Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (33 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
It's become clear real reason Trump couldn't be arsed trying to tackle Covid is so he could legitimately say his inauguration had a bigger attendance than someone else's.


Well-Known Member
so officially goodbye and good riddance.
may be wishful thinking but hopefully they can find some way to find some sort of unity and move forward


Well-Known Member
Watching the swearing in - why do they have to murder those songs by trilling and trying to make it edgy!


Well-Known Member
Bidon said some good words. I do have some confidence in the way America will more forward.


Well-Known Member
The Rev sounds more like Martin Luther King


Well-Known Member
He called for my targeted relief over giving everyone no matter needs a cheque.

That is very different to "opposing extra relief cheques"

A lot of Republicans took this stance too. 'Targeted relief' being giving it to huge corporations to stimulate the economy and create jobs. Every other time/pace they've done it it's just gone straight to the shareholders.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
A lot of Republicans took this stance too. 'Targeted relief' being giving it to huge corporations to stimulate the economy and create jobs. Every other time/pace they've done it it's just gone straight to the shareholders.

That isn't what he said either, i've provided a link to what he actually said but if people are too fucking nobbish to learn the facts of which they talk then what am I to do.


Well-Known Member
I was expecting moves to create problems for Biden to have to sort out, such as the China thing which, although is true i can't help feeling it was done more with creating a problem than any kind of shit being given).

Now getting my popcorn and waiting for the indictments to roll in.


Well-Known Member
Are people overstating Trump's sway with the electorate, anyway? Biden comfortably won the presidency, but Democrats did worse than expected in Senate and Congress elections. Would a more moderate Republicanism have won them the presidency this time?

One thing's for sure, moderate Republicans may as well convict him, now, if he wants to shaft their party, anyway.

As a general rule if the Presidency is one parties hands it increases the chances of the other party controlling the Houses. but with the move to almost cold warfare between the parties and obstruction in getting anything done it's become far more partisan recently.


Well-Known Member
Seems to think he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
His delusions of grandeur are truly mind blowing. In the future they are going have to have the mental equivalent of a Napóleon complex and name it after him.
Worth pointing out that amongst the people now trying to wash their hands of him was one Mr Boris Johnson, who agreed with Trump at the time that he should have Nobel Peace Prize.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Worth pointing out that amongst the people now trying to wash their hands of him was one Mr Boris Johnson, who agreed with Trump at the time that he should have Nobel Peace Prize.

Poor Boris, both Biden and Harris dislike him.


Well-Known Member
I’ll miss him

This is a proper wormhole

I’ll just remind you that this was the actual president of the US

Not a spoof

Also not a spoof
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Well-Known Member
You can say what you like about Trump but he is the best President the US have had in a very long time.
He is actually trying as he says to 'make America great again'.
For far too long other countries have been taking advantage of the US, and Trump is redressing the balance.
Jobs that went overseas are actually coming back to the USA.
He is also the only president (except possibly Reagan) that attempted to do something about illegal immigration.
The Democrats want open borders and would be quite happy for millions of illegal immigrants to flood over the sourthern border.
I am a bit puzzled as to how he went from the best president the US has had for a very long time, to the worst in US history.



Well-Known Member
Biden is going on about climate change but arrived in Washington in a private jet then rode in a cavalcade of 70 4x4 vehicles and 7 armoured limos all day around the city.
Practice what you preach,Do as I say not as I do!!
You couldn’t make it up.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Biden is going on about climate change but arrived in Washington in a private jet then rode in a cavalcade of 70 4x4 vehicles and 7 armoured limos all day around the city.
Practice what you preach,Do as I say not as I do!!
You couldn’t make it up.

As an example of a politician being a hypocrite that's a fairly minor example.
They all do far worse.

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