Thanks OSB, I think I understand that.
1) ACL, the fixture and fittings, lease is security for the bonds regardless of who holds the shares in ACL
2) the bond holders will have to approve or reject any sale of shares.
3) the security in the bonds mean that whoever buys in will have to pay 8-9x what wasps did
4) whoever buys will have to also take on the liability for a debt they never took on
5) wasps won't want to sell the shares anyway
6) wasps don't need the club and therefore are completely in the box seat for negotiations which will likely be a take it or leave it off
7) we're up shit creek without a paddle
8) wasps aren't going to make any deal based on on the improbability if flukeing a promotion in the future
It's all very depressing.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors