There is obviously plenty wrong, but not everything is wrong. The biggest problem is getting 28 countries with widely different views to act together. Despite that, we need to act together as a block in present day circumstances. A dilemma which won't be solved by brexit.
The weaker countries in the Euro were weak before the Euro. Greece was a financial disaster and should never have been accepted. Italy was constantly devaluing and for years constantly having government crisis.
Most of Spain and Portugal were poor pre EU.
Free movement of labour has helped our Economy and given poorer people the chance to work elsewhere for more money than at home.
To say we are governed by Germany is bending the truth to fit your POV. We were a counterbalance , or are you classing us alongside the likes of Estonia? We have a powerful Economy and large population. We should be up there in the EU alongside Germany bringing Europe together.
1, I never said everything was wrong. But thereare major problems. And they never do anything about them. They just bring more countries in that are not prepared for what will happen. And it makes the problems worse.
2, What you have said here is agreeing with what I am saying. They sign up other countries that are already having problems. Then they sign up to the Euro. They then lose any ability to value their currency to their needs. This makes their problems worse.
3, Free movement of labour then makes things worse for the countries they are leaving. Who is going to pay for the older population who stay behind? So these countries need more bailouts. This brings in more austerity. So more leave. It becomes a vicious circle.
4, Are you trying to say that we have as much of a say as Germany? It isn't my POV. I understand what is going on. If we had much of a say we wouldn't be in the position we are now. Yes we should be there with Germany making the rules and bringing Europe together. But we are not.