the internet. Brilliant stuff.
Was just thinking that.

Was just thinking that.
A thread full of emotion based hyperbole.
Very little rhyme or reason.


Well-Known Member
Why anybody thinks today's news is bad for the club is beyond me....this is the best news we could have wished for. now hopefully JR2 will be thrown out/defeated too and SISU will realise the game is up.


Well-Known Member
If Sisu hoped to build their
asset off the back of a flimsy legal challenge
then they are truly desperate.
Therefore, as they have already demonstrated they have no understanding of football or affinity with the community it is to be hoped that they now, finally do one.
From day one they have been utterly toxic for club and City as many understood.
The club will recover when they go because
the club is bigger than they.


Well-Known Member
Why anybody thinks today's news is bad for the club is beyond me....this is the best news we could have wished for. now hopefully JR2 will be thrown out/defeated too and SISU will realise the game is up.

Why is it good for the club? Apart from "it will make SISU leave" as there is no evidence of that?


Well-Known Member
The Freehold still belongs to CCC.
Would it not still be on the books as an asset ?
According to CCC the value in the freehold only comes in to play when the end of the lease is near. As they have extended the lease to longer than the life of the stadium how much do you think that freehold is worth?
Don't West Ham rent it on match days and the stadium is used for other things like athletics and concerts that they don't get incomes from?
They get a share of other, non football, incomes


Well-Known Member
Why is it good for the club? Apart from "it will make SISU leave" as there is no evidence of that?
No evidence to say they'll stay much longer either. Not even a mention off the club today about it, yet in the past they've been quick to get the news out. All the evidence building about whats happening behinds the scenes is looking towards SISU leaving, we all know they'll take Ryton with them and we'll be left with nothing, that's when we have to build from scratch, but that's my opinion with no timeline to it either.


Well-Known Member
It's doesn't necessarily have an impact on the club at all, as CCFC not a party to the action. But therefore not bad for the club. The reason is good is because it is deserved and a great example of justice done - it's good to see it as someone who doesn't like speculative legal action to browbeat other people, or feckless behaviour like tearing up valid contracts. If you dislike the "have our cake and eat it", hard ball, aggressive, bludgeoning SISU approach to business then today is a good day. I hope they learn that they indeed cannot batter people in court and give up on a bad job, clearing the way for new faces to run the club with fresh ideas. It won't change our circumstances by itself but I believe a new leadership/ownership team is a fundamental pre-requisite for any kind of recovery of our former status. Of course you can debate that, but that's my view. For me, it is indeed a time to celebrate because right has beaten wrong.


Well-Known Member
If anything it increases the likelihood they will stay.

I don't think it changes anything about the timing of their departure


Well-Known Member
Good day for Coventry and CCFC. And again the CCC statement is across party lines.
Sisu are a business, they are increasingly only getting negatives from this venture with receding hope of any £££ windfall. Their organisation is collapsing.
Time for fans to keep the pressure on. This is approaching the end game. The alternative is year after year of slow death.


Well-Known Member
Wonder what happens next - I wouldn't be shocked if SISU find a way of pushing JR1 further by something getting the Supreme Court to look again at this.

But assuming that's not the case, you wonder how this impacts on JR2. They put JR2 on hold while JR1 played out. Why? Well, we don't know for sure, butmy guess is they were hoping that JR1 would reveal details that they could then use to help them in JR2. That doesn't appear to have happened (though I may be wrong on that).

It's seemed for a while (since the announcement of the appeal of the initial High Court verdict) that the ongoing legal action is about saving face for SISU now. They have a choice as to whether or not they try and win JR2 to detract attention from the JR1 defeat, but IMO winning JR2 would seem a much taller order than JR1 which in itself never seemed likely to succeed (they seemed to be relying on either some procedural muck-up by the council or some kind of smoking gun that never materialised). It's impossible to say with much confidence but I do wonder whether to SISU the JR2 looks an even more unrealistic prospect now. It wouldn't be a shock if it was quietly abandoned, especially with Wasps making this a condition of beginning talks on a lease extension.

I always felt that Mark Labovitch was the guy who persuaded Joy to do the JR - I had a feeling TF wasn't behind it, so equally that may play against the chances of them continuing JR2. Either way, whatever your opinion on the whole saga I think we ought to agree that enough's enough. The Sky Blue Trust hit the nail on the head today....time for a fresh start, begin the reconciliation process, try and do a Ricoh lease deal that works, concentrate on building bridges in order to safeguard the academy future, put all this damaging talk of new stadiums etc behind us. It's time for peace.


Well-Known Member
Why are you on a forum and never make any worthwhile posts? You only come on here and leave comments, Twat!, Fucking idiot, nobhead,.... Need I go on?
Like I said before on numerous occasions Nomark. You've never got owt to say that's worthwhile :).... And where have I stated that I'm celebrating a court win to be best result of the season?

Are you surprised that he uses the words he does when all you do is rip his posts up, and call him Nomark. See the irony in what you are doing and move on.


Well-Known Member
The thing I don't get and the CCC said this today
and to be fair most on here knew at the very outset the non payment of rent was always going to play against this claim
How many refusals, only to be overturned were there? Three I think.
I don't think there will be comment from Fisher as he's referred Clive to SISU, yet he claimed the Judges were wrong in law.
Now his acolyte Les Reid needs to build a new narrative!

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Are you surprised that he uses the words he does when all you do is rip his posts up, and call him Nomark. See the irony in what you are doing and move on.

"Rip his posts up"! Lmfao... He left a one word response to a post that wasn't posted to him..."TWAT" "CUNTS"
I could post "The Sky is Blue" and he'd leave a one word comment "Bollocks", "Shit", etc. He attacks anyone with a differing view to his. Hence the "Nomark" nickname. Now YOU move on!
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Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Guess again, someone who works for a paper who have tweeted the JR story 31 times so far.

But you were saying about a "Biased view" So I automatically thought you were talking about that "Award winning" jounalist Les Reid. Apologies.. *Doffs Cap* and *backs away bowing*


Because no-one answered this I take it that it will be the fans who end up paying for the move? and people can't fathom NOPM?

It would depend on the move and where it was to surely?

I don't get your post? Do you think they are going to ask fans to stump up?

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