That makes no sense and only a short term fix as they'll all grow old too. A declining population would have a tough start for a generation but for the long term good imo otheriwse it will continue and there will never be enough resource or people to service an ever increasing problem. It's the people equivalent of quantitative easing.
A short term fix is exactly what's needed for a (relatively) short term problem, which is how do the government financially cope, when the boomers all retire at the same time.
For the last 40 odd years the government has had a healthy population of tax paying workers to support the retired population, in fact we've had periods where there weren't enough jobs for all those workers.
But now a disproportionately large section of that work force are looking forward to retirement and will do so around the same time.
When they do retire, the taxes of the remaining work force will not be able to sustain them. Governments have been able to partly mitigate that by forcing people to work longer, and thus keeping them paying tax longer, but that has only served to kick the can down the road.
Looking forward another 30+ odd years when the boomers have died off, the problem will probably ease due in part to the lessening of the burden on the treasury and the impact of the immigrant work force who will be required to "plug the tax hole" in the mean time.
And what happens after that is hardly the concern of today's politicians,
(maybe there will be another pandemic and the government of the day can send sick pensioners out of the hospitals back into care homes where they can infect all the other elderly, kill tens of thousands of them, and the treasury can save a fortune on pension payments and care costs, while at the same time the nightingale hospitals sit empty!!!! But I digress

but don't be suprised if the NHS comes to an end at some time, in favour of some sort of private health insurance scheme, and the state pension will go the same way now that money purchase pension schemes are in place.
But just look around you guys, things are changing!