Things that annoy you (10 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it has been said, but dickheads riding your ass, when you are already going above the speed limit and overtaking lorries. Then have the cheek to mouth off when driving past... but then soon sink into the chair when get stuck at the next traffic light.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I think I may have said it already but in the 50mph sections on the m6 lorry drivers driving right up your arse flashing lights


Well-Known Member
Halloween is getting annoying.
Especially when you go into a shop and all the things you are looking for have been cleared away so they can pile up the Halloween goods.


Well-Known Member
Adults going to work on scooters.
Don't understand why that would annoy anyone?
Would you rather they were a single person in a car taking up even more road space, using more petrol and causing more pollution?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, agree. My 88 year old parents should definitely walk the staircase.

Parents with lots of kids too and those with walking sticks.
Thinking more of workplaces, office buildings etc.

My job takes me to many of these places and you quite frequently see staff getting the lift down a couple of flights when the sandwich van arrives.


Well-Known Member
Thinking more of workplaces, office buildings etc.

My job takes me to many of these places and you quite frequently see staff getting the lift down a couple of flights when the sandwich van arrives.

Boils my piss. I work on the 7th floor of my building and without fail someone gets a lift from ground to 1st and delays me getting to my desk.


Well-Known Member
Thinking more of workplaces, office buildings etc.

My job takes me to many of these places and you quite frequently see staff getting the lift down a couple of flights when the sandwich van arrives.
Maybe they're doing that now before it gets to the stage of being too fat to be able to fit in the lift anymore.


I assume you mean those kid-style push scooters? In which case, I agree.

Yeah, not mopeds.

Yesterday I had a dilemma on my way home.

There was a bloke on a scooter on the pavement
Bloke riding a tricycle on the road



Well-Known Member
Even if your body is just slightly damp from taking a shower there's no way you can pull a t-shirt on or pull socks up although of course, you keep trying because it becomes a stupid male challenge!


When you are at a t junction going right. Nothing at all to the right but theres a car doing 5mph from the left who then indicates right, stops dead before turning right into the road you are trying to get out of. By that time, loads of cars coming from the right.

Most people see this and will flash you to go and they just swing round.


Well-Known Member
When your school is 'closed' because of a false widow infestation but you still have to come to work and watch them try and escape the fumigation....


Well-Known Member
just reading an article on what makes a great football stadium ..and spotted the following:

“The Millennium Stadium – or whatever it is called right now – absolutely nailed it....It’s smack bang in the middle of Cardiff, opposite the train station and on matchday the whole city is ouncing. The roads are shut and everything is geared towards the game. You just can’t miss it; it owns the city"



Well-Known Member
“The Millennium Stadium – or whatever it is called right now – absolutely nailed it....It’s smack bang in the middle of Cardiff, opposite the train station and on matchday the whole city is ouncing. The roads are shut and everything is geared towards the game. You just can’t miss it; it owns the city"
Shift the shops at retail six in to town, after all there is plenty of empty shops. Add in the land on the corner (used to be the tax office I think) and you've got plenty of room for a stadium, you could create walkways to the SkyDome and the Butts as well and have a sporting quarter in the city. Will never happen but would be brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Sneak thieves and red tape NHS.

My dad (88) had his bag stolen at Coventry Market today.

All his medication was taken.

Spent 3 hours being sent from pillar to post ringing around to speak to a nurse (or anyone of her team) who had treated him this morning to get a repeat prescription of medications etc.

Geez that was hard work.

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