I am merely stating my opinion on Brexit and pointing out where I think the UK has made a mistake.
Where is my rant on Tommy Robinson? I said he has admitted guilt and that was the end of it for me.
Stupid comments on Germany and Germans come under the same category as e.g. stupid comments about Muslims and Islam. And they are insulting when you class all Germans as being in the 4. Reich or a German Superstate. Moreover that terminology shows how ignorant of history or the workings of the EU that you and your ilk are. As has recently been shown by a certain well known poster who embarrassed himself recently.
I am surprised if indeed Brexit is going as you wanted. Each to his own.
According to polls the vast majority, leavers and remainers, are not happy with government‘s handling of Brexit. You seem to be in the minority, not me.
You really have lost the plot.
You made that point about your view on Brexit over 2 years ago. There really is no need to restate it hourly.
Tommy Robinson: Read your own post & you will see that YOU make some reference to MY views on him which others disagree with apparently.
Some will disagree with my comments on things...in particular Germans (all general rather than specific I think)/Germany but not necessarily call them stupid...others do agree. But you will accuse all of us of being right-wing extremists for that. Maybe we are more accurate...only time will tell...about the tempered down German super-state than you will currently accept. We may not even live to witness it ourselves. But I would be surprised if it isn't an ambition in the corridors of power in Germany.
You call my/anyone's different take on things as ignorant or stupid or such-like. Maybe that is some sort of defence mechanism on your part? Or maybe you are just supercilious? The workings of the EU that YOU arrogantly proclaim to understand whilst lots - even journailists supposedly well versed in mechanisms of the EU express those workings with difficulty. Like the service industry...many layers exist to serve as a buffer to the guy who doesn't want to hear about the little people & their hardships or issues. They just want to rake in the cash. You appear to believe that doesn't happen in the EU...only the UK.
Personally, I didn't want Brexit...but it is happening. Until finalised the Brexit I visualised at the start - I cannot compare. But yes I agree that it is unlikely to what I would prefer having accepted it is going to happen.
I never said I was happy, I have always maintained that apparent lack of progress was merely loads of pheripheral stiff being worked on quietly elsewher in preparing for the now inevitable. I was in the minority in voting to remain...I don't worry about that. I have been in a minority many times before & fared well, with good outcomes.
So, I reckon you would benefit from getting over the vote to leave, the fact that things will change but mostly...get over yourself!
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