WW2. War started for Britain on this day. (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Bit embarrassing and it’s people like her which lead people to think we’re like that as a country, which we’re not at all.
Tbf she wasn’t shouting from the roof tops or telling people that she’s better than them. If anything she was challenging herself.
I have encountered this perception of English people from outside the country.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Bit embarrassing and it’s people like her which lead people to think we’re like that as a country, which we’re not at all.
In Scotland I found that there was endless talk of England having won the World Cup in 1966. Not from English people mind you, but from Scottish people telling me that it's all English people talk about. In my experience lots of Scots would be going out of their way to prove how they aren't like English people while actually showing they have plenty in common, societally, culturally and otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Whether we’re religious or not, the country was built on Christian values.

Mmmm. By people claiming to be Christian but in reality have never demonstrated Christian values. Without going down the whole empire rabbit hole again there’s nothing Christian about an awful lot of the things we did to actually build this country. I was extremely religious as a child, took myself to church every Sunday, went back for Sunday school, was part of a Christian youth movement etc etc, I lost my faith as a teenager but I remember enough of the bible to quote it (loosely) when occasion calls and the as Jesus told the wealthy man in the market who approached him and said I can just say I’m a Christian and he rewarded in heaven, Jesus replied Christianity isn’t a word, Christianity is an action. Or something along those lines. An awful lot of prominent people who shaped this country historically and more recently are going to have to square a lot of pegs in round holes to get past the pearly gates. Though shall not lie for example Jacob Rees-Mogg.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I think National identity is important and having a semblance of pride in your country is a good thing. We lose that and I think things could unravel quite quickly

Whether we’re religious or not, the country was built on Christian values. You could say over time these became British values. I wouldn't class myself as religious but I think if we lose those then we’ll be a worse country for it

there is a big difference between patriotism and nationalism, nationalism is a disease


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I think National identity is important and having a semblance of pride in your country is a good thing. We lose that and I think things could unravel quite quickly

Whether we’re religious or not, the country was built on Christian values. You could say over time these became British values. I wouldn't class myself as religious but I think if we lose those then we’ll be a worse country for it
I’d argue those values haven’t endured here because they’re Christian, they’ve endured because they’re conducive to the Western capitalist system that has made us a prosperous country. There’s very little difference between our values and those of our explicitly secular neighbours.

As for the patriotism thing, Britain tends to rank quite highly on international rankings of patriotism, but I’m not sure there’s much correlation between a country being patriotic and a country being a good, stable place to live.


Well-Known Member
A thread about WW2 and Tony is blathering on about the Empire and the English flag. Could not have predicted this at all...

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Well-Known Member
I disagree. I think National identity is important and having a semblance of pride in your country is a good thing. We lose that and I think things could unravel quite quickly
I think as long as it's balanced and doesn't tip over into thinking we are exceptional just because of the country we're from. That way leads to dangerous nationalist lunatics and can prevent you from improving as you will not even consider another country'd way of life in superior is one respect or another.

On balance, I still think it'd be best if we didn't really think about country, especially in the modern age where so many people move around the globe and experience different cultures. I want us to look at everyone for the good and bad as to how we should and shouldn't live, not just our own country.

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
Some of the negatives of German kids being taught that their nation was dreadful show with their unwillingness to show patriotism and their general unease when it comes to their flag .. despite a small period , Germany as a country has much to be proud of View attachment 31788

It's never a good idea to hammer home that you're ashamed of your country
Thinking back, the Union Flag was a sign of far right groups in the 70’s 80’s and beyond. It was powerful but for all the wrong reasons. This meant that some true patriots were embarrassed to fly the flag.

Unlike the US, who would still sing the national anthem in schools.

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people just don’t think that the St George cross represents them. It’s a Christian flag for starters and the majority of the country isn’t Christian, almost 40% at the last census claimed to not be religious at all.
I’m Sky Blue. If I want to fly a a flag it would be a Union Flag, that’s where I landed. Flags are used so much more than when I was young.

The Union Flag was also a sign of broken society in places like Northern Ireland. I felt no pride seeing some of the marching season footage there.

However, in terms of religion, all faiths are in decline other than the fairytale zealots who are Far right /far left or just plain followers of doctrine.


Well-Known Member
Now now, don’t need to be unhinged to be in a therapist chair do you

No but this essentially is a football forum and someone spending 95% of their time on other subjects - and hugely contradicting their previous stance - is pretty odd.


Well-Known Member
Thought this article about lack of contextual thinking in the world today might be of interest as it ties into some of this thread. The penultimate paragraph sums it up for me…unfortunately it’s not just the kids.

‘And this is why even liberals (like myself) who have long shied away from regulation should confront the possibility that these apps* are not merely making our children sick but corroding the fabric of contextual thought’

*social media

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