Trust Members Meeting WIth Tim Fisher (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
It's only a couple of quid to join the trust, so it's open to anybody really.

And if you quit and stop paying fees, they don't realise and still send you invites.

(I, erm, hear)


Deleted member 5849

Ah, that explains it. Even less excuse to complain about it being an exclusive club though.
It's one of the more bizarre complaints I've heard about the trust tbh... and I've made some of the previous bizarre complaints myself ;)

Still, only 18 tickets left, so am guessing Fisher's a bigger draw than Simon Gilbert...


Well-Known Member
Problem with a big flag is that it's too easy for the stewards to confiscate it or for the TV cameras to pan away. I think it would be better to buy several hundred smaller flags (of the regulation Wembley size) and hand them out to supporters entering the turnstiles in the Royal Box side of the ground.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Really can't see that logic about saying "who would want to join"?

If you dont join, you cant go to the meeting. It's a bloody quid handed over and that's it, you aren't really committing to anything by doing it.

I'm usually for the first for a trust dig, but some of this is
As people have said it's one pound to join look how many posts we've had over the years that have said I'm not a member or I wouldn't join etc etc


Well-Known Member
Will need some strong moderation and people to focus on the important things and not get sidetracked into the, in the grand scheme of things, minor details.

Would be brilliant if someone like Shane O'Connor would come in to moderate. I'd also consider the trust compiling questions first, get everyone to send in their questions and get those all covered off. Then open it to the floor.

Basically avoid it running like the fans forums we've had in the past here we get people asking why we haven't signed Messi and Fisher being allowed to give a vague answer to anything he doesn't want to answer before moving on to the next question.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
He is only doing this to try and get the trust to get behind a campaign, to what fans we have left, to buy season tickets next year.
If he got the trust to tell fans we must still support the club financially by buying ST's, he can get himself out of the total fuck up he's made of this season, by somehow getting through next season without another major loan from Arvo.
The incompetant twat putting a director with no football managerial experience in charge for four months started the rot we now know will take us into league two. He then confirms it with the appointment of one of the least unsucccessful managers in the whole league in RS.
There isn't a word to fully describe how inept Fisher is at his job,
This is the only reason he's doing this session, to try and save his own back
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Well-Known Member

- What actual experience of running football clubs prior to CCFC does the board have? How are you improving this?
- We have been in decline ever since Sisu took over (and a bit before TBF), what is the plan for turning this around, or at least slowing the decline? Please note this is a question about the primary business function of providing football based entertainment, not a financial question.
- Where are we playing the season after next?
- Has the terrible performance of the club been down to poor management, lack of resources or poor appointments of managers? What lessons have the club learned about appointing managers?
- Why have the club found it so hard to hold onto board members with football experience?
- Where will the academy train when the current deal comes to an end?
- You have been looking for a new stadium for over 4 years now, why is it proving so difficult? If your poor relationship with local groups is the cause, what plans do you have for improving said relationship?
- You told the Stadium Forum that planning permission would be put in in March of the year the committee was formed. What happened? Will you apologise to the fans whose time you wasted and to Sandra Garlick who's reputation took a hit because of this?
- Will you apologise for repeated lies and poor performance of both the owners and the board, as well as personal attacks on fans and fan groups? If not, why should fans come back on board with a club that clearly holds them in low esteem?
- Do you accept that as chairman the buck stops with you? If not, who is ultimately responsible for the poor performance of the club during your time?


Well-Known Member
Question for Jan/The Trust:

I'm keen to join, for the primary purpose of attending this meeting but also to try and offer my help on a general basis moving forward. It's really local for me and I'd be interested in being in the audience & possibly asking some mature, but solid questions.

Presumably if I sign up now via the postal method i'll still be eligible to attend?


Well-Known Member

CCFC is the trading name of Otium (listed as Otium Entertainments t/a CCFC. CCFC directors and Otium directors are the same people. They are effectively the same company. How does Mr Fisher reconcile this with his statement that CCFC does not concern itself with the off field legal activities that are evidently the reason that Wasps will not continue negotiations about the Ricoh agreement?


Well-Known Member

CCFC is the trading name of Otium (listed as Otium Entertainments t/a CCFC. CCFC directors and Otium directors are the same people. They are effectively the same company. How does Mr Fisher reconcile this with his statement that CCFC does not concern itself with the off field legal activities that are evidently the reason that Wasps will not continue negotiations about the Ricoh agreement?

Otium is the company name - CCFC is the trade name. It's one and the same.
I think you are trying to fit SISU into the equation?
(SISU and Otium/CCFC is NOT the same).

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member

CCFC is the trading name of Otium (listed as Otium Entertainments t/a CCFC. CCFC directors and Otium directors are the same people. They are effectively the same company. How does Mr Fisher reconcile this with his statement that CCFC does not concern itself with the off field legal activities that are evidently the reason that Wasps will not continue negotiations about the Ricoh agreement?
Hard to distance himself and therefore the club when he has attended the previous court cases and commented on the outcomes.


Well-Known Member
Otium is the company name - CCFC is the trade name. It's one and the same.
I think you are trying to fit SISU into the equation?
(SISU and Otium/CCFC is NOT the same).
I'm not trying to fit Sisu into the equation, Godiva. I'd just like to know how Mr Fisher justifies his statement given that CCFC = Otium (who are bringing the JR).


Well-Known Member
Its simple really Nick. Doesn`t need any gimmicks to get the fans back
Just provide entertainment on the pitch on a saturday with players on 2/3 year contracts who are committed to the club and its supporters with an effective, honest, approachable and communicative owners with a long term vision.

Yeah, but scarves are cheaper though, innit?


Well-Known Member
You are correct Nick but only upto a point, not everyone has internet and does streaming etc, or computer literate so don't receive emails but could phone for a ticket.

C'mon pal....nearly 90% of the UK has internet access, either on their phone or via computer/tablet/laptop. I'd suggest that pretty much everyone who has internet access, has an idea of how the internet the 85 years old grandparents.


Well-Known Member
Questions wise. Let's stick to the future. There is absolutely no point whatsover going over old ground, it cannot be changed. The questions need to focus on the short, medium and long term future. Lots of public policy is written with 2020 in mind;
  • Where do SISU plan for the club to be in 2020? Where will they be playing and what league do they hope to be playing in?
  • Is playing at the Butts Park Arena a serious consideration post 2018?
  • What plans are being made for replacing Russell Slade?
  • What is the club's plan for when it is made to leave the Alan Higgs Centre? If it downgraded or closed the academy, would SISU use the existing annual investment into the academy to support buying young promising players?
  • Otium is a claimant on JR2, IF SISU won the case, what benefit would Otium / CCFC see?


Well-Known Member
As the club is required to finance itself, what are you doing to increase income?
As the fans are the main source of income, how do you plan to appeal to them after a disastrous season?
When pressley left, he took the scouting system with him? (Something like that weren't it?) TM then set up another one, what happened with it to lead to such bad recruitment? Why as a club are we asking managers to create a scouting system? Surely the club should do it? To avoid upheaval every season?
Lastly, there was a job advert for a senior role (can't remember the exact title) what on earth is going on with it? It was months ago.
Oh and how is the club running as you only work part time. Surely running a professional football club with millions of turnover requires someone there full time? We as fans understand and accept money is tight. That we have to live within our means. What we don't understand or accept is being left to float out to sea with a paddle.
If you are not being paid, is it not possible to find someone who can run the football club full time and receive a salary for it. Then you be the middle man.
For sisu to stand any chance of recouping their investment they need fans onside, they need to take the ideas on board. There is a lot of people with a lot of different skills who will help if they believe it will help the club.
One thing for certain sisus stance of distancing themselves from fans has got them nowhere. Why not try listening and engaging? I mean actually do it. Not just say it.


Well-Known Member
What is the plan for the football club over the
Next 2 years
Next 5 years
Next 10
On the playing side, academy and stadium.

If you moved out of Coventry again do you understand that the crowd will be even less than was at Northampton.

Do you understand that every time you make cuts. Revenue always eventually drops as a result. It is a downward spiral. Your model cannot work. You get away with it at the moment because of player sales. What are you doing to increase revenue?
Fans are not happy with you as chairman if you stand down and bring in someone the fans like and trust that may help increase revenue.
SISU need to invest on the pitch above breakeven. Winning is now the only way to get numbers through the turnstile. Division 4 creates a unique opportunity where for little outlay you could provide a top two budget. This would go a long was to increasing fans coming through the turnstiles. As revenue increase cuts decrease a reverse of your model that would eventually not be reliant on player sales.

What are your plans marketing wise community engagement ticket offers to increase revenue?

Why has numerous managers and directors and players left during your tenure as a result of failing to succeed. However you who sets the whole ethos for the club from the top gets to stay.
Do you think you should step down because you have overseen us face two relegations and potentially losing our home and academy?

You say you have not been paid by the club. How are you remunerated for your work either financial or otherwise, now or in the future. You are not a charity worker or a volunteer?

If the football club did build a new stadium would it increase its debt from the current level of 44 million, which is rising every year?

You say Wasps will agree a temporary extension of the rental agreement. How do you know this?

You were very vocal about JR1 and clearly you were heavily involved in it. Wasps are not stupid they know you are involved. Likewise us the fans. If you genuinely want to distance the club from the legal action, you should have nothing to do with CCFC.
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Well-Known Member
Questions wise. Let's stick to the future. There is absolutely no point whatsover going over old ground, it cannot be changed. The questions need to focus on the short, medium and long term future. Lots of public policy is written with 2020 in mind;
  • Where do SISU plan for the club to be in 2020? Where will they be playing and what league do they hope to be playing in? (Great question)
  • Is playing at the Butts Park Arena a serious consideration post 2018? (The Butts themselves have said no, so personally I wouldn't give him the chance to waste time on this question spouting bollox about political embargo's)
  • What plans are being made for replacing Russell Slade? (They maybe keeping him)
  • What is the club's plan for when it is made to leave the Alan Higgs Centre? If it downgraded or closed the academy, would SISU use the existing annual investment into the academy to support buying young promising players? (Great question)
  • Otium is a claimant on JR2, IF SISU won the case, what benefit would Otium / CCFC see? (Great question)


Well-Known Member
It's a sell out (or whatever it's called when the tickets are free). We're waiting to hear if we can Periscope it.


Well-Known Member

Deleted member 5849

As an aside, while I'm all for Robins coming in, can we not get sidetracked into the usual 'does he rate Ryan Haynes' type questions that inevitably come with a new manager. Fisher's not the bloke who should respond to that anyway, but a new manager doesn't stop the need for us to know what the hell is going on with our club beyond the pitch!


Well-Known Member
Is the recruitment of Mr Robins going to be used by Mr Fisher as a convenient smokescreen, to try & 'dodge the column' following years of failure by himself (Fisher) ?


Well-Known Member
Is the recruitment of Mr Robins going to be used by Mr Fisher as a convenient smokescreen, to try & 'dodge the column' following years of failure by himself (Fisher) ?
George I think that you and I know that he will use anything for a smokescreen to dodge and hide facts and the truth.

Half truths and blatant lies are the usual form


Well-Known Member
Is the recruitment of Mr Robins going to be used by Mr Fisher as a convenient smokescreen, to try & 'dodge the column' following years of failure by himself (Fisher) ?
We the fans should not let Fisher try & dodge anything !!! :wacky:


Well-Known Member
I have my doubts this meeting will happen. Fisher ducked out of an interview today with Talk Sports Jim White after agreeing to come on radio. White then phoned and spoke to Joy Sepalla, who hung up !


Well-Known Member
I have my doubts this meeting will happen. Fisher ducked out of an interview today with Talk Sports Jim White after agreeing to come on radio. White then phoned and spoke to Joy Sepalla, who hung up !
Same with CWR, but just a flat out refusal.
Certainly keeping the powder dry.


Well-Known Member
As an aside, while I'm all for Robins coming in, can we not get sidetracked into the usual 'does he rate Ryan Haynes' type questions that inevitably come with a new manager. Fisher's not the bloke who should respond to that anyway, but a new manager doesn't stop the need for us to know what the hell is going on with our club beyond the pitch!

But does he?

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