We're now 60 odd pages in and most of it seems to be arguing about who is the most far right or who is the biggest apologist and blaming eachother for the issues. As always, an argument on here only divides us, changes nothing and gets many worked up.
What can't be denied is that we do need some radical steps taken on immigration and a grown up conversation on all sides at the highest level, with government and senior leaders from all parts, with no name calling, no riotous consequences about how we make things better for everyone.
To deny we have an issue and feeding the constant line of we need immigration is ostrich like behaviour. Good controlled immigration I'm sure everyone accepts.
What we currently have is people weaponising it and hiding behind terms that are racist or race itself or religion or colour or anything else that is divisive.
We've seen locally even in recent months like the lad who killed Keaton get away with basically murder fleeing to his home country, to escape justice. That lad is white, so no ral chart required to be outraged, but we need everyone to come together. It won't happen of course, we'll all go on blaming eachother, there will be more senseless attacks and this thread will reach 100 pages with more rinse and repeat arguments.
Sad, sad times we're living in. I'm glad that I'm not one of the younger generation, but feel for them as this will continue to get worse.