Well-Known Member
Well said Dave.
What did he say? I couldn't be arsed to read all of that
Well said Dave.
So because he doesn't agree with you he's wrong at every opportunity?
What did he say? I couldn't be arsed to read all of that![]()
Some of that is true. But your ongoing focus on anyone other that SISU as holding culpability redefines 'delusional'. Still, as someone who scoffed at the idea of a rugby club coming to the Ricoh, lauded Fisher and Waggot's track record at Charlton, awaited the 'smoking gun' from the Judicial Review like a kid on Christmas Eve, anointed SISU as 'the only show in town', and claimed the Judical review had been lost on purpose, masterminded by Fisher 'the best CEO we've had in years'; I'm guessing you're going to be the most shouty in pointing the finger elsewhere.
To save your fingers posting in return; yes, I thought Thorn was the next Bill Shankley, I'm actually Peter Knatchbull-Hugessen's Dad, and I love Wasps being in town. Oh, and Ann Lucas is coming for tea, and we're going to watch a video of all of CCFC's losses this season and piss ourselves, and perhaps even have sex. Twice
No. History has shown he's wrong. He doesn't need me to judge him
To save your fingers posting in return; yes, I thought Thorn was the next Bill Shankley, I'm actually Peter Knatchbull-Hugessen's Dad, and I love Wasps being in town. Oh, and Ann Lucas is coming for tea, and we're going to watch a video of all of CCFC's losses this season and piss ourselves, and perhaps even have sex. Twice
I wouldn't bother. He's wrong. You, MMM and the others are right. Always have been, always will be.
The WASPS deal went through so smoothly as both sides were desperate to do the deal WASPS got a bargain and CCC desperate to get away from ever having to negotiate with SISU ever again.
Of course the real undoing for you on this thread is the points raised by Chief Dave a vehemently anti sisu poster and far more balanced than you.
Dwindling band? Yes keep getting likes from the intelligenta - Sky Blue Kid, Tony Astute and Italia. Well done you.
I agree Torch but the fact that it seems to have had a unanimous voted by the local councilors can't help but think SISU had pi$$ed them off so much that many were doing this out of spite. However I doubt if the same deal had been offered to WASPS it would have gone through smoothly especially when they thought that they were the only show in town.
How anal can you get checking peoples likes ?
I will 'like' anybody that posts a sensible post. But don't quote me at infinitum for it.
How anal can you get checking peoples likes ?
I will 'like' anybody that posts a sensible post. But don't quote me at infinitum for it.
Interesting you missed MMM saying about the likes but that wasn't Anal.
I was mocking MMM and his "likes" comment
Keep it going team...10 more pages and we've 'done' the Pompey thread...
We've got a long way to go though to top this bad boy...
Crack on...
I think it was listed in SBS&L's accounts.
Yep - we can do this
And I think history has shown and will show that CCC are just as much to blame for our undoing. But, as someone who is 100% correct on everything, that won't make any difference to you. You'll still come out with a "but, but, but" statement every time someone dares to criticise your favourite public body.
Out of interest what would you be saying if CCC had never got involved in the Ricoh project in the first place and left the club to sort out its own mess with HR and Arena 2000? Because surely that is the only alternative scenario to what has actually happened?
Keep going guys the 250yr lease is almost up
If we are "If'ing" then I would suggest we stayed at HR so we wouldn't have had to have anything to do with the Council. Or SISU.
Did we have the option of stopping?
I don't know. This is a "what if" game, isn't it? We should have.
Not really. IIRC when CCC bailed out what was Arena 2000 we were facing being homeless, in the real sense, not the TF sense.
If I'm right on that score what would you have said if CCC hadn't bailed the project out and we really found ourselves homeless?
No that is not what I think at all. What I do think is that SISU are only here temporarily while the club are, hopefully, here permanently. I think it is the responsibility of the local council to act in the best interests of organisations who have been part of the community for over 100 years. I certainly think they should be more concerned about them than rugby clubs from London. No matter how bad SISU have been as owners what happens when they leave? Normally new owners bring some hope of things changing for the better, not for us anymore, we are still screwed for decades to come thanks to the actions of CCC.
Now of course you may make the argument that CCC and Higgs had to sell ACL. That may be true but if it is I would argue that it should have been done in an open manner. In order to maximise the return for CCC and Higgs it should have been placed on the market with any interested party able to bid. It most certainly shouldn't be done behind closed doors and hidden behind confidentiality. I wonder, if SISU weren't involved, if opinions might be different. What if CCC sold off the Memorial Park in secret, would that be OK as well? Where do you draw the line?
Then you have to consider that if it was the case that ACL needed to be sold it follows that CCC and Higgs have repeatedly lied about the state of ACL, so again I would take issue with CCC who should, at least in theory, be answerable to the population of the city in a way that the likes of SISU aren't. We know SISU, or any other similar organisation, are in it for what they can get out. Local councils should be approaching things from a very different standpoint.
There is an assumption the souring of the relationship is all down to SISU. That may very well be correct but for all we know the claims about the health of ACL could be the root cause.
Put yourself in Fisher's position. You know the rent is too high, you know ACL are reliant on that high rent, you know ACL are basically sat around twiddling their thumbs rather than trying to grow the business as they have the security of the clubs rent. Those are all things Fisher publically said, and was ridiculed for, when he first joined the club.
What if he went into the first meeting, laid out his stance based on the above and ACL, Higgs, CCC or all of the above said what they said in public. That he was talking rubbish, ACL was in rude health, CCFC was a tiny fraction of its business and it could quite happily survive without them.
How do you negotiate from there with the other side holding a false stance. That's not a bit of a bluff that's outright lying.
How different would things have been if in that first meeting CCC and Higgs had conceded that ACL was in a mess, was reliant on CCFC and weren't maximising the use of the facilities on non-matchdays? Of course we will never know but I can imagine there is a chance things could be very different now.
Firstly CCC should never had agreed to confidentiality, I suspect the confidentiality is of greater benefit to CCC than it is to Wasps.
As I have repeatedly said if ACL needed to be sold, of course meaning CCC and Higgs had been somewhat economical with the truth, it should have been an open and transparent process. ACL should have been placed on the market allowing any interested parties to bid.
Any organisations that potentially could be adversely affected by any bidder winning the process should have been given fair opportunity to air their objections. Its not really a complicated concept.
Christ you can barely order a ream of printer paper in the public sector without having to get multiple quotes to prove you're getting best value for the taxpayer but you can sell off a £120m stadium on the cheap in secret? The whole thing stinks to me, we've already found several areas where CCC, Higgs and Wasps have been less than truthful and that's with everything hidden behind a wall of confidentiality. What else would we find if that wall came down?
I think I'm done with this, we're never going to find out what happened. We're never, in all likelihood, going to own the Ricoh or any other stadium. There seems to be little appetite from the majority of the fan base to do anything but applaud CCC and Higgs for getting one over on SISU irrespective of the damage done to the club. We're now just going round in circles. There are many on here, just look at this thread, who will for some reason defend the council and / or Wasps to the hilt no matter what evidence is presented to them.
Didn't we still have an option to buy back HR?
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It was mentioned on a thread the other day that not only did we have the option to buy back we actually exercised the option. Then we sold it again for more money.
It was mentioned on a thread the other day that not only did we have the option to buy back we actually exercised the option. Then we sold it again for more money.
Didn't we still have an option to buy back HR?
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