Wasps going into admin & the impact on CCFC (6 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Maybe and maybe my term was based on initial thoughts.

But surely the masses as you mention who wouldn't know all the specifics, would find out in the press about £xm being spent on a private hedge fund owned Rugby club, losing millions each year?

Given cost of living etc, I'd imagine that would be of interest to the local taxpayers in tough times that your council is given a hugely loss making sports franchise millions when they could be using that money for something more meaningful like food banks etc.

I think you are giving people too much credit. Probably sounding like a dickhead here. Barely anyone will care about this.

Hardly anyone gave a shit about the bin strike and the workers plight and many actively took the piss. On here. People only care about what’s directly affecting them.

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Deleted member 5849

Makes me wonder if Sisu in some way has a chance of getting the stadium should wasps go into admin.

the ccc spite showing again?
I reckon it's more backing the wrong horse, and not just that but throwing everything behind it (city of Rugby etc!) and so not being able to see it come down as they think it'll finish them politically.

Seems slightly one-eyed to me, as the decision to sell was unanimous so nobody comes out with clean hands, and continuing along this path just entrenches them further with no way out.


Well-Known Member
The only way is to email them and let them know your feelings


It’s great sadness that I write to you. I have seen there is a vote to save the wasps. I didn’t vote for you to help a failing business that had little or no. Impact to our community. I voted for because I believed you are the best candidate to make our community better.

With inflation and the cost of living rising. How can it be justified. There are lots of small communities and vulnerable people who did help not a rugby club that has no ties to the community.

This is the sort of thing that Boris Johnson would do.

If this is passed you will lose the support of your voters.

The rugby team hasn’t been welcomed in our city and this will make them feel less welcomed.

Even now as I write this there is a majority of people in Coventry are against it.

I hope you see sense and do the right thing

Deleted member 5849

I said:
As my local councillors, I was very disturbed to hear on BBC CWR that an emergency meeting was being called tonight to discuss a potential bailout for Wasps Rugby club. Not only does this seem to be throwing good money after bad, it's also a short termist decision made to save political face, as far as I can see. What such a decision does is continue to put an unfair glass ceiling on Coventry Rugby Club (a club far more associated with the city and its identity, and therefore far more marketable to increase awareness of the city around the country) but also causes issues for the football club too. The decision would be short termist and desperate, appeal to the immediate, and would not look to the longer term strength of our city.

What the Wasps experiment has shown, conclusively, is that franchising does not work in this country. To throw more money at the situation would be an act of gross negligence in my view, and would see me unable to vote for any councillor who supported it.

Many thanks,

Pompous turd


Well-Known Member
Just thinking outside the box here. Is this a planted story to read the room? Seems a bit smoke, mirrors and totally scandalous.

People of Coventry need to leave them in no doubt about the weight of feeling here.


Well-Known Member
Just thinking outside the box here. Is this a planted story to read the room? Seems a bit smoke, mirrors and totally scandalous.

People of Coventry need to leave them in no doubt about the weight of feeling here.

Someone has leaked it as they feel that are being ‘bounced into a decision’ as quoted by Gilbert.

Fingers crossed, the social media outrage seen so far will ensure they make the right decision.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Just thinking outside the box here. Is this a planted story to read the room? Seems a bit smoke, mirrors and totally scandalous.

People of Coventry need to leave them in no doubt about the weight of feeling here.

The council spite the football club to much to be putting the fevers out. Duggins and Matton have made this personal and will do anything to save face


Well-Known Member
From Gilbert, "This is all being done behind closed doors and in private. Just as the Arena bail out of 2013 was. That ended in judicial review. One source told me they were being “bounced into a decision”. If the ruling Labour group signs this off tonight, it will be signed off without scrutiny from the public or the opposition Conservative Party councillors."

Obviously that's the way you act when everything is above board and stands up to scrutiny


Well-Known Member
I know they don't say anything but I think it's been said a long time that their long-term aim is the stadium. Other bidders have already been named, will they be another who knows. To much bad history with them in my view and want them gone.
If SISU get the stadium it just gives them another chance to rape the club doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
I expect the council members tonight to do their job and grow some balls and vote NO. If they roll over I hope the can sleep tonight and utter shame and disgust needs to be poured over every single one of them.

Paul Anthony

Well-Known Member
From Gilbert, "This is all being done behind closed doors and in private. Just as the Arena bail out of 2013 was. That ended in judicial review. One source told me they were being “bounced into a decision”. If the ruling Labour group signs this off tonight, it will be signed off without scrutiny from the public or the opposition Conservative Party councillors."

Obviously that's the way you act when everything is above board and stands up to scrutiny

I can't help but get the feeling that the vote is basically a foregone conclusion.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
My family in the city have all received this to email off

Dear Councillor,

It is with concern I have today read reports of an emergency meeting of the Labour group within Coventry City Council with the aim of providing Wasps RFC with a financial bailout. In the current climate, with rising energy prices, inflation and people genuinely struggling to make ends meet it strikes me as extremely distasteful to provide public funds to a privately owned enterprise that has very little benefit to the city.

As I’m sure you’re aware Wasps only relocated to the city in 2014. During the time they have been there they have seen attendances collapse and debt rack up at an alarming rate. They were also able to move here with the assistance of a £35m bond scheme which, as I’m also sure you’re aware of, has now been defaulted on. There is little appetite for them from residents of the city.

Any funds that are provided to Wasps RFC at this time will only make their way into private hands while also delaying the inevitable. The business model in Coventry simply doesn’t work for them, not before, during or after the covid pandemic. It would be a catastrophically poor use of public funds to bail out a failing organisation in this way.

It also makes me question my status as a lifelong Labour voter in Coventry. I don’t see how I could continue to support a party who would divert such vitally needed funds to a private organisation in a time of such crisis.

I implore you to do the right thing for the future of your party, the voters of your ward and for the good of the city and refuse any assistance.

Please don’t let this single act get in the way of all the good work you do for our city.



Well-Known Member

Nope. Hope it’s voted down. Would be a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and completely unprecedented. The arena has interest, let it and Wasps self made demise play out.
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