Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (12 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
My personal belief is that the economic system will continue to throw up these outcomes. The USA is not different from the UK or Europe in general where most wealth growth is concentrated in the already very wealthy and the centrist politicians have no real answers to it.

I don't know why voters believe that one of those exceptionally wealthy people is going to help, if they even do believe that. Most of the campaigns will be based on spite and resentment of fellow poor people.

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Well-Known Member
I am in a very solid liberal/progressive area and some of the things I hear are truly worrying, now I do watch CNN and listen to NPR so I sort of see it if that and their ilk is your only media source.

There is a guy I know who works at a local Brewery, they closed for the afternoon to host a local Dem function, he is certainly not GOP and had worked it last year. Sort of surprised when he said he took the day off, said he could not take it, mainly bitter old white women.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member

I have a 2 close friends that went to university and 2 of them voted for brexit

I'm just saying 🤷
I meant losing battle arguing black is white and white isn’t black
I’m with you on blaming groups for mistakes especially when that group have been duped into solutions that just aren’t possible

I lead youth cell at our church and the youngsters 16 or so were discussing someone being attracted to someone of the same sex. Our church is interesting as it’s about 60:40 no white white with a huge number of Chinese Nigerian Indian and Pakistani Christians which is so lovely and great for our white middle class congregation.
Anyway one of the girls couldn’t understand if god did everything perfectly how he could have made such a mistake. No one jumpd on her opinion but just gently asked what if it was your best friend and it really challenged her opinion.
Relationship not argument changes minds over time and not with clever words but with practical action


Well-Known Member
Nah the elitism goes deeper than that. What uni and what grades did they get? :p

The data support my experience. The dividing line in the west between left and right is level of education. Obviously averages are not every single instance.
What percentage of university graduates get pegged by their wives
Close Up Flirting GIF


Well-Known Member
Just because people voted him in doesn't automatically make him a great guy and the best choice.

People voted Brexit, people voted Boris Johnson. Those things are demonstrably shit.

People voted for Adolf Hitler!

But why are people voting him in? Clearly something


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is when these sort of chats are happening it's deeper clearly than the grades you get in your early years 😂



Well-Known Member
But a lot of that was "just wanting the Tories out" at any price
Very true. It's almost like the political world needs a renegade, anti-establishment figure to come into power and sweep the morally bankrupt old guard out of office, and actually deliver what the people really need, rather than what the people are told they need.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Very true. It's almost like the political world needs a renegade, anti-establishment figure to come into power and sweep the morally bankrupt old guard out of office, and actually deliver what the people really need, rather than what the people are told they need.
Cool, yeah totally onboard…hang on why didn’t Trump do that when he had 4 years already?


Well-Known Member
I would guess because he sells a simple solution to complex problems
Because he offers a solution, rather than just more of the same shit.

He consistently asked voters "are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"

And the answer was a resounding no.

So that was it, a very simple question, and a very simple campaign. Job done.

Of course time will tell if he will change things, but given its a 2 horse race, the outcome of the election shouldn't be a suprise to anyone. The press fooled everyone by saying its going to be a close call, but the bookies had Trump way ahead.


Well-Known Member
There’s a difference between saying a stupid decision is stupid on the internet and rioting to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

Own your fucking politics you pussy, “oh you made me do it”, what a cuck.

I never made that comparison. It's just a cope from you and a few others. It's like what many have been saying. If you sneer at the electorate, they will often tell you to go and fuck yourself. We've seen it again in the last 24 hours, which suggests that the message isn't getting across.



Well-Known Member
I never made that comparison. It's just a cope from you and a few others. It's like what many have been saying. If you sneer at the electorate, they will often tell you to go and fuck yourself. We've seen it again in the last 24 hours, which suggests that the message isn't getting across.

Who is sneering at the electorate??


Love that everybody is thick if they don't agree.

Isnt that the idea of voting?

Judging by clever people, did they vote labour and believe the lies?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Because he offers a solution, rather than just more of the same shit.

He consistently asked voters "are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"

And the answer was a resounding no.

So that was it, a very simple question, and a very simple campaign. Job done.

Of course time will tell if he will change things, but given its a 2 horse race, the outcome of the election shouldn't be a suprise to anyone. The press fooled everyone by saying its going to be a close call, but the bookies had Trump way ahead.
Harris and Walz offered solutions too. 4 years ago the US was still in the grip of a pandemic, economically it is now in much better shape.

He will run the country into the ground and make himself dictator.


Well-Known Member
This result tells me two things I already knew.

The first is that despite what some have been trying to play down, Harris was a very poor candidate. The benchmark was bloody low, so if she's losing like this then it's about as much proof as you need that she isn't very good.

The second is that the result seems to be a bit different to the polling and media assumptions. This is hardly surprising either. If you ask someone who they're voting for, hard-core Trump and Harris supporters will proudly declare it. Those that are a bit on the fence will be less likely to admit they're going to vote Trump. Why? If you call them racist/misogynistic/stupid repeatedly they'll feel inclined not to announce it. It won't, however, stop them from defying you and voting where it counts.

Both candidates were shite, but let's hope there's no violence and people aren't wrong about that too following a Democrat loss. There's already a lot of screeching going on.


Well-Known Member
There’s a correlation between voting and education. Why is it unacceptable to talk about this?

There are people with degrees in tourism .. my dad who can't say weekend properly and struggles with basic math has a degree in counselling .. at some point even you have to accept that it's a pretty meaningless barometer

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Very true. It's almost like the political world needs a renegade, anti-establishment figure to come into power and sweep the morally bankrupt old guard out of office, and actually deliver what the people really need, rather than what the people are told they need.
You know that’s not possible without disastrous consequences don’t you

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