She has survived by going to bed out of my way, I hate it when we lose, but on the bright side she has given me permission to go to Barnsley on Tuesday obviously wants to punish me further.
Good lad.
She has survived by going to bed out of my way, I hate it when we lose, but on the bright side she has given me permission to go to Barnsley on Tuesday obviously wants to punish me further.
Good lad.
After today it looks a long drive
Does your missus always want Wales to beat the English, especially at rugby?
We have Welsh relatives, albeit on the in-law side (my uncle married a Welsh girl).
They are really, really nice to us and we get on really well, but as soon as it comes to Wales v England at rugby you can almost see the hate in their eyes! They MUST beat England, they HAVE to beat England and if England win, they were robbed.
My mum is 86 and very lovely. Really gentle and kind and she rings up this Welsh auntie once a week on a Sunday and it is always a pleasant conversation .... until it is the day after Wales have played England.
When Wales beat England in the world cup, my poor mum says it was like an endless rant on how the Welsh beat that English lot! Really venomous and spiteful and almost rage like.
Found that before. Used to work at a place that had 6 Welsh blokes working there. The minute it came to Wales v England you could almost see the froth in their mouths.
Funnily enough though, all 6 were not nice people at all. All very arrogant and big headed and bitter. (none were related).
All they would talk about all day was God's country. I always thought to myself, if it's so wonderful there, why don't you bugger off back!!![]()
What annoys me is I come home and then my wife and my daughter ask how we got on. I tell them we lost and they then say 'Right, that's you in a bad mood then!' Which then puts me in bad mood!
They do it all the time and I'm never in a bad mood until they tell me I am!![]()
Was reticent to make this next comment, but then thought, what the hell!!
This isn't a go at my missus at all and is more a battle of the sexes question perhaps.
Question is on toilet manners.
Without being rude, my missus never uses the air freshener we have in the bathroom, so always stinks the place out after a number 2. My daughter was always the same. Have now drilled into her about trying to leave the bathroom smelling as nice as possible. She now sprays, albeit a little bit too much now! Better too much than too little I suppose.
Anyway, I always thought it was blokes who couldn't care about leaving a smell behind and it was always women who were more discreet and much more likely to be spraying the air freshener all over the place to avoid any embarrassment.
Is my thinking wrong? Or is it just my missus?
When I go the first thing I do is open the bathroom window, even in the middle of winter. As soon as I have flushed I spray air freshener and try and leave it smelling as fragrant as possible. I then shut the window and come out, shutting the bathroom door behind me.
My wife not only doesn't spray the air freshener, she then leaves the bathroom door open too when she's done.
I can be in the lounge and the smell wafts it's way all the way downstairs.
As I say, I always thought it was blokes who didn't care and women more likely to cover up after themselves.
Is my thinking wrong or is it just down to the individual?
My experience has always been that blokes are much more likely to talk about going to the toilet than women are and not give two hoots what people think.