Well-Known Member
Like us losing Wales and saying we are winning's nonsense
there is only one person saying you are wrong on this to be fair
Like us losing Wales and saying we are winning's nonsense
Like us losing Wales and saying we are winning's nonsense
They occupy less land now than they did in March.
there is only one person saying you are wrong on this to be fair
With respect I don't think you quite grasp the extent that Russia's army has been decimated.
If we lost Wales and our enemy lost 75% of their forces taking it and we lost 25% of our forces in the process. Are we losing?
(they're not the actual figures in Ukraine I'm just using them for arguments sake).
Are you PVA going to sit here now and say that Ukraine have the ability to expell Russia from their country ..
You have alot more faith than me , I think it's impossible
With all due respect , Russia kept going and lost the largest amount of soldiers of any nation in military history to help ensure Germany were beat .
I wouldn't take any figure being given as gospel on the numbers they have available.
Yes they have the ability. Will they do it? Who knows. It might take years, but if they keep the backing of the West then they can.
Far more likely than Russia taking the whole of Ukraine anyway.
You have alot of faith , America left the south Vietnamese to die after 8 years of promise and help .
We will say no more , I'm adamant Russia will win the war .. I don't want them too but I think its going to happen ..
Let's see
If the US back them for 8 years then yes Ukraine will win. No way Russia could withstand these losses for 8 years, simply not possible.
Let's hope they keep backing them. Russia have no answer to the HIMARS.
Ukraine are about to start attacking kherson have already pushed close to izium also. They also have troops stationed all along the front line and the border with Belarus, all it takes is a slight momentum shift and Ukraine start taking the ground back. And pretty fucking fast if you ask me. If the west stopped being pussys and send Ukraine the weapons they need and want the war would be over before next summer imo Russia will retreat from Ukraine.A few months back ? That long ?
Russia will never stop , they won't give back what they've won .. how will Ukraine ever win ? I'm not sure if they can drive Russia out of Ukraine... ever
Western powers also won't back Ukraine forever.. sorry
Right now it’s a million trained Ukrainians vs 75k Russians and 25k chezians I would say the Odds are in ukraines favour tbh, especially when you consider the amount of resistance in Mariupol kherson and pretty much everywhere else.Are you PVA going to sit here now and say that Ukraine have the ability to expell Russia from their country ..
You have alot more faith than me , I think it's impossible
Oh Mr 'Kyiv will fall in 3 days' has returned to the thread!
You've been consistently wrong about this whole event. I've been largely quite accurate in my predictions.
Have you got Russian in you? You seem to act like a fucking tit. Putin muppetI’m not even being facetious here but have you Ukrainian heritage. You seem obsessed far more than anyone else - hardly anyone mentions this anymore unless you keep discussing it
Have you got Russian in you? You seem to act like a fucking tit. Putin muppet
I’m not even being facetious here but have you Ukrainian heritage. You seem obsessed far more than anyone else - hardly anyone mentions this anymore unless you keep discussing it
Going round in circles , Russia already occupies a huge area of Ukraine , if they don't progress another inch , Ukraine is a smaller weaker country and Russia win the war .. they won't leave
Ukraine not capable of getting Russia out of Ukraine without diplomacy
Well I guess thus is true as of right nowWhat makes you think any diplomatic solution agreed to by the Russians is worth the paper it’s printed on?
Not sure where you get that from, us just approved another 550m dollars eu 100m and uk will approve more later this week.Well what an intelligent response.
You do realise Biden and co really don’t care about this war - Europe don’t care - and now Johnson has gone we don’t care
Well I guess thus is true as of right now
Johnson didn't care either. it was a useful distraction and let him imagine he was some sort of Churchill figure.Well what an intelligent response.
You do realise Biden and co really don’t care about this war - Europe don’t care - and now Johnson has gone we don’t care
Not sure where you get that from, us just approved another 550m dollars eu 100m and uk will approve more later this week.
There was a good thread on twitter from a Major General in the Australian Army who was saying that the new longer range weaponry had allowed Ukraine to move away from a war attrition to the destroying supply lines tactic that were successful in the early days of the war. He talked about how this and the awful state of the Russian equipment was hampering and grinding to a halt any Russian advances
What would you rather? A terrorist country getting closer to the eu? Only way the war should end is with Russia in Russia or putin in a box, democracy always wins . Now fuck off and start abusing players after one game twat.Of course as prolonging the conflict for years is ideal us foreign policy
Are russia just going to stay there forever with their army weakened and more weakened every week or month? I can't see it, they are really struggling to resupply the equipment now.I am not sure what's going to happen, but Russia won't win. Ukraine won't win either. I think it will be a small victory for Ukraine, but Russia will make a few gains and claim that was their intention all along.
Russia obviously sought regime change and a puppet government put in place, but that's not going to happen.
Best scenario is Russia make very little gain and are severely weakened as an attacking force.
What would you rather? A terrorist country getting closer to the eu? Only way the war should end is with Russia in Russia or putin in a box, democracy always wins . Now fuck off and start abusing players after one game twat.
Are russia just going to stay there forever with their army weakened and more weakened every week or month? I can't see it, they are really struggling to resupply the equipment now.
Anyway this has disproved the myth that Russia has a great army.
Feels a terrible misjudgement by the AmericansMind you , the way America is going they might also have to back up Taiwan aswell as Ukraine pretty soon![]()
Is that how this works? I'm not sure it is ..
The United States of America, comfortably the world's greatest military power since WW2 have struggled in Vietnam against farmers , against Somalian guerrillas and against the taliban .
They dont have a shit army
What this war has proven is that Ukraine is just about keeping its head above water , against a country that has sanctions galore placed on them , whilst being backed by every Western Power possible in the process
In a direct war between Russia and Ukraine without western help it's over quite quickly isn't it ?
I'm glad we are helping them but a bit of perspective
You have just proven that a weaker and smaller army can beat a bigger army by using novel tactics and playing on war fatigue?
It's happened ofcourse , but let's not pretend the United States have a shit army .. was my point
Ukraine would already be over if it wasn't for western Intervention though , was my other point