No I am not. The UK voted for Brexit. Not the EU. Now your mate Mogg has a „new“ FTA which he wants and which was drawn up by the IEA. A dubious organisation funded by so-called dark money.
Dark money lurks at the heart of our political crisis | George Monbiot
This is his free trade wet dream. Ditch workers‘ protections and pesky regulations. This is the Brexit, which the very people who have most to lose, were sweet talked into voting for. The slow hypnotic voice from the posh toff, backed up by blustering Billy Bunter BoJo and beer and fags, posh boy in disguise, Farage, financed by Banks‘dark money, has led you up the garden path and you now spout their crap as if it is yours and is fact. It isn’t. Brexit is turbo capitalism.
I am all for people making money, but there has to be safeguards for the staff and the environment. There are more safeguards for people‘s rights built into the EU, despite Selmayr’s rushed promotion. I certainly wouldn’t recommend believing in any IEA Plan presented by a wealthy hedge fund owner.
But, you obviously would, especially if Mogg ( who has his own nanny ) brings up Mary Poppins. So very nice. So very British. He is a great actor and has created a nice image for someone who’s really out to con working people.