Waggott: We have missed our first target (9 Viewers)


New Member
I have been lucky enough (and that is sincere) to have spent a bit of time with Waggott...

Ah, that makes sense now...

You're in the 'click' club.

Your being used as another cog in the SISU PR strategy - can't you see it? Your being groomed to say positive things about a totally rotten set up.

If your mate Waggot is a real football man - why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS, not just look at them? Answer: He's a money man first - football man second!


Well-Known Member
lol.can't even get a freebie in.oh my god..cos of the embargo bullshit.well it won't be no great loss.Andy try down the park on sunday mate,pick a couple of freebie's up there.


Well-Known Member
No - he's telling the media that we missed out on a player. There's definitely nothing I read in there that "cranks up the pressure".

If they aren't 'shamed' by missing 3 months rent and being in a transfer embargo - I can't see them being shamed at the loss of a free signing. hahahahaha

If he says nothing you will say he is SISU's puppet like AT and just keeps his mouth shut and does not complain.

He speaks up and he is just trying to sell season tickets.

Give the bloke a break

Maybe he is a bloke who wants to sign players to be a success and is caught in the middle of a shit storm that has not been created by himself.
He was part of a team that has identified a free transfer who should be more than feasible for us to sign. Who he thinks will improve us and the shit storm created by the owners means we cant and he is pointing that out. So if this does carry on for weeks we dont say what the bloody hell is he doing anyway other than kissing SISU's bum
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Well-Known Member
Ah, that makes sense now...

You're in the 'click' club.

Your being used as another cog in the SISU PR strategy - can't you see it? Your being groomed to say positive things about a totally rotten set up.

If your mate Waggot is a real football man - why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS, not just look at them? Answer: He's a money man first - football man second!

Yes SISU, the tightest people on earth currently trying to sack people who work in a shop. Are paying Steve Waggott to look at players with no intention of signing them. Then they ask him to come out in the press and effectively say I identified this player that is free, I could not sign him because of the actions of the owners.

SISU are smarter than I thought Steve Waggott as a double agent pretending to be identifying players and also giving SISU bad PR so we dont see through it. Also befriending the likes of Jan to infiltrate the Sky Blues Trust.

Mexico you are way ahead of the game "In Mexico we trust"


New Member
If he says nothing you will say he is SISU's puppet like AT and just keeps his mouth shut and does not complain.

He speaks up and he is just trying to sell season tickets.

Give the bloke a break

Maybe he is a bloke who wants to sign players to be a success and is caught in the middle of a shit storm that has not been created by himself.
He was part of a team that has identified a free transfer who should be more than feasible for us to sign. Who he thinks will improve us and the shit storm created by the owners means we cant and he is pointing that out. So if this does carry on for weeks we dont say what the bloody hell is he doing anyway other then kissing SISU's bum

no... you really have got me there... I really can't read what you've written, despite several attempts. Please re-submit - perhaps in pictures?


New Member
Yes SISU, the tightest people on earth currently trying to sack people who work in a shop. Are paying Steve Waggott to look at players with no intention of signing them. Then they ask him to come out in the press and effectively say I identified this player that is free, I could not sign him because of the actions of the owners.

SISU are smarter than I thought Steve Waggott as a double agent pretending to be identifying players and also giving SISU bad PR so we dont see through it. Also befriending the likes of Jan to infiltrate the Sky Blues Trust.

Mexico you are way ahead of the game "In Mexico we trust"

1. When did I say he was employed not to buy players?

2. When has he given SISU bad press?

3. Slow down when you type - don't get too excited... it's not real life, it's just a forum.


Well-Known Member
no... you really have got me there... I really can't read what you've written, despite several attempts. Please re-submit - perhaps in pictures?

Will do in a bit, Double agent Waggott is just buying my dinner, apparently he will do this every week if I agree to become a cog in the SISU PR machine. When he asked me he laughed out loud in an evil way and stroked a cat. Jan was stood behind him.


Well-Known Member
Oh God - help - I am being used - I feel so violated - if only someone had warned me earlier - I feel so cheap...............

If SISU's evil master plan is to get me on-side and use my massive (yeah right) influence to convince all the fans that SISU are wonderful and just misunderstood and not the useless and incompetent uncaring bunch of bankers that they really are then its not exactly working, either with me or with anyone else.


Well-Known Member
1. When did I say he was employed not to buy players?

2. When has he given SISU bad press?

3. Slow down when you type - don't get too excited... it's not real life, it's just a forum.

let me just check you are not bi polar are you? There is just one mexico88?

Point number 1

Originally Posted by mexico88
Ah, that makes sense now...

You're in the 'click' club.

Your being used as another cog in the SISU PR strategy - can't you see it? Your being groomed to say positive things about a totally rotten set up.

If your mate Waggot is a real football man - why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS, not just look at them? Answer: He's a money man first - football man second!

Point Number 2

"We are not going to get them all and with the embargo still there at the moment we are doing whatever we can to keep in the game and keep discussions going".

I take it you don't consider this to be good PR for the owners who have the embargo in place?

Point Number 3

Will do, thanks for the tip


Well-Known Member
I don't imagine any of the 5200 would ask for their money back due to lack of signings as we wouldn't have renewed in the first place!


"Dear 5200 season ticket renewals, I'm just lowering your expectations of signings after having faith in us - it's not possible for us to tell you out right that we wont be lifting it - as you'll stop buying season tickets or ask for your money back."


New Member
let me just check you are not bi polar are you? There is just one mexico88?

Point number 1

Originally Posted by mexico88
Ah, that makes sense now...

You're in the 'click' club.

Your being used as another cog in the SISU PR strategy - can't you see it? Your being groomed to say positive things about a totally rotten set up.

If your mate Waggot is a real football man - why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS, not just look at them? Answer: He's a money man first - football man second!

Point Number 2

"We are not going to get them all and with the embargo still there at the moment we are doing whatever we can to keep in the game and keep discussions going".

I take it you don't consider this to be good PR for the owners who have the embargo in place?

Point Number 3

Will do, thanks for the tip

You are so funny... but please don't take that as a compliment. To continue with my own amusement, please see the below comments - and well done for slowing down. *pats head:claping hands: I look forward to the next bunch of random words you post - it's better that playing brain training games!

"Bi Polar - a major affective disorder in which an individual alternates between states of deep depression and extreme elation. " Did you mean Alzheimer's or something? Bi-polar doesn't really fit with what you're saying.:confused:

POINT NUMBER 1) "why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS" - no... still can't see it? Where does it say, that I said he was employed by SISU not to buy players?

POINT NUMBER 2) ""We are not going to get them all and with the embargo still there at the moment we are doing whatever we can to keep in the game and keep discussions going".

I take it you don't consider this to be good PR for the owners who have the embargo in place?"

How is that bad press? An employee of SISU (or whatever its called) saying "Were doing all we can to keep in the game and keep discussions going" - sounds like a good member of staff to me. Working hard despite the companies difficulties. All pulling together as a team and not grumbling.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not. I was answering a question. Nothing more.

Please PM me a list of things that I am/am not allowed to mention.

we know you have a season ticket... dont have to remind us every 5 posts :facepalm:


New Member
Oh God - help - I am being used - I feel so violated - if only someone had warned me earlier - I feel so cheap...............

If SISU's evil master plan is to get me on-side and use my massive (yeah right) influence to convince all the fans that SISU are wonderful and just misunderstood and not the useless and incompetent uncaring bunch of bankers that they really are then its not exactly working, either with me or with anyone else.

Mate, you are just a tiny cog in SISU PR startergy. A mere article to show that they are trying to create dialogue with the fans. You are definitely NOT a master plan of SISU's.


Well-Known Member
You are so funny... but please don't take that as a compliment. To continue with my own amusement, please see the below comments - and well done for slowing down. *pats head:claping hands: I look forward to the next bunch of random words you post - it's better that playing brain training games!

"Bi Polar - a major affective disorder in which an individual alternates between states of deep depression and extreme elation. " Did you mean Alzheimer's or something? Bi-polar doesn't really fit with what you're saying.:confused:

POINT NUMBER 1) "why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS" - no... still can't see it? Where does it say, that I said he was employed by SISU not to buy players?

POINT NUMBER 2) ""We are not going to get them all and with the embargo still there at the moment we are doing whatever we can to keep in the game and keep discussions going".

I take it you don't consider this to be good PR for the owners who have the embargo in place?"

How is that bad press? An employee of SISU (or whatever its called) saying "Were doing all we can to keep in the game and keep discussions going" - sounds like a good member of staff to me. Working hard despite the companies difficulties. All pulling together as a team and not grumbling.

This was the aspect of it I was referring to

They may also believe things that seem irrational to other people (delusions). Such as Steve Waggott inentionally manipulating Jan.

However in hindsight, I should not have made the bi polar comment, as there are people out there who will suffer from it who will not be amused by my comment. I take that back

If you do not think this comment

"why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS, not just look at them?"

Suggests that he is employed to look at players and not buy them (which is exactly what it says) Then this conversation seems a bit pointless as what can I really say to that kind of logic?

Regarding the Waggot comment that he is not going to be able to sign the players they have identified, due to the transfer embargo. However he will keep working hard.

Personally I don't think that is good PR for SISU, however you do so maybe will have to agree to to disagree on that one.

Regarding the pat on the head, Thanks
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New Member
This was the aspect of it I was referring to

They may also believe things that seem irrational to other people (delusions). Such as Steve Waggott inentionally manipulating Jan.

However in hindsight, I should not have made the bi polar comment, as there are people out there who will suffer from it who will not be amused by my comment. I take that back

If you do not think this comment

"why doesn't he go and work for someone who will pay him to actually BUY PLAYERS, not just look at them?"

Suggests that he is employed to look at players and not buy them (which is exactly what it says) Then this conversation seems a bit pointless as what can I really say to that kind of logic?

Regarding the Waggot comment that he is not going to be able to sign the players they have identified, due to the transfer embargo. However he will keep working hard.

Personally I don't think that is good PR for SISU, however you do so maybe will have to agree to to disagree on that one.

Regarding the pat on the head, Thanks


I'm really sorry, I have to go and play in the real world now - try and get out more, type less, add commas and have fun! x


Well-Known Member

I'm really sorry, I have to go and play in the real world now - try and get out more, type less, add commas and have fun! x

Ok, thanks for the kiss

Any other written English tips, please let me know.

Also any crazy conspiracy theories that Steve Waggott is manipulating Jan as part of the SISU PR machine. Do not keep them to yourself! Not during these turbulent downbeat times.

Also, if you say one thing but it actually does not mean what you said, I will try and not misunderstand you in the future, I apologise xx


Well-Known Member
No one else concerned by this sentence "if we are going to start trading again"


Really hope it's a turn of phrase and not a slip of the tongue.


Well-Known Member
No one else concerned by this sentence "if we are going to start trading again"


Really hope it's a turn of phrase and not a slip of the tongue.

I'm concerned but not surprised.

Regarding the failure to submit accounts and subsequent transfer embargo, here's a quote from Fisher (2nd March):

“Our accounts were due on February 29.

As part of the accounts submission process then we have to be able to show committed funding out for the next financial year and, at this stage, we could not do this as we, the board, are still in the process of agreeing and negotiating budgets with the owner."

There is nothing untoward about this and it is perfectly normal to be negotiating funding with the owner.

We would hope to secure funding commitments in the very next few weeks."

That was 15 weeks ago.

theprince summed it up with his reply to the OP.

In today's article, Waggott states: “Everyone at the club is working really hard to get the embargo lifted ASAP..."

This is nothing more than a meaningless platitude - by definition it's completely inaccurate: how on earth are the cleaners, shop staff, groundsmen, playing staff, directors, coaching staff, ticket office staff working 'really hard' (! - another platitude) to get the embargo lifted???!!!

It would be more accurate to say "Nobody at the club is working really hard to get the embargo lifted ASAP..." because there is simply nothing they can do about it!!


Well-Known Member
Is it indicating trading as the two way street we know it is ,expect some out before any come in ?Not that it would be any surprise.


Well-Known Member
No one else concerned by this sentence "if we are going to start trading again"


Really hope it's a turn of phrase and not a slip of the tongue.

Unfortunately IMO, the use of the word if, shows that he does not know. Only the SISU board really know.

Presumably he has been told "go out identify and verbally sound out the free transfers" that he and AT think will improve the squad. "Leave the embargo side of things to us. When we are ready we will tell you to proceed."

Unfortunately SISU probably want to hold off lifting the embargo in order, to apply pressure on ACL and the council.

However there has been a lot of transfer activity today and the longer they wait, the good free transfer list will decrease.
Good free transfers logically are going to be in the highest demand.
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Jack Griffin

no... you really have got me there... I really can't read what you've written, despite several attempts. Please re-submit - perhaps in pictures?

I understood perfectly & agree with dongonzalos

My judgement about Waggot is that he is a footie man & not by any means a SISU puppet, however SISU are the bosses and if you overstep the mark you get fired, so whatever he says will be within certain imits, unless he is a numpty & I doubt that, I am not so sure about mexico however
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Well-Known Member
and so the secrecy of our controllers goes on & on & on,
a total lack of investment,
& continued subterfuge,
oh for owners who would realise the potential,

one day,



New Member
Not Steve Waggotts fault but was hired to aid Andy Thorn in his attempt to acquire players, signings/loans whatever in our attempt to wriggle out of the bottom 3. Apart from Oliver Norwood he couldn't deliver, might include Nimley but i think he was here before Waggott. Steve Waggott is a mate of Tim Fisher, i'm sure they have worked together previously. We are skint, couldn't afford to bring in a loan or two who just might have made the difference between the championship and division 1 which also means the difference between about £4million and £300k in TV money.
If we can finance Mr Waggott why couldn't we have diverted that money to a player ? Simple logic really. So we must question Tim Fisher's job for a mate and SISU's motives.


New Member
If Joy Sepplala, because if you say Sisu you mean Joy Seppala and nobody else, If Joy Seppala wanted to, she could sign off on the accounts and Waggott could start moving players in and out.
So, it is suggested on this thread and on others that she wants to pressure the Council and ACL by killing the Club by keeping it in embargo. How does this pressure work? If I were Council or ACL it would only make me feel that the evidence against her is strengthened. ALL she cares about is the money. She, like her mate Dulieu is deluded if she thinks that attempting to screw the Council and ACL as well as the Club does anything but add to the list of people who have only contempt for her.
She really is the evil monster because everything that has happened to the Club has been a direct result of her actions and decisions. And that includes keeping the embargo in place.


New Member
There is a co-owner you know, a Dermot Coleman, not a lot said or knowm about him but the old adage "the power behind the throne" springs to mind


Well-Known Member
The threat from Joy(less) is not keeping us under an embargo but actually shutting the club all together and leaving the City without a team, the Ricoh without an anchor tenant and ACL(the council/Higgs charity) with a huge hole in its revenue. The council realises the value of the team to the City, economically and spiritually and the value of the team to the Ricoh and the potential for the redevelopment of north Coventry. She doesn't give a toss if the fans of some provincial football club hate her - check out her business dealings and her record is not exactly that of a caring philanthropist - all she cares about is minimising the cost to her investors and blackmailing the council is her latest tactic.

Make no mistake the deal on the table is sell SISU the 50% of ACL and reduce the rent or we shut the club and stop losing even more money - they have long given up on recouping their "investments" in full and will simply get what they can from selling any remaining assets - the players and the bag of balls at Ryton - and then get the hell out. Alarmist? No - realistic I'm afraid.

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